"Do you really want to carry out terminal interception? In fact, I would recommend doing it during the ascent and mid-flight stages. The terminal interception warhead is too difficult to burn, so the success rate is hard to say."

Zhong Cheng was still a little worried and hoped to persuade Lin Ju to change his plan.

There are three window periods for interceptor missiles, namely the ascent period from the ground to the atmosphere, the middle stage of flight from the atmosphere to the highest point of the ballistic trajectory, and the final stage of flight when it re-enters the atmosphere.

In the three stages, the flight speed of the missile increases sequentially, and its maneuverability gradually increases, making interception more and more difficult.

Most of the traditional anti-missile means focus on the mid-course anti-missile. At this time, the warhead has weak orbit-changing maneuverability, low speed, and sufficient time as an attack window.

The terminal anti-missile is much more difficult. At this time, only the warhead coated with thick insulation material is accelerating. The relative speed of the anti-missile from the ground is so high that it is very difficult to intercept. The error may be a few kilometers if it is slightly off. .

The reason why it does not attack at the take-off stage, which is the easiest time to intercept, is mainly because it needs to wait for the intercepted target to enter the attack range of the interception system. Generally speaking, the anti-missile missile itself is also a medium-range or above ballistic missile with extremely high accuracy.

For laser satellites, however, the situation is completely different.

For it, the vast distance of thousands of kilometers on the earth is just a few minutes or a slight increase in deflection angle.

After continuous algorithm upgrades, Qianjunbang-1 has actually been able to lock the target in a synchronous orbit more than 30,000 kilometers high. However, its laser system is not good enough. The actual maximum interception altitude is still only 400 kilometers, and it needs to be lowered to the orbit. Low Earth Orbit.

From a space-based perspective, all three stages of a ballistic missile are fully exposed to its field of vision, so it can naturally pick the weakest link leisurely so as to maximize interception effectiveness.

Moreover, there is another advantage during the take-off stage, that is, there is no need to irradiate the heavily protected warhead. It only needs to destroy the rocket body that still provides thrust. It can achieve an extremely high fault tolerance rate and an almost 100% interception success rate.

Although the DF15B used for the experiment this time is an old model, it is a type of medium-range missile with a faster terminal speed and multiple ground-penetrating bombs. The military believes that interception during the ascent or mid-flight phase is enough.

However, Lin Ju denied this view, saying that Qianjunbang No. 1 has the ability to destroy warheads, so he naturally wants to show off his muscles to make himself look stronger.

After all, the maximum output power of Qianjun Bang No. 1 exceeds 1 megawatt, and the power on the warhead is more than 700 kilowatts. There is basically no problem in destroying its aerodynamic shape.

"Don't worry, Bureau Zhong. Trust our technology. No one knows laser satellites better than us."

"But the terminal flight time is only so long, and the irradiation time lasts for 30 seconds. This... forget it, you are the professionals."

Zhong Cheng picked up the intercom and directly connected to the electronic warfare/anti-submarine reconnaissance aircraft in the South China Sea:

"High-tech 2004, high-tech 2004, please check again whether the infrared system is working properly."

"High-tech 2004 understands that the infrared monitoring system is normal."

How to know whether the laser satellite has hit the target, or how far it has missed the target?

Xinyuan's solution was a ground monitoring network. The target drone test at that time was near the base. There were sufficient visible/non-visible light monitoring methods, so it was natural to know whether the laser had accurately hit the target.

There is certainly no complex ground monitoring network on the vast sea. The solution is infrared monitoring.

If the laser beam misses the target and falls on the sea, it will cause local heating of the sea water. By monitoring whether there are any abnormal temperature changes in the target sea area, we can know whether the laser beam is deflected, and then calculate how much it has deflected to make corrections.

The aircraft that does this does not even need additional modifications, a dedicated anti-submarine patrol aircraft can do the job.

The reason why they are called submarine nemesis is that when the submarine is sailing, the waste heat and propulsion will cause the temperature of the surrounding seawater to rise slightly, producing different infrared characteristics.

That's still a depth of tens or hundreds of meters. Now it will be easier to monitor changes in sea surface temperature.

Of course, Zhong Cheng did not hope that this would happen when Feiqianjunbang No. 1 started working. He just silently looked forward to the performance of the laser satellite.

This is an operation only for one audience. Without knowing the existence of Qianjun Bang No. 1, others will only know that this is a failed experiment, but Aramco’s technical experts can naturally understand it as long as they analyze the trajectory. meaning.

"One more minute."

Zhao Xiaowen looked at the time on his watch and looked up at the position of Qianjun Bang No. 1 on the screen.

In the past few days, it has continuously descended into orbit and returned to low-Earth orbit at an altitude of 300 kilometers. Fortunately, it is equipped with an ion thruster, and the conventional fuel has long been consumed.

One year has not caused any malfunctions in this laser satellite. All parts are still running well. The capacitor has been fully charged early and is ready to be fully activated at any time.

This time, in addition to several low-orbit satellites from Xinyuan, there are also several reconnaissance satellites from the military and the space agency to provide guidance, so Zhao Xiaowen is not worried about failure.

At 18:29, the radar screen first started warning, and then the infrared warning. The tail flame of the DF15B taking off from the southern interior was extremely bright, and it was caught by the keen satellite as soon as it took off.

Qianjunbang-1 compares the information transmitted by these supporting satellites with its own observation results, analyzes the approximate route, and immediately adjusts the laser reflector to aim at the possible interception area in advance.

The DF15B successfully completed the take-off phase. After leaving the atmosphere, it threw away the fuel-drained second stage and began to enter the ascending trajectory.

It will fly to an altitude of nearly 1,000 kilometers before falling into a dive. Before that, it will become slower and slower and more difficult to maneuver, which is an extremely good attack window.

But Qianjunbang No. 1 remained unmoved, still just silently monitoring the trajectory of the warhead.

Past the highest point, the dive begins.

Qianjunbang No. 1 did not move for a long time until the warhead began to contact the atmosphere and began to rub against the dense atmosphere. Seven 140-kilowatt carbon dioxide lasers were excited and converged into a straight line of light. At the same time, under the action of the electronic gyroscope and electromagnetic adjustment system Offset slightly.

On the sea below, the radar of the DDG-107 "Gravely" destroyer also saw the warhead in the descending stage, and could basically calculate the impact area.

As they expected, the warhead was constantly being rubbed and decelerated by the thick atmosphere. The small bright spot in the sky lasted for more than ten seconds, and then it plunged into the sky very quickly...

The radar of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer was very sensitive, and it was immediately discovered that the trajectory of the warhead tilted abnormally and quickly to one side, completely beyond the range of normal maneuvers.

The warhead that was originally going to fall into the target area experienced an outrageous displacement after passing through the atmosphere, and began to fall in another direction. Judging from the radar track, its attitude also changed dramatically and began to roll, and it was completely out of control.

The operator, who was looking at the radar screen intently, was a little stunned at first, and then couldn't help but let out a cheer.

Judging from the situation, the landing point was at least 300 kilometers off. It is difficult to see such a major mistake in that country.

The captain happily confirmed the news and quickly compiled it and sent it to the Pacific Command, which immediately forwarded it to the Hexagon, eager to share the joy.

However, after the cable was sent to the Air Force Intelligence Analysis Office in the Hexagon Building, experts here came to a completely different conclusion.

It was still the young Colonel Anthony who was the first to realize that something was wrong. After he successfully uncovered the secret of NX17 in the Thirteenth Office, he was transferred back to the Intelligence Room to assume his original position, but he still obeyed the orders of the Thirteenth Office.

The importance of the follow-up work on NX17 has dropped by an order of magnitude. He only needs to wait for another year and a half, and with this qualification, he will be promoted to brigadier general. As long as he makes no mistakes, a major general will not be able to escape after the age of 30.

The Air Force is very concerned about the news of the upcoming sea test launch of DF15B announced a few days ago, and obtained the test results as soon as possible.

As soon as Anthony read the report of the failed test launch, he immediately noticed something was wrong and asked technical experts to determine the cause.

Judging from the trajectory, the warhead with thick heat-insulating coating actually suffered severe aerodynamic damage, causing it to roll out of control and crash.

This conclusion is really unbelievable. Anthony never underestimates his opponents and is keenly aware of something.

The technical expert didn't see anything for the time being, but someone from the Thirteenth Office suddenly came and told him a piece of news:

The signal of NX17 has just appeared in low-Earth orbit, and it is very dense and frequent, with almost no disguise.

It not only actively communicates with the ground and many surrounding satellites, but also passed directly over the DF15B during its test launch.

It is clear that this is a real ballistic missile interception test, and it is a space-based laser satellite interception.

After realizing this, Anthony felt shocked and angry, because this was a terminal interception test!

Not in the most vulnerable ascending section, nor in the longest middle section, but in the final section with the shortest time, fastest speed and best maneuverability!

Coupled with the large number of signals that NX17 does not conceal at all, and can even be said to be impatient to be discovered, all of them prove that this experiment is a demonstration, a naked demonstration that only a group of people can understand!

It was a smooth cone-shaped warhead with a terminal speed exceeding Mach 10 and a volume about the size of a person. It was destroyed the moment it entered the atmosphere!

What technology is needed to accurately hit such a warhead across a distance of hundreds of kilometers? At least Raytheon has been shaking its head while developing the same product.

What frightened him even more was the meaning behind this muscle show. Considering that the rumored negotiations were not going well, could it be that the Chinese were ready to use force to get what they wanted?

When Anthony's thoughts returned to his body, he realized that his limbs were already a little numb. He rushed to his boss's office regardless of the strangeness of his body.

In the President's Office, John no longer smiled as he did before, and asked McMaster again solemnly.

"You are saying that the Chinese conducted a terminal missile interception test and it was successful, right? What evidence is there?"

"That's it. The evidence is obvious. They did not hide it at all. Our two destroyers and the Luzon radar observation station saw the whole process. This is the fact!"

John was silent. In addition to the shock of the news itself, he was also surprised at the level of forbearance of the Chinese people.

It was obviously launched more than a year ago, but it was delayed until now to conduct a complete simulation test. It was easy for him to think that this was a response to Ami's actions last month.

In fact, John didn't feel too scared. After all, he had known about the existence of NX17 for a long time, but he was just worried about being discovered by other countries.

The emergence of such a super killer weapon will significantly tilt the balance of international relations and bring trouble to the entire United States.

He would rather pay a little more than see such an uncontrollable situation.

"When did Xu contact us last?"

However, none of the three people present could answer this question. This matter was handled by Jack Sullivan, who is not here now.

When no one responded, John crossed his fingers and began to carefully sort out some of the previous negotiations between Sullivan and Xu Rang.

What Xu Rang wants most is information concessions, and economic concessions to reduce tariffs and trade protection policies. However, from a pragmatic perspective, the latter factor should be more important.

Could it be that their export economy has been severely affected and they have to start using swords for plowshares? John has already begun to think about his maximum range of concessions.

Tariff barriers and various restrictive bills are to protect the domestic manufacturing industry. If the inflow of external goods is expanded and the manufacturing industry is to be maintained, subsidies must continue to be increased. However, for the three major bills and the huge space program, the scale of federal fiscal releases has been in line with the economy. If the limits calculated by scientists are exceeded, opening the market will mean another heavy financial burden.

But it was impossible not to give in. The opponent's fist was already on his face, and a head-on confrontation would not be beneficial to the current situation.

While he quickly began to analyze the situation, Robert also woke up and quickly began to shake the staff, especially Sullivan himself.

Most of the other staff arrived within an hour. At this time, Sullivan was still in Manhattan, New York. It took about an hour to travel more than 300 kilometers away.

However, it was only after John had discussed with other staff members for nearly two hours and declined the events he was planning to attend that he saw Sullivan walking in with a gloomy expression.

"Jack, you're late!"

McMaster was a little dissatisfied that Sullivan was at least two hours late than he should have been.

However, Sullivan simply ignored him, walked in without saying a word, found a chair and sat down, clenched his fists and placed them on his knees. After scanning for a week, he looked at David Usnow aside, then Robert and Claire, and finally back to McMaster.

After successfully attracting everyone's attention, he revealed the reason for being late:

"Xu suddenly invited me to meet in person. I waited for him for some time, and then he just said a word to me and left."

The others looked at each other in confusion, not understanding such a strange behavior.

Sullivan recalled the scene:

Xu Rang didn't even sit down after walking in. He just looked at the impatient Sullivan, and then said lightly:

"If you can't escape the solar system, you will die."

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