The impact of information about "karst" or extraterrestrial civilization is so great that in fact no one who came here a few hours ago believed it was true.

But they also recognized that Xinyuan itself was extremely extraordinary. After receiving the guidance on Guo Xiao and GW180509, they quickly mobilized the information network to confirm these contents.

Among the things in the suitcase, Guo Xiao's "legacy" passed the preliminary appraisal of several intelligence experts. However, it is not difficult to forge such things that are not particularly old, and features such as handwriting are even more difficult to verify.

The identification of physical evidence is a very difficult task. Unless there is conclusive evidence, a single technical method alone cannot be used as absolute evidence.

Several archaeological experts from the National Museum of China worked together with cultural relic restoration masters to carefully imitate a batch of antiques for auction. If it were not for the markings made in advance, it would be impossible to absolutely confirm the authenticity, and modern counterfeiting technology can be seen.

Information about Guo Xiao himself requires more time to verify, but those advanced technologies and GW180509 can make quick judgments.

The data hard drive brought over contains an absolutely convincing technology: Yu Qian's formula, and the laser confinement inertial plasma nuclear fusion route proposed based on it.

Of course, Yu Qian's formula in the information is called the 'Advanced Unified Equation', and the technical content of laser-confined inertial plasma nuclear fusion has also been greatly omitted. However, after preliminary demonstrations by top nuclear experts summoned urgently, they stated that its credibility is greater than 90%. , and began to conceive of supercomputing model verification on the spot.

One of these top nuclear experts was Fu Mingdong. He was only asked to perform technical analysis work, and he and several others were shocked after reading the information.

Although this information is very brief, it can be judged that it is definitely based on a large number of experiments, and it should have completed successful continuous ignition. However, apart from EAST, there is only ITER with international cooperation. How can ITER have this capability?

After the initial confirmation of nuclear fusion technology, others were excited, but also felt more gloomy:

It is certainly a good thing to suddenly see the dawn of controllable nuclear fusion, but this almost confirms the authenticity of alien civilization. It is absolutely impossible for this technology to suddenly appear on the earth.

GW180509, which provided the final evidence for this speculation, the external intelligence network collected recent information from numerous gravitational wave observatories, and of course found information about the failure of the Livingston Observatory and the accidental death of an employee in a car accident.

It happened to be May 9th, and with a little analysis, it can be inferred that "Black Stone" should have taken action. The purpose is naturally self-evident.

The gravitational wave signal map and logs received by "Lihuo" were also reviewed by relevant experts, and no abnormalities were initially found.

When the alien civilization was fully established, the military was the first to respond. Even though it took more than a year for the gravitational wave signal to reach the solar system, they still hurriedly prepared a defense plan.

When it is not clear when a crisis will come, the military needs to be ready for war at all times, or at least be able to respond at any time.

The thinking on building the Space Force is at least clear: the fastest way to form combat effectiveness must be to directly use existing institutions, that is, the space agency.

This is not to say that the space agency will upgrade the space force in place, but the fastest and most convenient way is military-civilian integration. Civilian plans will not be shelved, but military tasks must also be taken over immediately, and they can become independent when the time is right.

In other words, in the future, in addition to being the director of the space agency, Zhong Cheng may also serve as the de facto commander of the Space Force, just not in name.

But he himself didn't think so much at all, and instead prepared to go to Xinyuan again with the team.

Of course there will be many people passing by this time. In addition, there will also be a small group of elite soldiers drawn from the northwest who will be on standby near Chengdu.

If the possibility of alien civilization invasion is still a few years or even decades away, then the imminent threat is "karst".

After learning that the ontology of "Karst" might be a supercomputer and capable of communicating with the outside world, security experts first thought of "Skynet".

If it is really a supercomputer and strong artificial intelligence, it will be able to control the entire human world network for so many years, even if Xinyuan said that it had been blocked fifteen years ago, but what if?

For example, is it possible for the robots used by Xinyuan to guard the robots suddenly turn their guns and kill them, or even invade the missile launch system?

If this becomes a reality, "Karst" can easily destroy mankind without even taking action personally. It can secretly instigate and disrupt intelligence exchanges between countries, and there are countless ways to provoke civil war.

Even if no suspicious traces are found in a rational analysis of the real world, this possibility cannot be ignored.

However, Zhong Cheng believes that "Karst" should not secretly control the world, and the logic of its behavior does not seem to want to destroy human beings.

The expert group that passed this time wanted to get in touch with "karst" and find out more information about GW180509, especially why the lunar nuclear test triggered gravitational wave signals.

A large part of the candidates selected this time are cutting-edge physicists, including Wu Yunfeng and Li Shi of the Institute of High Energy.

These two people can be regarded as the front row in the team, second only to the leaders of the Academy of Sciences, and what is even more special is that they have signed contracts with the base and are "one of their own."

The information on GW180509 is highly confidential, and even they were only notified a few hours in advance than Zhong Cheng, and they will serve as an important cover.

Their leader is Zhang Shoucheng, who just returned to China last year, but is already one of the top leaders in the domestic physics community.

Zhang Shoucheng is only in his 50s this year. He is a favorite student of Mills Yang and has been staying in Aramco. Last year, the TEPA accelerator caused a lot of excitement. During the hottest period from September to October, he returned to China with domestic and foreign scholars attending the physics conference, and then stayed. , entered the Academy of Sciences as a visiting professor.

In the original world line, Zhang Shoucheng had many cooperations with domestic communication companies, but he died in Ami at the end of 2018 due to depression.

Zhang Shoucheng's return to China was short-lived, but he quickly gained trust due to his outstanding abilities.

Wu Yunfeng was one year younger than him, but according to his own judgment, Zhangshou City most likely belonged to an S-class scientist that the base had never seen before. Unfortunately, this person was watched too closely, so Xinyuan had to wait a while before digging.

"Old Wu, you have had more contact with them. Have you discovered anything before?"

Zhang Shou Chengyuan does not look as old as his actual age. At first glance, he looks more like he is in his thirties or early forties, and his hair is extremely lush, making others envious.

"I'm just a face-saving consultant. How can I say that I know them well? If I really want to know about them, I have to ask Director Zhong and retired Academician She. They are almost our own people in Xinyuan."

Wu Yunfeng's answer was impeccable, and Li Shi next to him also cooperated very tacitly:

"In the past, we only thought that Xinyuan's research and development capabilities were a bit crazy, but we really didn't expect..."

Zhang Shoucheng nodded to acknowledge their answer. The only thing he was interested in Xinyuan before was the abnormal nuclear engine technology, and he didn't know much about it.

He simply asked and said no more, but continued to browse the technical information extracted from the suitcase, like a person who was working seriously.

Wu Yunfeng and Li Shi both couldn't hide the surprise in their eyes. In fact, Zhang Shoucheng's performance last night was also the most special one.

After hearing the whole story and looking through the suitcase, he was just surprised for a moment and then regained his composure. He also browsed the technical information seriously and intently.

Even if the existence of alien civilization was finally confirmed, he only said:


This was not intentional. Zhang Shoucheng was even a little excited at the time and showed enthusiasm from the bottom of his heart.

For a person who has been engaged in the most abstract, cutting-edge, and difficult scientific research for a long time, this is one of the few things that can arouse his interest. Moreover, the existing information contains a large number of unproven scientific results, which greatly Satisfied his thirst for knowledge.

In the field of condensed matter physics, every step physicists take is to discover the unknown. Every theory is so abstract that it is difficult to understand. The real top scholars are lonely. There are only a few people in the world who can communicate freely. If you want to It is extremely difficult to achieve academically.

No matter what extraterrestrial civilization will bring, these advanced theories can ensure that he will not need to waste time for a long time in the future, but can devote himself to valuable work.

Zhang Shoucheng should be regarded as a "semi" all-round physicist. He has achieved very high achievements in almost all cutting-edge scientific fields, only worse than Lev Landau, who is known as "the last all-round physicist in the world". Some, and those with no breakthrough results for the time being, are called by the outside world the Chinese scientists closest to the Nobel Prize.

The value of the materials in the suitcase can be said to exceed that of the Nobel Prize and is simply difficult to estimate.

What Zhang Shoucheng wants to do most now is to build laboratories one after another to verify all these theories and then turn them into results one by one. Alien civilization is not the first.

It is also for this reason that he may be one of the few among these people who hopes that extraterrestrial civilizations really exist.

"What, you're surprised?"

Zhong Cheng blinked, thinking that Lin Ju was surprised by his haggard face.

"Unexpected, but not unexpected. I have been waiting for armed helicopters and special forces, behind?"

Lin Ju stretched his neck and looked at the sky, but did not see any suspicious black spots.

In fact, before Zhong Cheng and others came over, the base was still calm, and even the nearby garrison did not move, as if nothing happened.

"People will indeed come, but there's no need to be in such a hurry."

Zhong Cheng explained with a wry smile:

"It's been decades, and I don't think there's any use in putting tanks and artillery here. Even if they come, they're just guarding, and we can't fight with the rocks.

And now this matter is highly confidential, even from the outside world, it has to be kept secret, otherwise there is no telling how big a mess it will be.

Well, the Livingston one..."

“We did it, and we still have some manpower in Amei.

For the time being, we have only found that the Livingston Observatory has detected a weak signal, but not elsewhere, so it cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof. "

Lin Ju readily admitted that this matter was now too conspicuous in the domestic intelligence network. If Ami also discovered the anomaly of GW180509, he would easily find it unusual.

"Full of loopholes!"

Zhong Cheng stared at him deliberately, but Lin Ju unexpectedly replied:

"This can also be regarded as a test. If Ami does not discover GW180509, it will pass naturally; if they find an abnormality, they will know that others have also discovered it, and they will take the initiative to contact us.

No matter what, we will not suffer any loss, and under normal circumstances the CIA would not be crazy enough to investigate the truth behind the death of an ordinary employee. "


Such a big thing as alien civilization seemed to be a trivial matter in Lin Ju's mouth, but it also relieved Zhong Cheng's originally tense spirit, and his brain that had been working crazily all night finally relaxed a little.

The conversation between the two came to an end for the time being. Zhong Cheng led everyone to follow him inside while introducing the members behind him:

"Lao Wu, Li Shi, you have met most of them, but this is probably the first time for you to meet Professor Zhang. This is probably the most cutting-edge and greatest young generation of physicists in our country. He only came back last year."

It was indeed the first time for Lin Ju to see Zhang Shoucheng, and he did not remember the name of this great figure in the original world line, but it did not prevent him from giving him respect after Zhong Cheng introduced a long list of titles.

However, Zhang Shoucheng didn't seem to care about this at all, and just said in a slightly urging voice:

"Mr. Lin, take us there quickly."

"Of course, just go down the elevator here."

The group of people were all taken into the basement where the "Karst" was stored. Only then did Lin Ju notice that there were two people with vigilant faces among the people who came in. They stood a little further away silently and observed everyone and everything around them. .

However, no one paid attention to them for the time being. The scientists with Zhong Chenglai were having intense exchanges with Ye Changsi and others at the base. The latter had already prepared a piece of information and quickly became involved.

Zhangshou City even had a box on hand at some point, and there was someone holding something that looked like a hammer, swinging around the "karst".

Although the visitor team also had its own "internal agents", Lin Ju couldn't help but feel a little nervous when seeing such a formation. He could only hope that Xiao Gangtian's skills were good enough and there would be no loopholes.

On the contrary, Zhong Cheng and Lin Ju were independent from the crowd. They obviously had separate topics to communicate.

The former's face returned to its initial seriousness, and he was obviously about to start talking about business:

"Xiao Lin, what is the relationship between 'Karst' and Xinyuan? How does 'Karst' know that you have completed the task, and how does it define the standard of completion?"

"Not sure."

"Not sure?"

Lin Ju: "'Karst' seems to have its own judgment ability. Mr. Guo Xiao didn't pay attention to this at first, but in our previous experiments, it can confirm as long as it is not long after our target, regardless of whether it is in a shielded room.

As for Xinyuan... you should have read the records in the manuscript, they are almost correct. "

Zhong Cheng: "'Karst' chose you, Guo Xiao, and recognized you as his successor. It didn't try to find other people or government organizations, right?"

Lin Ju: "From a practical point of view, this is the case, otherwise the technical rewards should be sent to the alliance or Musk first."

Zhong Cheng: "Then this shows that 'karst' can do more than just use electromagnetic waves to sense the outside world, or that there are things in other places."

"Yes, but we don't know anything about other means. It could be the moon, or there are monitors somewhere else."

Lin Ju's words were very sincere. Anyway, the system has always confirmed his achievements without delay, which makes people suspect that it is using sophons to monitor. This kind of ubiquity is really scary.

"If that's the case, what's the difference between us being directly exposed to the enemy?"

If the shielding room cannot restrict the 'karst' at all, or if its body can realize blind-angle monitoring in the solar system, then how meaningful is the resistance made by humans?

"But at least they should still be trapped by the barrier of light speed, and 'Karst' doesn't seem to have any intention of actively interfering with us."

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