What can survive on earth unharmed for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years?

First of all, its shell material must be extremely inactive and difficult to react. Secondly, it must have sufficient energy and a complete redundancy mechanism.

If today's human beings are asked to find a way to keep a machine with normal functions tens of thousands of years later, they would first have to build a closed metal storage room, and then use methods such as drying out the air, absolute drying, and sealing wax, but still I dare not say that it can be done.

And the ‘Black Shuttle’ makes people believe that it has such ability.

By chance, an alien machine is still running, which stores a lot of advanced knowledge...

However, in order to be fully believed, many problems still need to be solved. Fortunately, these troubles have been solved with the efforts of the base scientists at all costs.

The three words on the surface of 'Black Shuttle' are actually the abstraction of Esperanto that evolved from a certain world line, which translates to the three words 'Karst'.

This is the only text on this pseudo-alien creation. There is no other text mark on the internal structure. In the end, it will be sealed and cannot be opened by non-violent means.

The shell of the 'Black Shuttle' is covered and insulated by silicon carbide crystals, and inside is a metal film that tightens tightly inward under the electromagnetic leakage of the modified C172 battery, forming an indestructible overall defense.

Such a completely sealed shell will eliminate the possibility of careful disassembly. No matter what method is used to detect it, it will be shielded and only a perfect overall structure will be seen.

The power of the metal hydrogen battery is enough to sustain it for 7 years. When the power reaches zero, it will lose the ability to bind the metal hydrogen, and the entire creation will be completely destroyed by a tragic pressure explosion-deflagration process. Even some wreckage cannot prove anything.

Seven years is enough time for it to complete its mission. At that time, the base will definitely have the ability to decide everything.

Xiao Gangtian was just checking again whether the internal parts were in place. Once the 'black shuttle' was closed, it could no longer be opened.

Lin Ju also walked next to him at this time, observing this fake that may be unprecedented in history.

"Is it powered on? Let's try the effect?"

“Of course, it has no physical switch and is already operational from the moment it is installed.”

Xiao Gangtian explained, while moving the tool rack next to it. On it was a classic CRT monitor, with the signal terminal connected to the receiving antenna.

He turned the knob to adjust the frequency band and stopped at 3650Mhz. A complex and continuous waveform immediately appeared on the monitor.

"Simple mathematical encryption can be parsed by any civilization that has entered the radio age. It has a self-decoding system. After inputting enough text and symbol samples of this civilization, the artificial intelligence of 'Black Shuttle' can understand the language of this civilization. and mathematical systems to communicate.”

The external communication channels of the 'Black Shuttle' are set to radio and gravitational waves. Needless to say, there is a radio transmitter, and there is also a gravitational wave transmitter. It was designed by the base based on the knowledge it already has, although it cannot be used at all and is still lacking. The most important antenna material has been removed, but it has also been done in a decent manner.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, even the fabricated human data instilled by the so-called 'discoverers' are now being transmitted, allowing the artificial intelligence to learn on its own. In its settings, everything is as described.

‘It’ is the enlightenment of civilization left by alien civilization on the earth. When civilization develops to a certain height, it will transmit knowledge to a certain extent... At least that’s what the artificial intelligence of the ‘Black Shuttle’ thinks so.

The object that Xiao Gangtian is operating has been replaced by a laptop. Its hard drive contains terabytes of messy information, and the 'Black Shuttle' is rapidly learning the contents.

Lin Ju glanced at the time displayed. Even if he could mobilize the support of Xingchen No. 3, it would still take 4 hours, and it should be even longer including debugging.

It seems that tonight is still a sleepless night.

Several people who are resting will wake up after Xiao Okada is forced to sleep and take over his work until the 'Black Shuttle' is completed.

When it appears again in more than ten hours, it will become an unknown creation that changes the destiny of human civilization.

Lin Ju touched its smooth surface with mixed emotions, and patiently sat aside and watched the researchers who were still busy.

"...Three, two, one, light the fire!"


Even though the flames launched by the space shuttle reflected from the screen through thousands of kilometers, they still illuminated the faces of the people in the command center, and the white flames almost occupied the entire screen.

The launch of the Typhoon was no surprise. If it weren't for its extremely special significance, it wouldn't even be worthy of people's attention.

Zhong Cheng stood up and clapped vigorously, and couldn't help but glance at Lin Ju, who had a calm face.

The other party just flew to the capital in the morning. Although the whole process was normal, Zhong Cheng's heart started to beat very hard from time to time, feeling that something big was about to happen.

When he had free time, he wondered if he had overlooked something, and by the way, he supervised the Typhoon launch process more strictly. But so far, everything was normal with the space shuttle. As long as it didn't explode on the spot after entering space, the loss would not be a big deal. .

But that uneasy intuition still didn't disappear, making Zhong Cheng act a little solemn.

"What's wrong, Mr. Zhong?"


Declining others' concern, Zhong Cheng continued to proceed with today's schedule step by step:

Received by leaders, delivered speeches organized by the Academy of Sciences, reported on stage, media receptions...

It wasn't until the last public event was about to end at about 7 p.m. that he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that it might be because he had stayed up too late recently and had an irregular life, which led to panic or inexplicable rapid heartbeat. It was normal.

He kept this thought until he returned to the Aviation Development Commission building to pack his things and walked to the underground parking lot with his briefcase under his arm.

There was a car parked next to his old Accord, with people still inside.

"Director Zhong, are you ready to go home?"

Zhong Cheng nodded. He remembered that he was in a similar scene a few months ago, but that time it was the other party who was frightened.

But now it was completely the opposite. He finally knew where the source of today's uneasiness was.

Seeing that no one else was nearby, Lin Ju knocked on the car door:

"Let me treat you to dinner. You've always treated me to dinner in the capital."

Zhong Cheng noticed the words 'in the capital'.

"Where to eat?"

"My family, Manman's cooking skills have improved a lot recently."


Zhong Cheng didn't have time to think more. He got into the car as if driven by some kind of force. He just sent a simple text message to his lover to explain that he might not be able to come back tonight.

The car drove all the way into the Capital Airport and parked next to a C810 that was ready.

It was still windy at the airport at night, but Zhong Cheng, whose head was a little swollen, couldn't feel it at all and just followed it silently.

40 minutes later, the plane landed on the base runway more than 2,000 kilometers away.

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