From mid-May to the 21st, Zhong Cheng spent his time waking up early and staying late at night on a regular basis.

He did not forget Lin Ju who returned to Rongcheng, but he agreed that the latter was focused on Yu Man, so he did not bother him until the night of the 21st.

The Typhoon has been prepared at the launch site in Qiongzhou and is scheduled to be launched at 14:00 the next day. Due to its special symbolic significance, a small but high-level meeting will be held after the launch, and all relevant parties need to attend. .

Zhong Cheng sent the invitation in advance, but there was no reply until the night before, which made him feel a little strange.

However, he still believed that Lin Ju was just negligent. The information was conveyed through his assistant in Beijing. Anyway, it took less than an hour to fly from Xinyuan, so it would be perfectly time to come back tomorrow.

While he was thinking about this, the effect of 'Anshenduo' had also passed, heavy side effects swept over him, and Zhong Cheng fell into his last peaceful dream.

At the same time, the underground buildings in the base were still brightly lit.

Yu Man watched worriedly as Lin Ju opened a bottle of Ansedol, raised his head and drank it directly, and then took another bottle of liquid medicine with a larger packaging.

There are more than twenty people sitting, standing, or even lying down in the messy office. The active people are busy with their own affairs, and only a few simple exchanges will occur from time to time.

During these days, Lin Ju, the base's senior management, and the CSR team slept less than 6 hours on average, and all of them were under the influence of drugs.

The biological laboratory cooperated with 'Anshenduo' to develop a drug to assist deep sleep, which extends the refreshing time to 3 hours, and shortens the sleep time to 4 to 6 hours through a drug that accelerates body recovery. It needs to be in a special simple sleep Rest in the cabin.

This keeps everyone in good physical condition while greatly extending working hours, allowing everyone to make careful plans day and night.

Lin Ju is no exception. As the final executor of the plan, he needs to have a thorough understanding of every step to avoid any mistakes.

"Shall I make another cup of coffee?"

Accompanied by the soft female voice was the strength on the shoulders. Although Lin Ju had emphasized that the scientific and vigorous sleep method in the biological laboratory was more effective than daily long sleep, the stubborn woman still thought that he was very tired. Instead, Lin Ju was worried about it. Some are worried about her health.

"Thank you for your hard work. Get some rest early. I'll be here later."

After Yu Man left, the smile on Lin Ju's face gradually disappeared and became serious again.

The outside world thought that he was not showing up because there was a wedding at home, and they had no idea how many major events that could change the annals of history had happened in the past ten days.

After the unremitting efforts of Shanhai, Mr. Barry, who was investigating the "false alarm" incident in Livingston, found nothing. The most critical insider died in a car accident before he could talk to Barry in detail.

GW180509 left traces in the Livingston Observatory's database and was discovered by an insider who was on duty at the time, but recording gravitational wave signals is a complex and tedious process, especially when the computer system is partially upgraded.

Insiders didn't even have time to look at the waveform of GW180509, otherwise it would never be that simple.

In fact, the only insider at the time had just finished his night shift and didn't want to pay attention to anything except sleeping. It wasn't until the next day that he discovered that no one had seen his red-marked log. He didn't plan to take a serious look at the report again the next night.

From 2015 to now, more than two years have been enough for gravitational waves to be reduced from a world-shaking Nobel Prize discovery to an ordinary job for employees. The average frequency of more than 1.5 times a week is really not exciting.

However, the insider made a huge mistake. Because he was too lazy to look for the charger, he directly plugged his mobile phone into the control panel to charge.

‘Shan Hai’, who had been impatient for a long time, was able to use this to erase most of the key information, just as smoothly as the previous two times.

However, the insider had already parsed part of the content. When he found something wrong, he took the manuscript with him and decided to go back and study it again. After confirmation, he reported it immediately.

And just after the night shift ended that day, he was driving the latest Tesla car home. Due to fatigue due to the night shift, he plunged into a nearby ditch. The car battery pack was damaged and caught fire, and not even the skeleton was left. .

In the end, waiting for others, the only thing left was the record of the detected signal in the log, and the rest was unknown.

In the end, Barry could only think that there was an error in the computer system during the upgrade process, or there was a minor problem with other hardware that required investigation.

Since then, ‘Shanhai’ has completely erased all traces of GW180509 on the earth.

This is thanks to the trend of smart driving and the electronic control of key car systems, and new energy vehicles that can be intervened by ECUs in all operations. Otherwise, you would have to go to the trouble of finding another new energy vehicle to cause man-made accidents.

Lin Ju finally didn't have to worry about Ami's reaction. As for the escalation of the M incident caused by "Lihuo" again, he was not worried. The entire situation was still within the controllable range of the base.

What he wants to focus on now is the crazy scam devised by the smartest minds in the base and the collection of 'alien' creations.


Xiao Gangtian took a long breath and put down the weird-looking wrench in his hand.

His current appearance is very different from usual. He is wearing an airtight jumpsuit with only his face exposed. If he adds a weird breathing mask, he feels like a villain in a biochemical movie.

The object he was working on just now is placed on the surrounded circular workbench. It is in the shape of a spindle and is slightly larger than a coffin. The surface is a dark, semi-transparent surface with strange and unknown lines distributed on it. , there are both negative and positive carvings, and if you look farther away, you can see from the side that it seems to depict three weird characters.

The style of the characters is quite complex, and even looks floating from certain angles.

There are no seams on the surface of the fusiform body, leaving only an opening about 30cm square, through which the complex and precise structure inside can be vaguely seen.

There are no circuit boards or wires inside, but the combination of various never-before-seen components can still make people feel the sense of technology.

"This thing's materials and craftsmanship are half-real and half-fake, and its design ideas are completely deviating from human nature. That should be enough, right?"

Xiao Gangtian sighed with emotion, this is the "alien relic" they are about to take out.

Its main part is a solid C172 type A metal hydrogen battery, with serious alien craftsmanship and alien manufacturing. Even if the King of Heaven is here, this is an alien product that cannot be faulted.

Wrapped around the battery is a computer made entirely of 14nn silicon carbide ternary chips. It is made with various messy design ideas from other worlds obtained by the base. From link communication protocols to layout specifications, they are all unprecedented on earth. The method passed is a product of another world made from earth materials.

The system is a heavily modified SC09, but it is not expected to show up very often to avoid abnormalities being discovered in the future.

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