After the seven people digested different information, they instantly gained a new understanding of the situation.

Lin Ju didn't expect that Death Ray No. 1 would be discovered at an unknown time, but judging from A Mei's reaction, it shouldn't be too far away, otherwise it wouldn't have taken so long.

Others are re-evaluating Ami's reaction. Who knew that they had discovered "alien civilization" early and were wholeheartedly preparing for war or planning to escape?

At this moment, Zhong Cheng once again realized the absurdity of history. The world is not a big machine that operates according to rules and regulations, but a shabby bus that is repaired everywhere and driving in the wild. Accidents can happen at any time and lead it to the unknown. direction.

However, after re-examining Ami's situation, he found room for maneuver:

“If that’s the case, we can keep the secret of ‘karst’!

It can be said that we have also discovered the signal of "Lihuo", so the reasons for discovering the existence of extraterrestrial civilization are consistent, and there is no need to tell anything about "karst". "

Zhang Shoucheng's eyes lit up. This reason was persuasive enough, and he didn't need to worry about being asked to share the advanced technology he had acquired. Moreover, it followed Ami's ideas, which was almost a perfect entry point.

It only took a short time for the country to abandon the idea of ​​going it alone, and no matter how it fought against the aliens on its own, in fact this matter could not be hidden for long, it could be a few months, or a few years at most, sooner or later.

Then the attitude towards other advanced space agencies is very important. NACA is the most important. RSA and ESA combined are about the same as NACA, and the rest can be ignored.

And when you really think about it, this is a huge and lasting economic expenditure. There are only two economies that can support the construction of the solar system's defense system. Their combined GDP accounts for 40% of the world's total value, and their combined industrial production capacity accounts for 70% of the world's total value. , which is almost all the power that humans can use.

Therefore, according to the opinions of domestic think tanks a few days ago, once alien civilization is exposed, the two super economies will join forces no matter how hard they are. No matter how big the fragmentation or differences are, they will still be affected by the pressure of alien civilization. Suppress it.

"What about Ami, why didn't they take the initiative to contact me?"

At this time, the superior finally raised the question: Ami had discovered the "alien signal" for half a year, so why did it not inevitably choose to join forces as its own think tank had guessed.

"Because they chose to flee."

Yang Zhongkai finally had a chance to speak and made this conclusion categorically.

"If we are to jointly resist alien civilization, then alliance is inevitable, and it is not even enough. But if you only consider your own survival or sending a small number of people to escape, you can choose to go it alone.

Defending against aliens requires advanced technology and massive resources, but escaping only requires the former and some resources, which a country can barely afford. "

"Where to escape?"

"It depends on how far they think it is safe. The ideal solution is of course to go to another galaxy with life planets, but in fact it may be the Kuiper Belt. The current technology can only go there as far as possible."

As for what Ami will do after discovering extraterrestrial civilization, the CSR team has been tracking it and treating it as a very large sociological experiment. It has long been concluded that they have chosen an escape route, and the general plan is almost the same.

"It's too risky."

Zhong Cheng frowned and fled to the Kuiper Belt? This is almost equivalent to escaping from the bedroom to the living room, but if you really want to leave the house, you have to cross several kilometers of lawn. Even a small-scale escape is still too risky.

"Yes, the risk is high, and NACA must understand it, but maybe in their view, the success rate of resistance is not as good as escape, so they would rather run away first."

Yang Zhongkai's explanation made Zhong Cheng suddenly think of the reason why Zhongyuan denied the escape plan a week ago: in addition to other factors, the main reason was the various advanced technologies of 'karst', especially the most important controllable nuclear fusion technology, which gave A few extra weights were added to one end of the scale.

Therefore, the country is confident that it is possible to resist a major technological breakthrough within 10 years, but Aramco is not. For them, future technology has not reached the threshold for resistance.

"But we don't need to take the initiative to persuade them to resist together, or even express our attitude. Together with them, we should first try to control the situation. After we land on Mars and conduct on-site exploration on Titan, Ami may take the initiative to change its attitude."

Yang Zhongkai added that in fact, as long as Ami knows that they are not the only discoverers of alien civilization, they will at least superficially agree with the resistance plan to strengthen themselves.

Or if the alien ruins discovered prove that a short escape is meaningless, the strategy will naturally change.

"Actually, there is no conflict between fleeing and fighting."

Zhang Shoucheng intervened:

"There are no footholds in the outer reaches of the solar system. It is not easy to build huge defense bases on the four outer giant planets, and they leave a lot of dead space.

We must build a mobile space force, that is, a space fleet, a spacecraft that can cruise for a long time in the solar system. Although it is still far away from interstellar navigation, it is the only way to develop.

Based on the further development of these space battleships, we will develop a spacecraft capable of interstellar escape, which can escape farther and safer. "

"In terms of power, nuclear fusion has laid the foundation for interstellar navigation. If there are other aids, the power system is expected to meet the requirements of interstellar navigation in a few decades."

Wu Yunfeng is also a platform for Zhangshou City, and he has the advanced technology of the base. The future technological development will only be faster than imagined.

By this time, all the information was almost summarized, and the superiors had already made a judgment in their minds.

The minimum time left for them to make a choice is only more than a month. Maybe the hydrogen bomb in July will cause some changes, so it is certain to reach some kind of tacit understanding with Ami.

The "M Incident" caused by a misunderstanding is now an easy target to take advantage of, and it is easy to gain Ami's trust.

"Since it's just a matter of sooner or later, it's better to do it later than to do it sooner."

The superior directly made the final decision. He only needed to decide the direction. How to operate the details was other people's business.

"And Death Ray No. 1... well, let's give it back the name of Thousand Jun Stick No. 1, and the future ones will start from Thousand Jun Stick No. 2.

If you have the golden cudgel in your hand, you have to wave it, otherwise it will be a waste of invested resources. Xiaolin, please think about organizing an experiment to show off the muscles of the Hexagon. This will also increase the weight of what we say later. "


Lin Ju immediately agreed. He had been itching for a long time. Qianjun Bang No. 1 had not yet conducted serious targeted experiments.

"Zhong Cheng, the space agency will leave it to you. Don't let go of any of the tasks at this stage, and don't fail to make all the preparations that need to be done. It will be harder in the future.

And you scientists and sociologists are the supporting force to resist alien civilization in the future. We must establish a coordinating organization, second people at will, and start targeted research that is conducive to the survival of human civilization! "

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