I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 687 After I went to bed, the flood came to the sky

"As long as you complete its mission, you can get technical rewards?"

Zhong Cheng murmured about the way karst affects humans. After getting permission, he gently placed his hand on its black surface. He touched it a few times and then felt the touch of the surface with a little force.

"Silicon carbide? This material is not very strong. Have you never thought of prying it open?"

"Silicon carbide is only the surface covering layer, and there is an unknown material inside. We have used X-ray, CT, ultrasonic and many other methods to detect it before, but they were unable to penetrate it, and we were worried about damaging it."

Zhong Cheng nodded. He already vaguely believed that this was the truth, but he still needed to confirm.

"Is... Karst awake now? Can you communicate with it?"

"Yes, it will stay awake after completing a series of tasks, but it will not answer any messages, just like a simple uh answering machine.

Just use this computer to communicate with it, we've been using this frequency band for decades. "

Ye Changsi handed the notebook to him, then opened a window and debugged it.

"You can enter whatever you want, we've tried it all before."

Zhong Cheng did not take the notebook. Even if he could communicate, he would not do so.

Regarding alien civilizations and suspected computers left behind by aliens, it was not possible to draw conclusions for the time being, but he could analyze Xinyuan's purpose of doing so.

The purpose of revealing it to themselves is obviously the so-called GW180509 gravitational wave signal. Perhaps this makes them think that they can no longer hide it, although many base scientists believe that it is unlikely that gravitational wave devices on the earth can detect such a weak signal. .

It is also possible that Xinyuan believes that if they excavate the "relics" of Mars Zero Plain, the impact will be beyond their control. This is also a large part of the reason.

Zhong Cheng has almost figured out the situation. To put it simply, "Black Stone" found out that he was in trouble and was going to let him clean up the mess?

It's just that this mess is a bit big, so big that the whole world may not be able to clean it up.

But he couldn't blame these people. After all, if Guo Xiao had not chosen to hide this secret silently until Xinyuan was established, but handed it over directly to Ami, the consequences would be unimaginable.

If 'karst' was in the hands of the state machine at that time, no government could resist its temptation. It would complete its mission with great success, and then use the technology given by aliens to rule the world. No force could stop it.

He even thinks that "Blackstone" or Xinyuan are already very conservative and focus on the aerospace field in a disciplined manner. Otherwise, they may not develop into a monster if they really go all out.

Zhong Cheng is very aware of how fragile human nature is. The chance of people like Xinyuan actually working for "Karst" is too small. Apart from sealing "Karst", this is already the best result.

Moreover, Xinyuan has had an extremely good relationship with the space agency in the past few years and has established a deep trusting relationship, which also gives him a little peace of mind.

Zhong Cheng simply sat on the floor, concentrating on what to do next.

Reporting is a must. This is no longer a problem that the aerospace industry can solve, but considering that there are still "worms" inside, we still need to be extremely careful.

After a while he raised his head:

"Xiao Lin, you should be ready, right?"

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the familiar name, which meant that the plan was going well for the time being.

"Of course, all of them."

Lin Ju took out a small suitcase and pushed it in front of him, and took a handcuff from Ye Changsi:

"Some early communication manuscripts left by Mr. Guo Xiao, previous photos, mission records released by 'Karst', survey data, technical awards, etc. are all recorded in it, as well as many conversation records, all are here."

Zhong Cheng didn't hesitate anymore. After checking the box, he handcuffed his right hand to the box.

"Let...your robots guard this place and don't reveal their whereabouts to anyone. Let Changsi follow me. You stay here and stay the same until I come or that phone call.

Send us to the plane immediately and take the military route to register. "

He originally thought of the garrison nearby, but after careful consideration, he still believed that it was better to let the base defend itself, and it was also more conducive to confidentiality.

Before leaving, he looked at the "Karst" lying there quietly, then unplugged his confidential mobile phone card and turned on airplane mode, hoping to take some photos.

"Use this."

Xiao Gangtian didn't know when he picked up a very retro film camera, just like the props that appeared in the movies of the last century.

"The tear-off tab doesn't need to be washed, and it's more reliable."

Zhong Cheng did not refuse the proposal. He took a dozen photos in a row and put them in the box, then followed Ye Changsi out without hesitation.

Others bid farewell silently beside the runway, looking at the dark sky following the colorful navigation lights in the sky.

Zhong Cheng left without eating the promised dinner, and he also woke up many people in the capital from their sleep.

Lin Ju was not worried that his subsequent research on 'karst' would be exposed, but he was somewhat doubtful about the reliability of the forged document photos.

These were all forged by the spies who had been naturalized in Xinyuan through their own network of relationships and the absolute binding force of the contract. During the entire process, "Shan Hai" continued to erase traces.

Those spies who have reformed their evil ways are guaranteed to be able to fake the truth, but there is always a risk.

According to the base's deduction, no matter how much you believe in the authenticity of "karst", there are so many advanced technologies that can definitely prove that there is indeed an "alien" force, which is enough.

It was the idea of ​​the CSR team to mix the system with "karst". They believe that under the current conditions, even if the authorities think "karst" is a poison wrapped in honey, they must take it and they will never seal "karst" .

It might have been possible before GW180509 appeared, but after that, the danger of alien invasion could no longer be ignored. It was necessary to develop technology and prepare for war without looking back. There was no reason to give up a source of advanced technology.

Although the sensitivity of the base will suddenly rise, there is no need to worry too much, because there is still a bug-like binding force of the system contract, relying on which it can still maintain a certain degree of independence, and overall the situation will be under control.

Lin Ju and others unanimously acquiesced that the base was of primary importance. After all, their true origins may be much more terrifying than alien civilizations, and they should maintain their existence no matter what the purpose.

Perhaps it was because the changes in the future were too great. Lin Ju felt that he could not continue to carry so much information. For the first time in these days, he had the idea of ​​​​taking a rest.

He looked at the others, and it was impossible to confirm their expressions in the night.

"Let's go, sleep for a while so you can have energy tomorrow."

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