Perhaps it was 'repeated failures that changed the strategy of "Karst". After the success of this mission, it provided quite generous technology and guided subsequent manned orbiting missions almost like a meal.

After that, it is logical to ask for building a space station, launching a lunar probe, landing on the moon, etc. More than 60 years after its discovery, "karst" finally began to show its power.

After completing the unmanned exploration mission on the moon, "Karst" asked to go to Mars, but this time it gave a clear coordinate, which was "Plain Zero".

Only then did the hurried "Lihuo" come about, only then did Xin Yuan's unreasonable and rapid rise come about, and only then did those ternary electronic technologies that can be called miracles come about.

Starting from a Chinese-American who was affected by the environment and the times, in a development cycle that lasted almost 10 years, two generations of Chinese-Americans worked hard and made continuous preparations, and finally were able to begin to absorb the luscious advanced technology from "karst".

The alien creation has been silent for almost half a century, but it has only been three or four years since its last awakening, and it has brought unimaginable huge changes to the world.

Zhong Cheng only felt that he had seen a magnificent epic, a relic that had existed on the earth since ancient times. It was not impossible that it had been discovered during the period, but before the radio era, no one knew what was in it. In addition, Ami was short-lived. The history of civilization has remained mysterious for more than ten thousand years.

It leads mankind forward step by step, and generously provides various advanced technologies, but it never bothers to communicate, and only unfolds temptation step by step...

Lin Ju and Xiao Gangtian both observed the absent-minded Zhong Cheng carefully, and then expressed their calm emotions with each other's eyes.

Of course Guo Xiao really existed. He was just an unknown person in history, one of the thousands of Chinese technicians who fled the war. It was impossible to confirm the information of such an ordinary person despite all efforts.

But after all, Guo Shenzai and the "Blackstone" organization can still exist, and "Karst" is here, which is enough to gain sufficient trust.

Of course, the most important thing is the advanced technology. A little bit can prove the authenticity of this lie, not to mention that the story is half-truth and half-false, which is the most difficult to expose.

It took Zhong Cheng more than ten minutes to digest this huge amount of information, and he almost fell to the ground because he was dizzy and a little unsteady because of standing for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, but when he accepted this bizarre story and raised his head, there were already many people around him, all of whom were the base's main scientists and engineers.


"We all come from 'Blackstone', but it has essentially been disbanded. The main members are now here and are all members of Xinyuan Company."

Ye Changsi showed his unique calmness, and his words had a reassuring and convincing power.

Zhong Cheng still felt that his brain was a little swollen, and he shook his head and said:

"This feels... like a dream, or some huge joke."

"No, that's not it. Come take a look at these."

Ye Changsi took him to the laptop next to 'Karst' and explained while operating:

“We have obtained quite a lot of technical information, but much of it is not possible with the current technical level, but I believe you can judge their authenticity.

These are stored in a separate server, and only here you have access rights. "

The base has carefully selected some technologies, which are either very advanced and can only be seen from a distance, or just a little bit ahead of the current world. They have been deleted, deleted, modified and used as part of the display.

What Zhong Cheng saw was a large database, covering almost all aspects. He only selected areas that he could judge, and quickly confirmed nearly 10 absolutely detailed advanced technologies. They were all very advanced and could not appear quietly. .

In other categories, he also saw the A100 nuclear engine, 50N super-thrust Hall thruster, NPAE engine, etc., all of which were detailed information, and many of the labeling methods and specifications had never been seen before.

By this time, he had basically been able to confirm everything Lin Ju said. At least these technologies definitely originated from non-human beings. There could be no secret organization on earth that could systematically develop so many categories of science in advance.

But he still felt an indescribable absurdity, and his entire worldview seemed to be completely shattered.

"Ternary electronics technology was given by 'Karst', as were your advanced rocket engines, space shuttle insulation materials, robotics, and even biotechnology, 'Anshendo', are all alien technologies?! "

"For the most part, I even suspect that Karst will be adjusted accordingly. We are feeding it more data all the time. The more it learns, the easier it is to understand the technology it provides."

"This is treason... no... betrayal of humanity, do you know what you are doing!"

Zhong Cheng almost roared and kept sending data to the products of alien civilization. In this era where AI has begun to bloom, he is very aware of the heavy price it will bring.

Everyone accepted his anger in silence. It was not until Zhong Cheng calmed down a little that Ye Changsi said:



"It's too late, and by the time we realize it, it's already too late.

You should remember that Karst can actively send and receive signals to the outside world. The earth has long been covered by countless radio signals, but there were too few in the past so Karst could not decipher them.

After Guo Xiao helped it complete its studies, 'Karst' was able to actively understand the human world through ubiquitous satellite and broadcast signals, especially with the advent of the mobile Internet era.

We realized it in 2002 when the Internet era was booming. We believed that "Karst" could break all encryption, so we placed it in a shielded room to prevent all radio signal input, just like here.

But I think there is enough information before 2002. I don’t even doubt that ‘Karst’ has been able to control all Internet-connected devices in the world. It’s just that it doesn’t know why it didn’t do so.

In fact, we are already trying our best to avoid these possibilities, but it is probably too late. "

Ye Changsi was still so calm, which made Zhong Cheng's anger dissipate all of a sudden, making him feel a little depressed.

Yes, after so many years, let alone the unfathomable artificial intelligence of alien civilizations, even if Xiaomi’s Xiao Ai is sent to the 1980s, it might be able to change history.

Even unconsciously, the world has changed under the guidance of "karst", but humans cannot detect its traces and are unable to resist.

Even if its body is here, maybe there is one outside - there must be an AI created by it that is silently watching humans.

These terrifying speculations made him feel hairy all over. He felt that the entire human civilization had become an ant under a magnifying glass, without any idea of ​​what dangers might occur.

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