I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 585 Prepare for a rainy day

"How is the condition of the Forward? Does it need to adjust its orbit?"

"No, they just released the robot to conduct random inspections outside. There are no problems either internally or externally. It is far from reaching the upper limit."

The superior nodded, but still felt a little worried:

"You must make an emergency plan. It means 38 lives, and the Forward cannot make any mistakes."


Zhong Cheng reflexively closed his legs in salute, and then suddenly realized that he had retired from active service.

He is the person who succeeded the Director of the Space Administration and the Chairman of the Aerospace Development Commission. His resume is very different from that of the previous Directors.

Zhong Ben originally graduated from Beijing University with a major in fluid mechanics, but after completing graduate school he chose to join the army. After more than 20 years of work, he has both strong technical skills and pretty good management skills.

Naturally, the military was extremely reluctant to transfer such a capable man, who was only in his fifties and in his prime, to the space agency, and it took a lot of effort from his superiors to appease him.

He is proficient in fluid mechanics and has been exposed to a lot of nuclear equipment and rockets in his work. In the eyes of his superiors, he is a person who is very capable of adapting to the new changes in aerospace.

In addition, Zhong Cheng also has an important mission to explore the organization and construction of the Space Force and figure out the methods and command system of space warfare.

Lucia and Ami both chose to upgrade the air force to the aerospace force, but the country has not yet made a decision after careful study.

First of all, the needs of the Air and Space Force are not that urgent. The whole world is not very clear about what the Air and Space Force does, and there is no need to follow the trend just for the sake of fashion;

The domestic view for the time being is that the earth's orbit needs to be used as the boundary. Everything within the earth's orbit is under the jurisdiction of the Air Force. Only the space beyond the earth's orbit belongs to real space, so that the Space Force can be worthy of its name.

Therefore, one of the basic indicators of the Space Force is to exceed the speed of the second universe. As for who to fight and how to fight in the desolate universe, the country is still blank. Let the space agency go first.

Although the Forward exercise was rushed, Zhong Cheng did not copy the methods on Earth. Instead, he tried his best to make extensive adjustments based on expert advice and work experience, which made the Standing Committee very satisfied.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no accident in the Qianjin itself. While this super giant has made China Aerospace truly the world's number one, it has also brought huge financial pressure.

Not to mention the budget of hundreds of billions spent on construction, the maintenance cost of this thing is also horribly high. If you think about it, you will know how big the demand is to provide supplies for a space station with a full load and operating mass of over 2,000 tons. It can cost one or two a year. Ten billion budget.

When the Forward faced the EMP, the Standing Committee was sweating. They knew in advance that if the space station's electronic components failed to survive, the repair cost would be tens of billions at least, and it would take more than half a year.

But worries are all worries, the experience of the Standing Committee today was quite good.

You know, this time the Dongfeng 15C launch plan is also codenamed "Death Knell", and the above used it to complete an extremely complete nuclear counterattack exercise.

In the setting of the exercise, country A was the first to launch a nuclear strike. After our satellite detected it, we immediately locked the opponent's capital and launched a strategic counterattack. At the same time, we initiated the interception process against the incoming target. All military regions across the country were mobilized and prepared to attack everywhere according to the plan.

Among them, the national-level exercises were real, and the strategic counterattack only stopped after one step of aiming and locking. The interception was carried out by hitting a fixed target. The only one that was actually launched with a nuclear warhead was the Dongfeng 15C.

In imagination, this was actually a rocket carrying out a cross-ocean counterattack. The Standing Committee, which was completely engaged in daily work, suddenly received an early warning of a surprise attack. The superiors issued a "counterattack" order to launch the rocket. The remaining people met in the underground air raid shelter to designate the second counterattack plan.

This exercise has a total of three stages. Each IAEA cleanup operation will be simulated with a specific script, making the experience extremely realistic.

Of course, there is another purpose of doing this: it is extremely low probability that someone will fake it and actually do it, and practicing can also reduce some losses.

The superior couldn't help but glance outside the door, where there should be a guard carrying a black suitcase. He still remembered what he did a few hours ago.

In fact, the process is very simple: when you open the lockbox, you will see two small manuals, one red and one black. The red one is a comparison of the counterattack target codes, and the black one is an introduction to the equivalent selection, but both of them give several set optional combinations.

Based on the information that has been obtained, the operator needs to select a plan within a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes, then enter the plan code, enter the password again, and press the button to complete all operations.

This is a normal process. The abnormal process is to open the box and press 0 hard on the keyboard. After exceeding 8 digits, directly hit the launch button to automatically execute the highest level counterattack command.

According to the exercise plan, the first two times were normal procedures, and the last one was an abnormal procedure.

Of course, the suitcase used in the exercise was a simulation, but it was not considered a fake. It was a backup second suitcase.

The two suitcases are connected to the satellite network at any time. The first suitcase will answer a call from the satellite network every 90 seconds. If there is no response for three consecutive times, it will automatically determine the failure and transfer the authority to the second suitcase. Otherwise, the second suitcase will not respond. The command sent by Suitcase is invalid.

The first suitcase is with another guard, but he is waiting in another direction, so they must not let the two of them take it by mistake...

Zhong Cheng also fully participated in the first exercise. After all, according to the normal schedule, he should be reporting on recent work at that time. He saw with his own eyes the slightly trembling fingers of his superiors when pressing the button, and also saw the wide-eyed soldiers in the underground bunker. .

At that moment, he had always had doubts: Was World War III really coming? Was there really countless rockets rising from the dense forests and deserts after the suitcase was launched? Was there really a nuclear submarine that silently cut off the signal and dived into the deep sea? It was really already a sea of ​​fire.

It wasn't until he saw the congested Second Ring Road again that he couldn't believe it was all fake. He could only say that the serious-looking guards were too serious, making it impossible to tell the truth from the lies.

He couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the thought of something like this happening twice more.

Jingle Bell……

The black phone on the desk suddenly rang. The superior hung up the phone after just saying a few words, and then looked at Zhong Cheng:

"One of the 'Hong Bells' has been prepared. You must mobilize the satellite network immediately. In the next month, you must maintain strict surveillance of the control area."


Zhong Cheng knew what "Hong Zhong" was. Lucia and Ami's increase in yield was not a temporary decision. The country did not care about how many times their yield increased. What they cared about was whether it would intensify ocean pollution, which would not be good.

If this happens, there is only one solution: use a hydrogen bomb with a larger yield to clean up the remaining problems. Anyway, there are still many 15 million tons of two-phase configurations in China.

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