"That's all?"

John held Sullivan's handwritten transcript, his hand holding the printing paper trembling slightly.

The latter stood next to him, lowered his head slightly and said nothing, accepting John's somewhat angry question:

“We took the initiative to reduce 1,500 nuclear bombs, directly abolished the Wolf Clause, and were even willing to relax trade restrictions. So many conditions only resulted in a vague promise?

You translated Xu's original words to me, what do you mean by "limited use of lasers for defense only based on the country's defense needs"? "

Of course John understood the true meaning behind this vague statement, but it was his understanding that made him so angry.

Based only on the country's defense needs, that is to say, the laser satellites launched in space will only operate over the country's territory.

Doesn't this mean that they were originally preparing to deploy around the world, but they just slightly reduced the scale?

Thinking more radically, the deployment of laser weapons is a process. Homeland defense should be completed first before power expansion. Doesn't it mean that Xu Rang has not shown any sincerity at all and is simply exchanging what will definitely happen in the future? Are you saying this to fool people?

John's usually red face turned a little dark at the moment. He originally thought that only Dai Ying or Mao Zi could do such a shameless act, but he didn't expect that this thick-browed and big-eyed guy would also be a bad example?

Sullivan, who accepted the criticism, complained in his heart that in fact, the "generous" conditions they proposed did not touch the core interests at all, and were just a little ahead of schedule in line with the general trend of the world. In fact, what Xu Rang really wanted was not what John wanted. Deliberately ignored.

Modern international interest disputes are all geographical disputes, so geographical issues are the most concerned. In addition, there is the super "worm" problem that is still under strict investigation in China.

Xu Rang hinted more than once that the "big borer" could be used in exchange. However, there was no such high-level secret agent in the Intelligence Bureau, and because the communication was too obscure, he mistakenly thought that he wanted to hand over the entire mainland intelligence network, so of course it was impossible to agree.

Aramco miscalculated the progress of the laser satellite and made a request that was unacceptable to China, which has not yet carried out space experiments.

So the two sides tried to compete with each other in the wrong place, and in the end they only came up with a messy result.

The private docking negotiations ended so unhappily. In addition to cursing, John could only keep urging domestic military contractors and continue to think of ways to slow down the Chinese people.

After finally cursing about this matter, John changed the subject:

"What about my artificial sun? What about that big mirror that can provide eight times the power of the moon in space? Robert used to say that this thing is very simple. Is he ready to launch it?"

The artificial sun is the aerospace project that ranks at the top of John's mind. Although its significance is far from being comparable to landing on Mars, Jupiter, or other probes, it is big and bright, and the people of Amerika and the United States can see it when they look up.

Think about how the new generation will bathe in sunlight during the day and shine on the artificial sun at night. When they look up at the sky, they will think of a great president named John who changed Ami and brought light to the moon...

Sullivan looked at John's shining eyes and knew what he was thinking. However, the artificial sun seemed simple, but in fact it was quite complicated.

The main issue is light pressure. The diameter of the artificial sun is close to 1,100 meters. The light pressure generated by sunlight is enough to fly to Mars within a few months. It will either be hung on a large spacecraft or a flexible ion orbit adjustment system will be required.

However, the calculated data shows that in order to maintain it in synchronous orbit, fuel needs to be replenished every six months, and the economy must be carefully considered.

The artificial sun itself has already produced qualified materials on a trial basis, and it will be put into production soon as long as the project is confirmed.

"Find a way to get it airborne within the third quarter."

John knocked on the table. There is another meaning to his request, that is, the space power station of the Zhuri Project will also be launched in the second half of the year, and the artificial sun must be completed before then.

At this time, the Presidential Palace was completely shrouded in darkness. John stretched his body slightly and couldn't help but look in the direction of the Pacific Ocean.

The time difference is amazing. When one side of the earth goes to sleep, the other side is just waking up.

Bang, bang, bang...

The guard in Zhongyuan heard the sound of heels hitting the ground in a hurry again, and subconsciously straightened his body.

It's 7 o'clock now, and the sun in the north has risen. It's normal for someone to show up.

But since midnight last night, such sounds have never stopped, making the guards unable to help but feel frightened.

At first, people in casual clothes entered. After a while, several people in formal clothes came in. After that, people in uniforms of various colors came in. After that, most people in casual clothes came in.

I don’t know how many people walked into the courtyard at the back, but the guards were sure that they must have stayed up all night last night.

What could it be?

The young guard couldn't stop his reverie. He had never encountered such a situation in his career. What was the big deal with so many people and so much anxiety?

Big earthquake, big explosion, or sudden local conflict?

He carefully recalled the recent hot spots, and then felt unbearably sleepy under the warm sunshine.


The sudden appearance of the figure in his field of vision made him wake up immediately and try to stand up to the highest standard.

When the shift change time came, he completed the handover process naturally, and when he left, he heard the other party whisper:

"Eat something first, the captain wants to lecture you."

"What a lecture."

"Tighten the confidentiality and leave quickly."

The guards left quickly, and half a minute later, the bloodshot clock passed by the guard on duty like a gust of wind, leaving behind a choking smell of smoke.

Then came the other night visitors who came in one after another. Their bodies were all contaminated with the pungent smell of tobacco. The guard had to tighten his muscles to resist the urge to sneeze.

He squinted his eyes and raised his head slightly to distract himself, allowing the sun to shine right on his face.

Just another normal day.

Zhong Cheng sat in the car heading to the airport and blinked his red eyes that were filled with tears from the cigarette smoke.

The duration of Anesthetol was too short, and it was an "alien technology". Yesterday, he could only use the old method to refresh his mind. However, it was actually more soothing. Everyone who learned about the situation couldn't sleep at all.

After four expert teams completed their analysis and confirmed news came from overseas, the atmosphere in Zhongyuan once dropped to freezing point, and even almost turned into a state of war on the spot.

He is only away for a short time now, and it is estimated that he will have to spend the last month in such secret meetings to be worthy of the preciousness of alien civilization.

These four words only took one minute to put the Space Force into preparation sequence, and the space agency was directly burdened with the heaviest military purpose.

He will always remember the scene after reporting the situation: a full ten minutes of silence, and cigarette butts almost piled on the ground.

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