"We've never stopped studying it over the past few decades."

Ye Changsi looked at Zhangshou City who had received the geological hammer without changing his expression, and continued to introduce (edit) and introduce (build):

"We don't think Karst poses a huge risk. If it wanted to, it could do a lot of things just by manipulating the Internet, but it doesn't.

We have also received artificial intelligence technology, and we should not question the capabilities of ‘Karst’. "

"Then what do you think its purpose is?"

Zhangshou City was looking for a place to strike, but had no plans to act rashly.

Others have just tried it once with a radiographic flaw detector, and the result was both unexpected and reasonable:

Gamma rays, X-rays, etc. cannot penetrate the seemingly simple silicon carbide shell at all. Xinyuan is right, there is another layer inside.

And judging from the effect of ray feedback, it's not like it can't penetrate normally, but more like it's been absorbed, which is very weird.

Using an electromagnetic device that restrains metallic hydrogen, the shell that is tightly tightened and fixed inward is also extremely hard. The surface strength remains unchanged, but the density and organizational structure of the lower layer have changed, making it so hard that it cannot be broken at all.

Don't be afraid even if you are sent to an MRI machine. Anyway, no CT machine can compete with the strength of 'Karst'. In the end, it will either break or you will not see anything.

Fortunately, Zhangshou City was well prepared for this. If it were really something that existed on earth more than 10,000 years ago, ordinary materials would have broken down long ago.

What he is more concerned about now is the purpose of 'karst' and its relationship with Mars gravitational waves.

"I feel like it's guiding us, leading us into space, in a certain direction.

It is consciously guiding technological progress, and it is also guiding us step by step outward. It may still be in its infancy and is still far from its true goal. "

After Ye Changsi finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Shoucheng with some hope. If the latter could come up with some valuable answers, it would be answering questions about the system.

"Guide? It does seem like this. Now we are guiding you to Mars and Titan. The next step will definitely be to go out of the solar system. Maybe at that time we will know where it really wants to take us.

The person who designed this thing... is a very smart person, and must be a scientific civilization. He uses advanced technology as a temptation to lead us to where he wants, and he simply cannot refuse.

But I want to know more about what's inside this thing. Your technologies must have been modified. How do real alien civilizations make machines? That's what I care about most.

There is also energy. It has been more than 10,000 years. It is not enough to install such a small nuclear reactor. Fusion and fission are not enough. What could it be? "

Zhang Shoucheng had countless questions at this moment, and where could he answer Ye Changsi? At this moment, almost all of his attention was on the black fusiform object in front of him.

But what could be discovered with the careful preparation of the base, so Ye Changsi could only smile bitterly in his heart and continue to cooperate with them on the surface.

From the morning to the evening of the 23rd, the group spent almost the entire day in the basement. It was not until 10 o'clock that everyone came out to the temporarily prepared large seminar room with complicated emotions.

The dozen or so experts who flew in focused all their energy on "karst" itself, while those precious technical materials were put on hold first.

The seminar room was on the first floor. Lin Ju originally wanted to give them some private time to communicate, but Zhong Cheng still let them stay.

"We have no secrets here."

Zhong Cheng's words had several meanings, but everyone present could basically understand them all.

"Professor Zhang, did you gain anything?"

Although he had basically witnessed all the actions of Zhang Shoucheng and others, Zhong Cheng still had a little hope.

However, Zhang Shoucheng just shook his head regretfully:

"Xinyuan, not as good as Black Stone, has not discovered anything for so many years, and our methods have no solution, unless it is broken open violently, but I think this possibility is very small, and it is very likely to lead to unknown consequences.

However, at present, "Karst" should not have the purpose of direct threat. First, empirical observations can be used as evidence, and second, it does not show super-light communication capabilities.

To be honest, this is good news. Einstein's theory of relativity is still valid. Information transmission cannot exceed the speed of light, so we still have time.

As for the gravitational wave signal emitted by Mars, it needs to be taken seriously. It is actually more like a broadcast being emitted to the entire universe. Any other alien civilization will cause unpredictable consequences if it is cracked. "

Zhang Shoucheng is still unaware of Xinyuan's alternative non-delay communication technology based on superstring theory. This technology does not appear in the catalog of technical information provided.

Otherwise, he would have to change his last sentence. Superstring theory developed from string theory and has always had many conflicts with Einstein's theory of relativity. If Xinyuan has confirmed the correctness of superstring theory, then Einstein's general theory of relativity will also be It means there is a vulnerability and needs to be patched.

Moreover, superstring theory is a theory proposed to unify the basic particles of nature and the four interactive forces. If Zhang Shoucheng knew about it, he would definitely find a way to complete the grand unification of physics based on it.

"In other words, 'Karst' is not threatening for the time being?"

Zhong Cheng understood it for a long time and almost felt what Zhang Shoucheng meant.

"Almost, I'm not saying there is any absolute evidence, I'm just saying that if it wants to destroy us, there are many ways, and it doesn't need to be so complicated at all.

I think that cosmic civilization should use the simplest means to achieve the most direct goals when dealing with other races. The higher the level of civilization development, the more so, unless they just want to tease us.

Instead of thinking about how to guard against this black stone, what you should be more careful about is the signal on Mars. It does not necessarily have the same origin as 'karst', nor does it mean that it is harmless. Even if its original owner is harmless, it will attract other threats. "

"That is, you're not just worried about the civilization that placed the transmitter, but also other strange alien civilizations."

Zhang Shoucheng's words coincided with Lin Ju's thoughts, and he immediately told his guess.

"Yes, this signal makes no secret of its intelligent characteristics. Any intelligent civilization that can receive it can know what it is.

Either the owner of the transmitter doesn't care about this, or it means that this kind of thing is common in the universe. I think everyone should no longer doubt that there are no other intelligent civilizations in the universe. "

Zhang Shoucheng looked around, and there were nods everywhere he looked.

It is easy to convince people that if there is another intelligent civilization, there must be countless similar existences. Since there have been alien civilizations visiting the earth, there must have been countless similar contact events in the universe.

“That’s right, since we think there are many intelligent civilizations in the universe, what happens next is unpredictable.

Even if a tacit understanding of certain conventions has been formed over a long period of time, some civilizations may not abide by them. Of course, it is more likely that there are not many rules. There are too many restrictions on the speed of light.

When we don't know anything, we can only think about the worst. Anyway, no matter how we enhance our own strength, it is always right.

In addition, we need to land on Mars and Titan immediately to get more information there. Xinyuan has already done it for us compared to what can be found on the earth. "

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Ju and others, and many of them recognized Xinyuan's existence again.

Ye Changsi just spread his hands:

"In fact, we have limited power and haven't done much. And strictly speaking...if we were exposed, we should even be regarded as human traitors."

Zhong Cheng nodded, then shook his head:

"But you are not traitors to the motherland, but are extremely loyal. We will never doubt Xinyuan, or the love of all of you for the motherland.

Regarding the matter of extraterrestrial civilization, Xinyuan must have the full right to know, and any opinions it has may be raised boldly, and they must be resolved as the highest priority. "

His attitude was very serious and without any hypocrisy. This was also the first thing that his superiors established last night: express his attitude first and give Xinyuan Company greater trust instead of suspicion.

Without a clear response strategy, the next actions are either hesitant or a complete mess.

First of all, just taking the initiative to tell all the origins is already regarded as a talisman. In the context of alien civilization, there is absolutely nothing more to criticize;

The second is the source of advanced technology. Although everyone thinks it is a sugar-coated cannonball, the sugar-coating is too delicious and no one dares to make the decision to cut off this source.

The instructions from above were simple: business as usual.

Xinyuan is a top defense contractor with extremely high authority. Maintaining the status quo can already explain a lot of problems.

Appeasing Lin Ju is also an important task for Zhong Cheng during this trip. His importance has completely increased to a higher level than before. It can even be said that everyone can do without him but cannot do without him. No one wants to see any accidents again.

This attitude immediately made everyone in the base feel at ease. Their identities were very sensitive now, and it was uncomfortable for anyone to be on guard at all times.

After feeling relieved, Lin Ju became more courageous. He raised two fingers and said:

"Now that that's said, our next task is actually two tasks:

Extraterrestrial exploration is going all out, and missions to Mars and Saturn are launched immediately, but missions to the moon are not left behind.

The lunar development mission will not only bring benefits in itself, but more importantly, it will accumulate technology and figure out how to build extraterrestrial bases;

At the same time, efforts are being made to digest the technologies that have been obtained, especially the controllable nuclear fusion technology. Although we have not obtained complete technical information, there should be great hope with this part of the guidance. "

When talking about the second task, he looked at Fu Mingdong opposite, who also nodded in approval:

"Yes, if the advanced unified equation is confirmed, then replacing the electromagnetic force with the weak force, or the fusion of the two, will hopefully solve the control problems caused by ultra-high temperatures. In addition, there are already promising ignition technologies. As long as the superiors fully support it, I am sure we will achieve a major breakthrough within three years.”

"Two years."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Shoucheng's voice sounded. He raised his hand and said:

"I've also joined in. There will definitely be a big turning point in two years. These things are almost putting the stepping stone for controllable nuclear fusion in front of us. Let's just do it without confirming it. I have an intuition that it is right. If the teacher sees it I would think so too.”

The advanced unified equation (Yu Qian's formula) itself is a major development of Yang Mills' gauge field theory. Zhang Shoucheng is naturally familiar with it and almost completely recognized it when he saw it.

Of course, another reason is that the verification process of the advanced unified equation is very complicated, and Zhang Shoucheng has already raced against time.

Zhong Cheng calculated in his mind that even if a breakthrough is achieved in two years and put into practical use in five years, it means that the nuclear fusion spacecraft will be available in 2025. This is already an epoch-making progress.

"Then let me add a third point. Now that I can barely represent the military, we need to consider the issue of interstellar defense. Don't wait for the future and do as much as possible first."

He looked at Lin Ju. Obviously Xinyuan had the most say in this matter. The most relevant space weapons were laser weapons. Xinyuan was already the first in the world in this regard.

The information provided in the suitcase revealed that Xinyuan's laser technology was more mature than what the Chiyang had shown before, and the technical indicators of Qianjunbang No. 1 were actually somewhat conservative.

"Xinyuan can provide very powerful laser weapons, especially with the support of 'trampoline' technology."

Lin Ju first agreed, and then immediately raised a difficult question:

"But what about the impact on the world? There is absolutely no way to conceal the creation of such a powerful laser weapon. How can we explain it?"

The country is currently negotiating with Aramco on the laser satellite. It seems that it is also trying to calm things down. As a result, it suddenly accelerates to build a bigger and more terrifying thing. Will it arouse a strong reaction from Aramco and lead to a bigger problem? conflict?

Even if they have not yet learned the above opinions, all the scientists and CSR teams at the base agree that causing conflicts on the earth is never a good thing, and once a war is triggered, it will definitely be harmful.

Precious energy should be used to deal with extraterrestrial crises. Every minute spent internally increases future risks.

Not to mention domestically, both the White House and the Hexagon have adopted similar opinions from think tanks and are willing to privately transfer part of military expenditures to NACA to support the space program. Both sides have similar views.

This time Aramco's proactive compromise on the laser satellite is also indispensable for this aspect.

Similarly, there is a secrecy attitude towards extraterrestrial civilizations. Zhong Cheng did not mention it, which means that he will not take the initiative to raise the issue to the United Nations. He obviously also anticipated the possible chaos.

At some point, keeping a secret is also about protecting a lot of people.

It doesn’t make much sense to ventilate the five constants or the three constants. There is no essential difference between doing so and directly making it public.

But if you decide to keep secrets alone and vigorously develop space weapons, you will have to bear the huge backlash. The Outer Space Treaty will still be valid.

This huge problem was just realized last night. Zhong Cheng naturally has no good response strategy, but the military will never stop preparing, otherwise it will be irresponsible for strategic security.

The atmosphere fell into an unexpected silence for Lin Ju, but unlike Zhong Cheng, he knew more, thought more, and had a little clue.

The so-called external pressure has been stripped away, and there are only a few people who are truly qualified to exert pressure, no more than one hand.

And now he also knows that the biggest party among these potential pressures is also in the same difficult situation as the country.

Don't forget, Office 13 also believed that Ami was carrying the secret of the "alien signal" alone, so Ami gritted her teeth and moved forward alone.

If the two most powerful forces in the world reach some kind of compromise, then the so-called external pressure will naturally be nothing more than that, and the rest will not be qualified to raise objections.

But this matter is too difficult to operate and the loopholes are too big. It is just an idea temporarily stored in my mind.

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