"What do they want? Do they want money, do they want more from us, a piece of the moon development, or what technology?"

Lin Ju saw Zhong Cheng angry for the first time. He originally wanted to sweep away everything on the table, but in the end he slapped the solid wood table hard, causing the lid of the tea cup to bounce on the spot and make a crisp collision sound. .

Zhong Cheng does have reason to be angry. International cooperation is not a child's play. You can negotiate any terms before finalizing. The agreement was decided and signed more than half a year ago. It is a cooperation project jointly promoted by the five parties. After investing a huge amount of resources, there is only one final step left. But is there any possibility of causing trouble?

"How many nuclear bombs do we need? Even if they are all withdrawn, we will still use hydrogen bombs to mine mines. Use as much yield as possible!"

Although Lin Ju knew that what he said was angry, he still couldn't help but secretly scolded the Yankees for not knowing the rules and how could they stab him at this time.

It doesn't matter even if you put in conditions, but here you go, you don't say anything and suddenly start talking about world peace, you are fooling the devil!

It has only been a few hours since Ami acted like a monster, but the entire Aviation Development Committee is already anxious, gnashing their teeth, waiting for what will happen next.

For such a big matter, I received the notification from above immediately. The general idea was that we were studying and judging and waiting for news.

After another ten minutes, the landline phone on Zhong Cheng's desk rang.

"Hello, I'm Zhong Cheng... um... ok... yes, we have told the astronauts... yes, yes... ok, thank you, leader."

The call was not very long. After hanging up, Zhong Cheng still had a dark face, but he became more confused and began to think deeply.

"How about it?"

"Our people are still inquiring about the news, but...it seems to be related to us."

"It's always been related to us."

"No, not this."

Zhong Cheng's eyes have been replaced by confusion and thinking:

“We just had a brief five-party meeting through the demolition team, and although Ami still didn’t say anything, it seemed to have been hinting at what we were doing.

Damn it, what kind of trouble can we cause by pushing things ourselves? It also said that John would make a hotline call tomorrow morning to discuss world peace and the continued destruction of nuclear bombs. "

Lin Ju also tried hard to recall the memories of the original world line, but he couldn't remember any major events.

Xinyuan has done nothing unusual recently, and there is no so-called space deployment weapon, Qianjun Rod... Oh no, the Chiyang hasn't even been launched yet.

After thinking to no avail, Lin Ju said coldly with a calm face:

"United Mining has spent so much money. If it is really messed up, all the previous investment will be wasted. The hydrogen bomb must be detonated and the moon project must be carried out on time.

Anyone who blocks it is negating all our efforts and hard work! "

"Don't panic yet, it's definitely not that simple. Even if there are any mistakes, it still depends on whether other people agree."

Zhong Cheng briefly comforted him and walked around in place for several times, only to realize that it was already past 11 p.m.

The Zhurong will be launched tomorrow, May 7th, and the nuclear bomb will be detonated on the 9th. There are only less than two days left!

He closed his eyes and thought for a while, calming down again:

"You go back and rest first. There is an important launch mission tomorrow. I will handle these things and there won't be any big trouble."

Lin Ju sighed leisurely: "How can I sleep..."

There was absolutely no reason for this incident. Even if Lin Ju was given three days and three nights, he still couldn't figure out how such an accident could happen.

The two simply stayed up all night and spent most of the night sorting out all the recent events in detail.

Lin Ju also secretly asked the base to analyze whether it was the result of a misunderstanding of the "M Incident", but in the end he found that there should be no connection.

It was almost dawn, when Lin Ju and Zhong Cheng planned to use a bottle of "Anshendo" to ensure they would attend the launch of the Zhurong on time, when the base finally sent an encrypted text message:

"If the finger is really pointed at us, the only one related to space weapons is Death Ray One."

Death Ray No. 1 is the original Qianjun Bang No. 1. After the original trademark was ruthlessly registered, the base had no choice but to change its name to a more understandable name.

But even so, given that Death Ray No. 1 was extremely cautious and even communicated using laser communications that could never be intercepted, it should have been discovered long ago instead of being delayed until now.

The cause is like a mystery, blinding countless people.

"Bill, you don't want to raise the price and ask for the shares of United Mining."

Bill Nelson was floating awkwardly in the core module of the Black Rabbit space station, accepting questions from seven other experts together with Jon and Matthew.

He is the only senior politician here. After the news came from the earth, except for the seven people on the moon, everyone else was asking the three Yankees what conspiracy they had.

Some people thought that they wanted to extort United Mining's shares or technology, while others thought that Aramco wanted to prevent the Aerospace Development Commission from continuing to lead in space. These arguments eventually turned into problems and hit Bill and others.

As a 76-year-old elite who has seen all kinds of storms, Bill has not felt the emotion of "shame" for many years.

Especially in space, which is already surrounded by an ideal atmosphere. It is rare for everyone to be united for a while, and then they are suddenly betrayed?

Fortunately, all Chinese astronauts have gone to the moon, otherwise the atmosphere would only be more embarrassing.

Bill couldn't answer the questions from the others. He really didn't know anything!

Damn John, even a veteran like me, an orthodox congressman whose ancestors followed Washington into the country, must hide this!

While angrily scolding his family for being inhumane, Bill had to reluctantly explain that he had no knowledge and that everything was a misunderstanding, but this could not relieve everyone's anger at all.

Especially Stevenson, he emphasized:

"Tim is down there. He has the fuse and key to detonate the hydrogen bomb. It is now less than 24 hours before the scheduled detonation time. The Royal Air Force has remotely released the safe state. Even if you stop it, 'Robin Hood' will explode on time." !”

"Robin Hood" is the code name for the test explosion of the hydrogen bomb. It was selected by the leaders through domestic online voting. The story of the Rogue was used as the code name for the hydrogen bomb and the operation. The official caliber of this test explosion was called "Operation Sherwood", which is the forest where Robin Hood lives. place name.

"Hey! I'm just an ordinary person. Every hydrogen bomb should be used with extreme caution. It is illegal without Ami's permission."

The Clay Man was still very angry, not to mention Bill, and this sentence completely detonated the conflict with Stevenson.

Fortunately, the others reacted immediately and forcibly pulled away the two people who were already on fire. This is definitely a taboo in space, forcing them to calm down.

But after that, the atmosphere in the space station became extremely stiff. Everyone was silently waiting for the ground's response and whether "Robin Hood" could explode as scheduled.

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