David seemed to have seen the Chinese people with fire burning in their chests. No matter what the purpose was, they finally chose to resist.

Xu Rang must be proud of his motherland's decision, so he can show his contempt arrogantly:

You ran away, we stayed, we will die, but die with dignity.

The anti-missile test was a warning not to try to interfere in the development of space weapons. David even suspected that United Mining's use of hydrogen bomb blasting was part of the plan, and it was the first step to break through the restrictions of the Outer Space Treaty.

Although David did not think that the Chinese resistance would be successful, from his own perspective he did appreciate such a romantic death ending.

There was silence for a while after he stated his inference, and then Claire spoke:

"Somewhat true, but I guess not entirely."

“The Chinese people must also be aware of the difficulty of resistance, but they are not willing to go to the Kuiper Belt like us unless they escape further.

But no matter which choice is made, human beings' current technology is far from enough. They need to vigorously develop aerospace technology first, and at the same time build a large number of spacecraft, such as super space stations, extraterrestrial bases, etc.

The same goes for us. In the next ten years, the work we have to do is basically the same. "

"Behind the threat is cooperation!"

Sullivan had been sorting out the whole story, and now he finally felt like he had discovered the truth.

He stood up directly from his chair and walked around excitedly while talking:

“Whether you want to escape or stay, you need to invest a huge amount of resources in space, and such a large investment needs a reasonable reason, just like the current space race.

But whether it is them or us, if we want to accomplish this by our own strength, we will have to pay a huge price, and there will be a lot of friction and collisions during the process that will interfere with the process.

They want to cooperate, at least without interfering with each other, and they don't want to invest their energy in internal friction. "

Both John and McMaster nodded slightly. The federal government also had the same idea, otherwise it would be impossible to show such a compromising attitude.

Not to mention working together, as long as both parties communicate with each other on this matter and both parties intentionally avoid possible frictions and conflicts, a lot of things can be saved.

"So...the Chinese will come to us again."

John tapped his fingers on the table, thoughtfully guessing his next move.

"Yes, we need to reach some kind of agreement or a secret memorandum before. In short, in the future, we should all free up our hands to put our power into space as much as possible.

How to deal with extraterrestrial civilizations and whether to disclose these to others will need to be discussed in the future as agreed. "

Sullivan said and suddenly laughed:

"It's even a good thing, besides the fact that we're completely crushed."

However, McMaster didn't think so at all. He focused more on the atmosphere:

"Gentlemen, please remember one thing first. Our current opponents have surpassed the alliance in all aspects, but we are not vigilant enough!"

"Yes...I understand...I promise to complete the mission!"

Li Sheng put his heels together and saluted the camera with a standard military salute before stepping forward and hanging up the video call.

This action was impossible to complete before, but under 0.3G gravity, basically everything that the earth can do can be done in space.

He looked at the large porthole behind him and saw only a bright blue arc.

Now that Advance is operating on the dark side of the Earth, it is almost impossible to feel the rotation of the space station due to the lack of reference.

But this is only temporary. When the vast earth flows through the porthole, even well-trained astronauts can't help but feel the soles of their feet fluttering, but they can only suppress the dizziness.

Li Sheng didn't know how the astronauts of the Isaac Newton felt. Anyway, after the Advance rotated, the crew members who had lived for three months all felt huge discomfort.

Most of the previous experiences are no longer applicable. The 12 centrifugal cabin sections are better. At worst, if you close the partition and don't look outside, you can adjust it in a while.

The biggest nightmare was that the two astronauts tried to go to the functional module of the rotation center to get some supplies from the docked space shuttle. When they came back, they were all dizzy and almost injured.

According to the operation manual of the Qianjin, personnel should not be close to the axis when rotating, because the closer to the center, the more intuitively the angular speed of rotation will be felt. If it is really necessary, the life steward will do it for you.

However, Li Sheng still approved the operation for the purpose of testing. It was okay for the two astronauts to climb through the spoke cabin. Once entering the functional cabin, it was a real nightmare. It was like entering a huge drum washing machine. It took only a few steps to sense Confused, I don’t know whether it’s me or the space station.

It has only been three days since the space station started rotating. After the initial novelty, the side effects are so severe that almost everyone is learning all over again.

Not only was Li Sheng busy caring about the astronauts every day, he was also notified of a new mission.


Lian Xinwei's figure appeared at the door of the cabin. He shouted habitually, and then saw Li Sheng raising his hand in a serious salute. He was stunned for a moment before quickly returning the salute.

Although he is also in service, half of the 26 crew members of the Advance are from Xinyuan. In space, there is generally no superior-subordinate etiquette like in the army.

Fortunately, Li Sheng's warm expression showed that nothing had happened, so Lian Xinwei couldn't help but jokingly said:

"Brother Li, are you really the captain?"

Li Sheng said nothing and kept smiling, which made Lian Xinwei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

“Not just me, but you too.

The orders from the ground require that experiments be carried out after familiarity with the operation of the space station, and management will be implemented through the ship system. For the time being, I am the captain, and you are all crew members, sailors, and first mates. "

"Battleship is still..."

Lian Xinwei suddenly thought of Li Sheng's actions just now, understood the answer instantly, and then asked:

"What about the military ranks? Half of us are not in service."

"As I said, this is just a test and not really done. There is only a position without a title. A batch of specially customized epaulettes will be sent in the next supply, which is only valid while the mission is in progress."

Li Sheng did not hide anything. These contents will be discussed by everyone later. Lian Xinwei is a psychiatrist, so it is normal to tell him.

Moreover, the experimental battleship system is not a copy of the Earth's system. In addition to using some of the names, there are only a few drafts in terms of job scope, implementation regulations, etc., which need to be formulated by the astronauts on the Advance and then gradually explored and improved.

After understanding this, even Xinwei also felt the pressure from Li Sheng. Doing so would cause the military atmosphere on the spacecraft to become extremely strong, which had never happened before.

When he frowned and thought, Li Sheng patted his shoulder:

"You can think about it when you have time in the past few days. I will talk about it later. I feel that what we do in the future will be very important."

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