The Presidential Office, the Ministry of National Defense, and NACA spent two days and one night re-evaluating the results of the 13th Office. The severity of the situation was already equivalent to that of the M incident.

John's beautiful hair has long been rubbed into a mess, and now he is summoning McMaster, the representative of the Hexagon, the staff group, and technical personnel in related fields from several major military industry giants.

The specific purpose of NX17 has been determined, but what needs to be clarified now is how much impact it will have.

Experts from the military industry giant vividly explained to John what happened:

“After more laser satellites are launched, all the missiles we launch will be destroyed, but the missiles they launch can still ensure the vast majority of targets.

Even airplanes are not immune. All kinds of airplanes with aluminum alloy skins will be burned, deformed and crashed in less than a second. In the future, Aramco’s airplanes, tanks, and soldiers will be simply destroyed and deformed as long as they are exposed to satellite lenses. Into a pile of metal fragments.

Aramco’s 6,000 nuclear bombs will explode somewhere other than the target, and at least 250 of their 300 nuclear bombs will be able to hit the target. The triad nuclear counterattack network that has been painstakingly established with huge national resources will be directly paralyzed by death from space. "

At the same time, Raytheon, which mainly develops lasers, also demonstrated how long it would take to reach the level of NX17, and concluded that it would take 3 to 5 years, with a huge investment of no less than 20 billion US dollars.

At that time, the Chinese laser satellites had already monitored the world.

There was a three-minute silence in the Oval Office after Raytheon raised the prospect.

If the threat of aliens is optimistically believed to be more than ten years or even decades away, then the Sword of Damocles is already hanging above our heads, immediately bringing about the huge terror of life and death.

The balance that had been based on nuclear deterrence for nearly 60 years finally began to tilt. The other side added a weight called a laser satellite, which instantly pushed it to the bottom.

Under the all-round monitoring of laser satellites, there will be a situation where Lin Ju presses a button (heavy fog) in the future, and aircraft and spacecraft around the world are afraid to take off. Even if others develop similar equipment, smooth delivery cannot be guaranteed. into space.

John wiped away the fine cold sweat on his forehead and murmured:

"Chinese people love peace. They will not take the lead in provoking war. They will not..."


Sullivan interrupted:

"There is an old Chinese proverb: If you have a sharp knife hidden in your body, you will not be able to resist the urge to use it to hurt others.

If you already have a weapon at your disposal, why would you want to discard it? "

The atmosphere that had finally been broken solidified again. Frankly speaking, if Ami had mastered this kind of weapon, it would be absolutely impossible not to wield it in his hand at all times and exert extreme pressure to extract oil and water everywhere. If he couldn't be forced to die, he would die. force.

If you don't show off such a good thing, wouldn't it be in vain?

Under this speculation of "evaluating others by oneself", everyone became even more uneasy.

I don’t know how long it took before John’s heavy and tired voice sounded again:

"Immediately use all our intelligence forces to collect more information, and try to find ways to delay their progress. At the same time, we will immediately go all out to develop laser satellites. There is no budget requirement, and we must spend every cent of the federal government to research it!"

“Two million years ago, Homo sapiens, the ancestor of modern humans, appeared. 1.5 million years ago, humans learned to use fire. This was the first time humans controlled the power of nature.

200 years ago, steam engines changed our lives, so we call it the Steam Age;

100 years ago, the internal combustion engine became the mainstream and the era of the internal combustion engine arrived;

Starting in the 1920s, electrification was a sign of mankind’s embrace of the future, and the electrical age was the beginning of modernization;

In 1942, the first nuclear reactor lit up the electric light, then began to propel ships, aircraft, and now propels us into the universe.

It took humans 3 million years to go from the Stone Age to the Space Age. Modern science has benefited all mankind. Never before have so many people lived at the same time, never have so much food been produced, and never have so many civilizations crystallized and improved. our life.

It has taken us half a century to get over the trauma of war, but space is the last pure land for mankind. All peace-loving people around the world say: Let the evil stop in the atmosphere. Humanity in the space age is united, and there is no war in space.

The strife and bloodshed on Earth are heartbreaking enough, and we cannot allow such tragedies to happen in space again.

Aramco firmly opposes all attempts to cause the militarization of space. No one is allowed to deploy various weapons in space for any reason or for any purpose.

We hope that the Outer Space Treaty will be implemented more strictly to ensure that any man-made objects in space are used for peaceful purposes that benefit mankind. "

In Manhattan, the ambassador of the United States to the United Nations and an intellectual woman, Germanie Ferrante, would shed tears almost at any time and delivered a touching speech in front of many representatives.

Lucia representative Dimitri and Chinese representative Xu Rang both applauded vigorously with praise, and then looked at each other after the camera moved away, and the emotion in their eyes was replaced by various complex emotions.

Xu Rang: What the hell are Yankees doing? I never heard of an environmentally friendly girl taking over the presidential palace.

Dimitri: I don’t know.

Although eye contact cannot display subtitles, it does not prevent the two from quickly exchanging information.

If Lin Ju were asked to summarize Ami’s current behavior, he could probably describe it in two words: power generation.

Even Xu Rang and Dimitri were confused. International politics is all about cause and effect, and there must be an ulterior purpose behind all seemingly unreasonable actions.

Aramco suddenly hinted that it would interfere with United Mining's lunar development, and said it would stop the militarization of outer space and jointly reduce nuclear armaments. The reason is really unclear.

The demilitarization of outer space is an inherent issue. Of course, everyone abides by it on the surface, but no one is less involved in small tricks. Ami, do you dare to say in your conscience that X37B does not have military purposes?

Reducing nuclear bombs can be said to be a show or to reduce maintenance costs, so why is it involved in United Mining?

United Mining's development actions have been unanimously approved by everyone. There must be a reason to convince the public when they suddenly turn against each other. The other four parties cannot be easily fooled.

After Germanie's speech, Dimitri and Xu Rang immediately held a private meeting and confirmed that nothing had happened recently to arouse Ami's nerves, so they each began to inquire about information and wanted to know what John had been having recently.

When this news suddenly spread back to China, the entire Aviation Development Committee raised question marks.

How did United Mining make Aramco dissatisfied and cause trouble at this juncture?

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