I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 698 I want to die, so you hide yourself

Before Sullivan could react to what happened, Xu Rang, who had stayed for less than a minute, strode away.

The translators and assistants present had no idea what was going on. This Chinese man walked in, said something completely unknown, and then left. If this was a public contact, the media would definitely call it big news.

One is the ambassador to the United Nations and the other is the secretary of state. The meeting between the two should never be so hasty and simple.

They wanted to get answers from Sullivan, but the latter was lost in thought and motionless on the sofa.

After several minutes, Sullivan began to make some moves, and then even more unexpectedly:

He directly called the Presidential Secret Service, controlled everyone present today who heard those words, and personally emphasized to the Secret Service captain the seriousness of their mission and did not allow anyone to pass on any information.

Then he boarded the helicopter and arrived here as quickly as possible.

After he repeated Xu Rang's original words, he remained silent, because everyone here understood this sentence:

——The Chinese know about alien civilization and NACA’s escape plan!

Everyone who had just experienced a shock was once again overwhelmed by a tide of emotions, but this time it was shock and fear.

Especially McMaster, the Chinese have no detectors on Mars at all, so it is very possible that a serious intelligence accident occurred?

The M incident and Office 13 are both Ami's top secrets. There are no more than 100 people who know about it except the office researchers, and he has an impression of everyone.

Any relevant information is never communicated in electronic communication equipment. It is transmitted by specialists in paper documents and recycled after reading. It is a secret among secrets.

If someone collaborates with the enemy, it will be the most serious espionage incident since the end of the Cold War, and the entire top management will be unstable.

At the same time, everyone else also realized this, and instantly looked at each other with a little vigilance and suspicion in their eyes.


John slapped the table gently and said angrily:

"I know what you idiots are thinking, but I will never believe such a thing. Robert, Claire, tell me is it possible for the Chinese to discover extraterrestrial signals?"

"Maybe... let me think about it."

Claire gave Robert a look, and the latter immediately took out his cell phone to operate it.

There is no Mars probe, but there are quite a few probes on the road, such as 'Lihuo', 'Typhoon', and 'Tianwen'. Robert checked the memo and said "Oh" after a while.

“Although they don’t have a probe on Mars yet, they did have a probe that flew near Mars.

It's 'Changsi', the Changsi probe, which is the one going to Ling Shen. It was launched on July 5 last year and is expected to arrive at its destination in 40 months. If the time is right, it may pass near Mars. , this time is...five to six months. "

The target of Changsi is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, so there is no need for conventional Mars probes to slow down before approaching Mars.

So even if it is not launched during the fire detection window, it will not take long for it to reach the orbit of Mars.

Robert immediately realized something, took out his mobile phone and called the aerospace experts at NACA, asking them to calculate the closest distance of the Changsi probe when it passed by Mars.

This was just a simple math problem. Not long after, the other end of the phone told him that the distance between the two in recent times should be about 1.5 million kilometers.

Very far, but also very close.

And it happens to be within December, which means that if ‘Changsi’ is lucky enough, there is a chance of discovering alien signals.

This conclusion made everyone feel relieved. Regardless of whether it was the truth or not, it was still much better than having a super traitor inside.

"It's possible that they also discovered alien signals at a similar time to ours. Looking at our deep space plan later, it's easy to guess our...Kuiper Belt shelter plan."

Claire didn't say the word "escape", although in fact it was, but the internal name was called a refuge.

"Can it only be December?"

"It is very likely that there is only an overlap at this time. They could not have received the signal when it was launched last month."

Claire patiently explained to John that the M signal was not a broadcast signal with no blind spots, but had a vague direction. It could only be detected near Mars, so the possibility of detection by the earth was naturally ruled out.

There are only so many detectors. According to calculations, there are still several million kilometers away from the fire. The most likely one is the Changsi.

The expressions of the others immediately changed, which meant that the Chinese discovered the problem almost at the same time, but they just kept it to themselves like them.

So is this the reason why the Chinese are also pursuing a deep space project? They even did not hesitate to use an expensive nuclear-powered space shuttle to carry out dangerous missions.

When the Typhoon was launched, NACA also made an analogy with the Endeavor and found that such an ultra-long-distance voyage would put too much strain on the aircraft body. If it was lost, it would definitely be a major setback.

But it would make sense if it was also because of alien civilization. In the face of this huge crisis, the cost of a nuclear-powered space shuttle seems acceptable.

The two astronaut directors also thought more carefully. As long as they move towards the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn and other giant planets must be important strategic support points. If Ami had the same ability, she would choose to do this.

Perhaps he was already a little numb. After knowing that the Chinese had also discovered extraterrestrial civilization, John felt a little relaxed except for the expected afterthought.

After all, even for the largest superpower, such pressure is too heavy.

Having more informed people also means less pressure to make decisions. The power of a super industrial power cannot be ignored.

His mood actually improved a bit, and his tone of voice was somewhat unnaturally calm:

"Why do the Chinese suddenly do this? Why do they want to scare us just once? And why do they want to tell us the news at this time?"

Xu Rang finished the message immediately after the anti-reflection exercise, which naturally showed the connection between the two things, but John could not think of the purpose of doing so.

"They have already told us the answer: If we cannot escape from the solar system, we will die."

The Great Wusnuo repeated Xu Rang's words, and then explained:

"The Chinese people's choice is different from ours. It may be to escape to other galaxies, but it is more likely to fight back."

"Fight back?"

McMaster looked unbelievable, that was an alien civilization.

“It’s a counterattack, but like the shelter plan, it requires the construction of space bases outside the asteroid belt or even the Kuiper belt. Of course, the most important thing is weapons.

Perhaps before they developed laser weapons just to gain profits and have room for negotiation; now they must vigorously develop them. Lasers are the most powerful space weapons that humans can master at this stage, and it is impossible to stop researching them.

What happened last month made them think that we might affect the development of space weapons, so they wanted to use today's exercise to tell us——"

"Escaper, don't block my path to death. (Escaper, don't block my path to death.)"

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