Snap, snap.

Lin Ju high-fived Zhong Cheng and Lu Jianfei in turn to celebrate.

Although the entire earth is now in an unprecedented crisis, they might as well have some fun in their misery for the time being.

Lu Jianfei is the commander-in-chief of the Second Artillery Corps. Originally, Lin Ju proposed to directly use the current DF5 or 31 series for this test, but after his dissuasion, it was changed to DF15B.

There is no other reason. The main reason is that I feel bad for wasting one intercontinental missile. There are really not many in the country.

But if he wants to continue the interception test, he will never hesitate, because the power of one Qianjunbang No. 1 can withstand a hundred missiles.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that if the space is filled with laser satellites one day, we can just withdraw the nuclear missiles from active service, and other people's missiles will not be able to get in anyway.

The significance of the first actual success of the laser satellite can be compared with that of two bombs and one satellite.

The hydrogen bomb reversed the unfavorable situation of that era, while the laser satellite suddenly gained an advantage ten years ahead of its time.

"Mr. Lin, I think we can prepare for the next test now. We need to make an accurate assessment of the efficiency and accuracy of laser interception."

Lu Jianfei was a little excited, but Zhong Cheng poured cold water on him:

"Everyone knows the clues after the second time. It's not time to reveal the secret yet. There are forces everywhere these days who want to know the inside story of this experiment."

A major mistake occurred in China's always smooth rocket, especially at such a critical node as the sea test, which attracted great attention at home and around the world.

Everyone initially speculated that the exercise was to intimidate the Pacific Ocean. After the failure, they inquired about the inside story and were prepared to laugh at the same time.

During this period, there were voices of pessimism and ridicule everywhere from the outside world, and domestic criticism was also sharp. Some retired Aramco officials also commented on this "failed" experiment.

But the Hexagonal Building knew that the Chinese people must be crazy with joy, so even the ridicule seemed weak, and it was not tit-for-tat as the outside world thought.

Lu Jianfei calmed down after listening to Zhong Cheng's words. He didn't know what he thought of and sighed:

"Land and not within the atmosphere will no longer be the focus of our strategy, and our original plans will be scrapped."

Lu Jianfei is a senior military officer who is qualified to know about alien civilization. Although he has not yet formed a clear opinion, the restructuring that has just begun has been eased.

This is of course not to say that there will be no changes, but that we must start to consider the existence of the future space force and put more energy and resources into space, as long as the ground is sufficient.

In addition, the military has realized the advantages of space warfare. Just as air combat has changed the mode of war, space superiority will also completely change land combat in the future.

It's like a laser satellite. In the past, when a target was found, it called for missiles. In the future, it might be possible to directly call the satellite to scan. Tanks can't withstand laser initiation. It only takes a few seconds for a laser to destroy a tank battalion.

There is also the "decapitation" tactic currently implemented by drones. No matter how hidden the target is, as long as it is not in a fortress, it can be "evaporated" directly with a laser sweep. It is quieter and more terrifying than any weapon in history.

If it is a laser satellite that can output 20 megawatts as Lin Ju said in the future, it can even burn through thick steel fortresses and destroy ordinary houses.

It is also because of the existence of this kind of weapon that the entire top management can instantly realize the necessity and significance of developing a space force.

For example, Xinyuan envisions the Qianjunbang No. 5, which weighs several hundred tons and hangs on the Qianjin, with an output power exceeding 30GW, and its power is even more unimaginable.

Zhong Cheng and Lin Ju both recognized Lu Jianfei's statement, and they were the executors of this change.

Zhong Cheng: "It's not just us. I believe Aramco is also going in this direction with all its strength. In the future, we will definitely find ways to break through the restrictions of the Outer Space Treaty."

Lin Ju: "There is a reason now. The smelting satellite of Yushu No. 1 Base is actually not fundamentally different from the Qianjun Rod series. As long as the output system is changed, one satellite can achieve dual uses.

I am thinking that Chiyang can follow this idea. On the earth, it will be Qianjunbang 2, and on the moon, it will be a smelting satellite. It can even be further placed at the moon-earth Lagrange point to attack the earth target from the moon. "

Zhong Cheng (Lu Jianfei): "Then this is really an exaggeration!"

While Lin Ju and others were talking about the prospects of the Space Force, Ye Changsi was sorting out the development routes of various technologies at the base with a group of scientists.

Hundreds of scientific researchers in high-end fields poured into a laboratory building in the base, and there was no need to worry about confidentiality issues - Xinyuan's own confidentiality measures were strong enough, and even the security bureau gave a thumbs up in admiration.

In fact, it would be more convenient to go to the Huanxing Laboratory, but the researchers at the National Institute of Science and Technology can't wait.

Ye Changsi opened up all technical information except strong artificial intelligence and some cutting-edge basic sciences, and showed them directly.

The various technologies add up to a treasure trove, and the researchers who come here wish they had to sleep and keep reading.

Among them, most of them were about technology, and there was less cutting-edge science content, but it also surprised Zhangshou City.

"This 'trampoline' technology should be most used in laboratories. When this technology is developed to its extreme, it can help us uncover the secrets of the composition of matter just like super accelerators.

Well, next we must build a high-energy laser physics experimental center, which is very helpful for cutting-edge science! "

He absorbed this knowledge eagerly, and was even a little annoyed at this time:

"It would have been better if it had happened twenty years earlier. I spent half of the past twenty years doing nothing."

"If you do nothing, we will just hang around."

Ye Changsi thought silently in his heart. According to his observations, Zhangshou City's system rating is most likely to be above A+!

The reason why he is not so famous yet is because the current scientific development in the world is not enough to support him to continue to make breakthroughs. This is a true super genius with nearly omnipotent learning ability in physics.

Needless to say, Lin Ju is also gradually establishing a good relationship with Zhang Shoucheng. Such a talent is not to be missed.

"Professor Zhang, the country's resources are limited. Please look at which technologies have the highest priority so that we can make preparations."

"That's a lot. I can't postpone any of these..."

Zhang Shoucheng answered casually, but suddenly paused. After looking around to see that everyone around him was immersed in work like himself, he came a little closer to Ye Changsi's surprised eyes and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear. :

"President Ye, your Xinyuan research strength is also very strong, I mean cutting-edge physics."

"Hmm... hum."

Ye Changsi obviously didn't want to say more on this topic. He smiled and tried to fool him, but he didn't expect Zhang Shoucheng to pursue him:

"You, Vice President Cheng, and the few over there are all geniuses.

It is impossible for people like you to remain anonymous for the first half of their lives, but I have never heard of your names.

Don't say it's because of the knowledge that the stone gave you. It doesn't increase your intuition about science. "

Ye Changsi originally wanted to explain, but what he wanted to say was blocked.

But he remained calm, as if he didn't care at all, and he met Zhang Shoucheng's gaze without any evasion and said:

"Don't worry, Professor Zhang. We are all natives of Earth and have not been manipulated by aliens."

Zhang Shoucheng stared at his face closely and gave up after seeing nothing but frankness. He also pretended that nothing happened and returned to the topic:

“According to the current situation, I think there are two key directions: nuclear fusion and space elevator.

This 'Chiren' material is very interesting and completely breaks my view on nanomaterials. I would say that only when the space elevator is built can humans truly carry out large-scale space construction. "

"That's the truth... But before that, there are two things that can also play a big role. I can take you there to see them later."


Zhang Shoucheng became interested, and then heard Ye Changsi say:

“First, the aerospace aircraft, Tengyun Engineering has already seen it, it can solve launch missions of medium and smaller sizes, and the cost is very cheap.

For medium and large launch missions, we are about to replace traditional rockets with something else. "

"I can probably guess what it is."

During the break after dinner, a group of researchers were gathered and followed Ye Changsi and Serev into an independent assembly workshop in the base.

As soon as they entered the factory, which was illuminated by bright shadowless lights, everyone couldn't help but exclaim at the sight in front of them.

On the elevated workstation, an angular monster was lying there quietly. Although it was already night, you could still see the "workers" moving around on the scaffolding.

More than thirty "Warrior III" work robots are busy working. They perform their tasks neatly and quietly, with smooth movements without any jerkiness.

The giant thing in front of us is the XN90 spacecraft to be assembled. It has the last two thrusters left to be installed and is checking whether the reserved electrical interfaces are normal.

The highly impactful sci-fi appearance and the cold machine workers make people feel that they have arrived in the fully automated factory of the next era.

Zhang Shoucheng looked around and saw no human except his own group.

Serev was very proud of this, because with his continuous efforts and the rapid progress of robots, OGAS has really achieved computer control of everything and everything is automated.

He has experienced chaotic management, slow response, extremely high waste of resources, and rigid and rigid alliance production complexes, so he has an unusual obsession with efficient and automated factories.

The concept of OGAS came from Anatoly Kitov and Viktor Grushkov, but it was Serev who eventually took the lead in realizing it in a super enterprise.

Even if the exact same equipment is used, a factory controlled by the latest OGAS fully automatic instruction issuance system can save 90% of front-line workers, improve production efficiency by more than 50%, and improve quality management to a higher level.

During the final assembly of the XN90, he carried out a bold experiment on the grounds that it contained nuclear radiation risks. Robots participated in the entire process, and humans only performed the final review of each stage. So far, it has been completely smooth.

According to the schedule, the spacecraft will be able to conduct its first test flight at the end of July or mid-August.

Serev walked directly under the spacecraft, knocked hard on the surface wrapped by the heat insulation layer, and made a dull sound:

“For this thing, we basically put all the most advanced technologies into it. It looks so big, and its empty weight is only 50 tons. Think about it, it’s 6 nuclear reactors!

The empty weight without the engine is only 22 tons. For this purpose, its insulation tile material has been upgraded twice. It is much more advanced than the Typhoon. Such a large piece of material can be lifted with one hand. "

Upon seeing this, Zhang Shoucheng got closer and felt the texture of the surface material. He couldn't help but admire after understanding that underneath such a thin layer of material was a nuclear reactor, which had to withstand repeated ablation by the atmosphere:

"Just looking at the information is far less shocking than seeing the real thing."

"The efficiency of the aerospace aircraft is definitely higher than this, but the potential of the aircraft shape is limited. Although the XN90 has a load capacity of only 25 tons, we will make a larger one in the future, with the load capacity increased by at least 10 times."

"More importantly... versatility?"

Ye Changsi looked at the person who told the truth, who was Shen Zuozhou, and waved to himself in a friendly manner.

The XN90 is not particular about the environment. As long as conditions support it, it can be used on the earth, Mars, the moon and other places. The protection is also extremely convenient, and it is also suitable for short-distance travel. It also has ample power output, which is like a panacea.

It is not specially optimized for a certain environment and has no special advantages, but it can be used in most places in the solar system. This feature will be particularly important in the future development of alien planets.

A group of researchers from different fields no longer avoided taboos. Under the guidance of Serev, they carefully visited the inside and outside of the spacecraft, while Zhang Shoucheng communicated with Ye Changsi alone:

"This thing is too advanced, aren't you afraid of arousing suspicion?"

Ye Changsi: "Even if we don't want to, we have to do it."

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, sparing no effort in development is the only option.

Zhang Shoucheng's eyes returned to the spaceship:

“The Advance astronauts will use this thing to land on Mars and Titan. Now it’s really like acting in a science fiction movie.

Lao Ye, tell me, what is the relationship between the things in those two places and that black stone? "

Until now, Zhangshou City only believed that alien civilization was related to Xinyuan, but still doubted the authenticity of "karst" and was not even willing to call it that random name.

Ye Changsi secretly had a headache. A genius's IQ was not only reflected in academics, but he was often too lazy to use it in other aspects.

It's a pity that Xinyuan's every move now attracts great attention, otherwise he would have signed an external employment agreement directly.

"I assure you personally, we don't know anything, but six detectors are on the way and we will have some answers very soon."

"I hope you are on the side of humanity."

Ye Chang thought for a moment and answered very seriously:

"I think what I do is for the future of humanity, and so does everyone else here."

Zhang Shoucheng seemed to have thought of something and stopped asking further.

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