On Labor Day, May 1, the Tianwen-2 probe was successfully launched in Wenchang.

On May 3, Tianwen-3 was successfully launched from Jiuquan. On the same day, during the second landing of the Tianmu-4 detection mission, the 1.5 million-ton hydrogen bomb used for the test explosion was placed at the predetermined location.

On May 5, Tianwen-4 was also successfully launched from Jiuquan. A few hours later, the Kennedy Space Center launched a Falcon Heavy and launched two probes to Mars.

On the evening of May 6, Jiuzhang separated from the Wutu Space Station for the third time, preparing for its final short landing, and then stayed in the lunar orbit to wait for the test explosion before landing.

Only two astronauts from the Yushu base remain on the moon. The remaining two are arranged together with experts in the space station and were on the back side of the explosion during the test explosion.

In Qiongzhou, the Long March 18 was preparing for the launch mission the next morning, preparing to send the "Zhurong" to Mars. The sea off the launch site of Wengjia Bay was once again a large gathering of ships.

Just as the whole world was marveling at the intensive firework-like launch missions to Mars these days and looking forward to the first blasting operation on the moon, a number of unexpected breaking news suddenly appeared:

"Aramco demands a review of the legality of United Minerals' use of hydrogen bombs for explosive operations."

“America’s representative to the United Nations: There are huge loopholes in the Outer Space Treaty and it is recommended to initiate a new round of meetings to revise it.”

"John calls on the world to promote the disarming of outer space and not to let space become mankind's fourth battlefield."

"Former Hexagon officials have called for a new round of nuclear disarmament to eliminate more nuclear weapons to improve world stability."

“Massive environmental group protests in Stockholm: Absolute ban on any form of deployment of weapons in space.”

four days ago.

Antony's conclusion was so terrifying that it was difficult for David, who always considered himself to be beyond the earth, to digest it.

He personally gathered people overnight and re-calculated all the suspicious events about NX17 and the financial expenditure of XAP. With the cooperation of hundreds of experts and the intelligence bureau, David finally accepted the decision with a sullen face. Conclusion:

NX17 is an attack satellite that uses nuclear reactors as its main energy source and laser as its main means. Its targets cover ordinary aircraft, ballistic missiles, orbiting satellites, spacecraft, etc. It is a type of attack satellite that covers all areas from low-Earth orbit to synchronous orbit. A super weapon that goes to the entire planet.

The crash of No. 2231 has been almost confirmed. The Air Force Intelligence Office has collected very little public information about the crash, and combined with what happened in the following year, believes that it is extremely unlikely that it will carry out the "new engine test" it claimed. Strictly speaking, it's not common sense.

The most obvious point: The GJ-21 used in the test is a single-engine model. Generally speaking, when airlines test new engines, they will choose a twin-engine model for testing, and only equip one new engine to prevent crashes.

At the same time, according to public information, the XW-9 series is a typical high-altitude and high-speed engine. The J20B has been proven to be equipped with it. Put a high-speed engine for college entrance examination on a higher-education aircraft that focuses on subsonic performance?

There is also some orbital data at that time. When 2231 crashed, NX17 happened to move over Xinyuan Base. According to technical experts' estimation, there was an attack window of just a few minutes. If this is a coincidence, it may not be too far-fetched.

The $15 billion funding black hole previously discovered through financial analysis has almost been explained. Even $50 billion for the development of such a laser satellite is not an exaggeration, and $15 billion is far less.

It makes sense, everything makes sense.

The NX17 is not large in weight and volume, and there is only one confirmed real interception case, but technical experts are 100% certain that its ultimate target must be a ballistic missile.

The speed of No. 2231 exceeded Mach 2 when it crashed. This shows that NX17 at least has the ability to intercept missiles during launch. They must have conducted other tests in the past year, but they were just too concealed to detect it.

With the interception efficiency of laser, whether it is a missile in the launch stage or a warhead descending at the end, it can be destroyed by locking it under the speed of light attack. Although it is difficult, it is not out of reach.

Even if the NX17 doesn't work, the follow-up models that the Chinese people are secretly researching will definitely be bigger and stronger. Maybe the NX17 is just to verify the idea. After confirming that it is correct, they can build a truly terrifying gadget, just like the "Stage-DM".

In the second signal recorded in the Hexagon database, the one in December, NX17 had reached a synchronous orbit through continuous orbit upgrading.

At this orbital altitude, three evenly distributed laser satellites cover major areas of the world and can intercept nuclear missiles from all directions.

Combined with the time point, it was the cleanup time of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Maybe they also took the opportunity to conduct a real drill, but the power was very low and they were just trying out the actual combat effect.

And this shows that NX17 is still active, the Chinese are at least partly right, and a newer generation may have been created.

Everything becomes clear: XAP is a contractor (or one of them) of NX17. They may have accepted the laser satellite project early, or may have participated in it afterwards. In short, they played an irreplaceable and important role in the manufacturing of NX17.

After the NX17 was successfully manufactured, it was launched in disguise using the hands of private companies. Who would suspect that the Chinese used private companies to launch top-secret military payloads?

Originally, their laser technology was on par with Ami (?), and after investing so much, maybe it has surpassed Ami now!

There should be only one NX17 so far, and other launch missions can be checked and can be ruled out, but this does not mean that the Chinese laser satellite project has temporarily stalled.

On the contrary, if the NX17 fails, they should modify and launch a new and improved version to continue testing, rather than actively using it until last year.

NX17 at least proved that the idea and technical route are successful, so that there is no need to manufacture more verification machines, but to concentrate on creating a more powerful "complete body" that can truly intercept missiles in a wide range.

The mass of the "complete body" should be around 80 to 100 tons. Once launched, it will not be able to get away with it like NX17, which will inevitably lead to widespread speculation.

It is entirely possible that after confirming the technical route, we can directly start mass production of two or three "complete bodies" and launch them into synchronous orbit quickly enough to protect the security of our country. By then, we will be able to establish an absolutely undefeated good situation.

In at least 5 years, only one side in the world will have a strong laser defense system, and its military strength will reveal a huge advantage by suppressing others:

As a land country with extremely deep depth and breadth, after setting up a space protective umbrella, it is almost impossible to be defeated. It can launch nuclear threats unscrupulously or... really start to use nuclear weapons.

When the "complete body" is announced, that is when this ambitious nuclear blackmail plan begins, the whole world will be shrouded in haze, and no one else will be able to stand up again!

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