On the afternoon of May 8, while Zhurong was flying to Mars, the Security Council held a meeting on re-discussing and improving the Outer Space Treaty. This meeting was initiated by Germani.

This was almost a one-sided speech, and the other 14 member states frowned and said nothing because they didn't know what happened until now.

The boring meeting lasted for three hours in total. When the first hour passed, Dimitri couldn't stand the nonsense anymore and got up and left. Not long after, Xu Rang also left.

After communicating, the two confirmed that there was no update news from each other's countries, so they became even more depressed.

Just when Xu Rang was about to leave and end this ridiculous day, he saw the current Secretary of State Jack Sullivan walking into the building hurriedly.

The other person's face was serious, and even his walking steps seemed formal. Xu Rang glanced at him and nodded, saying hello and preparing to pass by, but was stopped by Sullivan.

"Xu, welcome to today's discussion. I hope you gain something."

"Of course, peace is an eternal topic for mankind, and we look forward to the arrival of real peace all the time."

Xu Rang couldn't figure out his approach, so he dealt with it casually in an official tone, but he had a vague feeling that Sullivan had something to say.

His calm demeanor made Sullivan slightly irritated, and he couldn't help but move closer and lower his voice:

"America firmly opposes any attempt to arm space. No matter what kind of weapon it is, we will never sit back and allow some people with ulterior motives to mess around. We still have the determination and ability to maintain the stability of world order."

Xu Rang: "..."

Are you talking about yourself...

Xu Rang, who had already noticed the smell of gunpowder, suppressed his expression very well. It seemed to him that something must have happened, but he must not show cowardice without knowing it, so he replied solemnly:

"We are willing to work with Aramco and the United States to maintain a peaceful and stable world order, and we strongly agree with the demilitarization of outer space."

Sullivan hummed subtly, and then said:

"United Mining can use nuclear weapons under supervision and limited use for peaceful purposes, but this does not mean that the United Nations will relax on the Outer Space Treaty. No, we will never compromise!"

Xu Rang stood there and looked back at Sullivan who was walking away, carefully chewing on the meaning of several conversations.

How come it's like us arming space? I haven't heard of it.

He shook his head and decided to report what had just happened truthfully.

"What, leaked?!"

Lin Ju's eyes were full of shock that could not be concealed, and he opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhong Cheng who was full of anger.

"Yes, there are always traitors everywhere!"

Zhong Cheng also just received the news that the Security Bureau had just captured a spy who was trying to find out the plan of the Qianjun Stick and was undergoing memory recovery surgery.

The Qianjun Rod Project is also the laser satellite project based on Chiyang, which is the code name of Project 210. This name does not even appear on paper documents, and the documents are all code names.

In fact, Project 210 is still in the preparatory stage. Although the development is completed by Xinyuan, the military and research institutes are also partially involved.

The just-passed Project 210 directly implements the highest level of confidentiality discipline due to its top-secret nature, and it is still in the early stages, when the Security Bureau's control is the strictest.

The spy was not unaware of the strange atmosphere, but because he was confident that he could remain unnoticed, and because his contactor promised him a generous benefit that was hard to refuse, he decided to take the risk.

The information he received only required him to inquire about a "highly confidential laser weapon project", confirm its existence and try to obtain relevant information.

The word "laser" is the most sensitive thing for the Security Bureau. He was controlled just after he started to inquire about the door. After a brief interrogation, he confessed everything.

Although the mission objectives given by the CIA were extremely vague, the use of such a precious chess piece and the connection with the "laser" immediately convinced the Security Bureau that Project 210 had been leaked.

A research project that had just been established and had not even been fully launched unexpectedly leaked secrets. This made the upper management extremely shocked and extremely angry. They vowed to find the traitor who leaked the secrets even if they plowed the ground three feet.

The Aviation Development Commission, which was also informed, naturally needed to cooperate with the investigation, but Zhong Cheng thought about it and couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Several people on his side should be reliable, not to mention Lin Ju. Xinyuan's security measures have always been strong, and for a while, they couldn't find a breakthrough.

At this time, Lin Ju thought about it a little. It was really unlikely that Project 210 would be leaked so quickly, but if it was the Death Light No. 1 leak that he was worried about before...

It would make sense if Ami attributed Death Ray 1 to Project 210, but Death Ray 1 has been dormant for four months, so how was it discovered?

"We have a big problem internally, and there is a deeply hidden moth that has not been uncovered yet. Otherwise, Ami would never have known about it so quickly. This is simply unreasonable!

Just wait, a new round of thorough screening will be carried out soon. If such black sheep are not caught, they will continue to cause immeasurable losses! "

Zhong Cheng actually had some suspicions that Xinyuan's insiders were too arrogant. After all, it was a private company, but it was hard for him to say it out loud here.

Lin Juze wondered if it was a problem with Death Ray No. 1, and at the same time said seriously:

"Xinyuan will also carry out a comprehensive secret investigation. There are not many insiders in the laser project team. We will cooperate if necessary."

"I believe in you."

Zhong Cheng sighed again, feeling a little decadent:

"Finally, we have an advantageous project, but now we are in a hurry. I just hope we can hurry up and don't let Ami catch up again.

Project 210 pays attention to a time difference, hey! "

Looking at Zhong Cheng who almost shouted "Yuyou Cangtian is not as good as me", Lin Juxin said that there was no need to worry at all. In his memory, Ami's laser technology could not keep up with the domestic ones, not to mention that Xinyuan now had overwhelming technology. advantages and manufacturing capabilities.

If we really work hard at all costs, it is not impossible to spread laser satellites all over the world in one year.

"Don't worry, Director Zhong. If you really can't, give us more budget. It's not impossible for Qianjunbang No. 1 to be completed half a year or even a year ahead of schedule."


"Well, there is also good news that is not good news. A meeting on the joint mining blasting operation has been held. Everyone is opposed to Aramco's perverse actions. It is not feasible to stop the blasting plan now with those bad reasons.

But it will be hard to say after that, we still have to solve this problem. "

"Then we must not compromise!"

Lin Ju already understood that Ami's strange behavior in the past two days was to ask the country to express its position on the laser satellite. Of course, they could not let them do so:

"If they put pressure on us, we must fight tit for tat, seek peace through struggle, and launch the Chiyang as soon as possible to scare them. We can do two semi-public experiments in the near future to show them how powerful it is."

Zhong Cheng thought for a while and nodded:

"You are right. It is wishful thinking to want us to give in. This matter can be discussed.

But it’s better to rest now. There are still twenty hours before ‘Robin Hood’ will explode. "

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