Lin Ju's idea is very good. If he can convince Ami, uniting the forces of both parties can indeed block the news to a large extent, but if you think about it a little more, you will find that there are too many obstacles.

Once the news about the extraterrestrial civilization of America and America is informed, what is most likely to happen is not cooperation against unknown dangers, but a high degree of vigilance and vigilance from the other side.

Alien civilization can be said to be the biggest variable for human civilization. It has both huge risks and full attraction. Ami will never believe that China will tell everything.

Even if an agreement is reluctantly reached at first, doubts will gradually expand later, and it is almost impossible to predict what will happen.

After all, think tanks are human elites, and they will not be able to handle matters involving matters outside the solar system.

Even one person's reaction cannot be predicted 100%, so how can one talk about guiding a super complex combination to follow one's own ideas accurately.

At least according to the past history of mankind, many exquisite decisions are made in line with the general trend, rather than forcibly changing this trend.

History has repeatedly proven that no matter how seamless a plan is, there will always be flaws, and this unpredictability is inevitable.

That's why Zhong Cheng put forward firm objections. Even his superiors thought Lin Ju's idea was too immature and expressed their acquiescence to Zhong Cheng's words.

However, unexpectedly, Lin Ju was not frustrated by their denial, but said confidently:

"It's not us leading them by the nose, but taking the initiative to make things develop where they want."

Everyone else heard the hidden meaning in the words, and then listened to Lin Ju tell the deleted, deleted, and revised version of the "M Incident."

In the deleted version, Lin Ju only mentioned that Lihuo discovered that his signal was discovered by Ami through its counter-reconnaissance capabilities, and indirectly learned that Ami treated it as an extraterrestrial event.

Nothing is said about the Thirteenth Office or other in-depth content, but that's enough.

After hearing this outrageous misunderstanding, except for the two people from Xinyuan, everyone else's expressions were extremely exciting, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

It turns out that Ami also discovered "alien signals" as early as half a year ago and was convinced of it.

Zhong Cheng even slapped his head and stood up, pointed at Lin Ju (Li Yunlong tilted his head) and asked:

"Then that's how their ten-year deep space exploration and new 'Constellation' plan came about, right? No wonder, no wonder they would engage in such an unscientific plan like a major advance, so that's what happened.

Also, this year is like taking aphrodisiacs to go to the moon. NACA funding has been rising again and again. It makes sense. This makes perfect sense! "

All the doubts that had been hidden under the fierce space race were finally answered. After Zhong Cheng realized it, he was even a little bit dumbfounded. He was not the first to prepare for the alien crisis?

"We didn't think carefully before, and we planned to let Ami play by herself, so she had an opponent who worked hard to develop, so..."

Lin Ju was a little embarrassed. After all, the "M Incident" was not originally intended to be disclosed. After all, in Xinyuan's opinion, it had almost no negative impact.

The superior also took a while to calm down before digesting this heavy information. Just as he was about to say something, he noticed that Lin Ju was hesitant to speak. He paused and smiled:

"Say everything else. We are not afraid of anything now."


Zhong Cheng noticed something keenly and glanced back and forth at the people in Xinyuan.

Lin Ju: "What...when we knew there was a situation on Mars and Saturn, we were also thinking about how to deal with possible dangers, so we made some preparations in advance."

"What preparations*N?"

"There is also a 20-ton laser satellite in the sky. The space-based laser is the first generation of space weapons we developed, but its comprehensive technical level is not as good as that of Chiyang, and it is basically idle now."


Zhang Shoucheng pinched his chin, feeling that it was a pity that he returned home late. The country was far more exciting than the outside.

The superior was also silent until Zhong Cheng asked out of technical sensitivity:

"To what extent can it attack from hundreds of kilometers away?"

"In fact, we tried bombarding targets on the moon from low-Earth orbit. Although the power was greatly reduced, we succeeded."


By now, Zhong Cheng has begun to doubt whether these guys from Xinyuan are still from Earth. They span hundreds of thousands of kilometers and are locked in motion. What kind of perverted top-level technology is this?

It is estimated that the only thing inferior to the 'Blazing Sun' is the light source. This level of precision guidance system has far exceeded the requirements for missile defense.

Even if "karst" provides alien technology, the difficulty of transforming it into reality in just a few years is by no means ordinary.

However, this does prove that Death Ray One's main target is aliens, so it will pile up advanced technology at any cost.

"Still...are there any?"

"It's gone, it's really gone, everything else is gone."

Lin Ju thought about it carefully, and the last secret left was "Shan Hai", which was the base's last resort.

Death Ray No. 1 is also very strong, but it actually doesn't have much meaning. Mainly because of the sudden change in the situation brought about by GW180509, it has lost the original meaning of its existence.

On the contrary, "mountain and sea" means everything is possible, and it is enough to retain it.

The superior who witnessed all this thought quickly and figured out two things.

"Then I understand. Project 210 did not leak the secrets. What leaked the secrets was your laser satellite, Death Ray No. 1."

"This is impossible."

Lin Ju and Ye Changsi's voices almost sounded at the same time. "Lihuo" was a result of bad luck and the fact that Mars was too far away. The various concealment methods of Death Light No. 1 were not insufficient. With Xinyuan's huge network of near-Earth spacecraft, how could it be possible? Will there be no problem?

But before they could use technical reasons to question it, their superiors continued:

"Nothing is impossible, and often the most improbable thing is the truth. Think about it, if the 210 Project was leaked, and the secrets were leaked just after the project was established and before it was officially promoted, the security department would all be laid off.

Another point is that Ami would not be so anxious if it was Project 210, unless they knew a lot, but this is impossible.

Fortunately, you also made some omissions, otherwise I would really suspect that your two brains are also controlled by aliens. "

This logic has finally washed away the non-existent "ultimate bug". Recently, the security department has been going crazy and has even begun to doubt its own boss. Now it can finally calm down.

After all, Xinyuan is a company with a limited size rather than a sophisticated and complex state machine. It is most reasonable for problems to arise from them.

Now it was Lin Ju and Ye Changsi's turn to doubt their lives. They had indeed taken very sufficient precautions, but that didn't mean they were absolutely perfect. It was just that they had always been confident and had no early warning from "Mountains and Seas", so they didn't notice any problems.

However, it must be taken into account that "mountains and seas" are not omnipotent, especially in matters related to national defense. Various physical barriers are very difficult to overcome, and "mountains and seas" cannot go to the servers of the Hexagon to do whatever they want.

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