In the early morning of July 4th, John ended his visit and got on the plane.

His trip does not only have one destination. The entire trip will last for a month and visit multiple regions. This is considered a relatively normal diplomatic behavior by the outside world.

According to the information obtained by the outside world, the main purpose of John's trip was to discuss aerospace cooperation. The heads of the two space agencies appeared at the same time many times in a row, apparently planning something.

The most likely rumor in the media is the second blasting operation in a week's time. This is the first large-scale space mission in which China and the United States cooperate head-on. Now the astronauts of Artemis 6 are eating Chinese food on the moon!

Such public opinion aroused great concern among other member states of the Huayin Treaty Organization. After John left, he immediately proposed convening a new round of working meetings and began preparing the visiting team without waiting for the host's response.

However, Lin Ju knew that the biggest breakthrough point reached during this visit was trade.

"Tell me, how will the outside world react when this treaty is revealed? Will they think that Ami has gone crazy?"

Standing in front of the hangar gate of their base, Lin Ju and Ye Changsi discussed the news they had just received.

Since the senior officials of the base are insiders of the alien civilization, it is logical that they have the right to know the relevant negotiations. They can know the secrets that happened in the past few days through the Space Strategy Research Association.

According to Yang Zhongkai, Aramco has paid a huge price this time. The number of the most cutting-edge Virginia-class attack nuclear submarines in service will be cut from the planned 66 to 16.

You must know that the SSN789 Indiana, which was just launched this year, is the 19th ship of this type of submarine. This means that the Americus Navy has to decommission/storage the first three nuclear submarines that have been in service since 2004 and are 90% new, and subsequently build them. Plan to cut in half.

As for the Columbia class of fifth-generation strategic nuclear submarines under development, construction was only approved last year. The plan to serve 12 units was shelved. The 18 Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarines currently in service must be reduced by 6 units, or one-third.

In addition to these two items, the two sides are still fiercely arguing about limiting the number of aircraft carrier formations, trying to restrict the number of capital ships.

But the most shocking thing is that Aramco will reverse its previous trade protection policy. The federal government will liberalize import controls on more than 900 categories, while allowing both parties to invest freely in each other, and will not restrict commercial competition through non-commercial means.

John set this time in the name of adjustment in 6 months, that is, starting from January 1, 2019, the degree of openness of economic exchanges between the two sides will be astonishingly relaxed.

Aramco needs half a year to prepare for the commodity impact. After that, domestic companies that have already been reeling to the extreme will rush to the other side of the Pacific, with free capital investment, free circulation of goods, and visa-free entry and exit for business personnel.

These conditions are mutual, and there is no such thing as one-way opening up. Of course, China may also be impacted by Aramco, but from a macro perspective, the gap in industrial scale is still much more beneficial to itself.

After digesting these contents, Ye Changsi almost blurted out:

"The Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between China and the United States? It's not that open, but it's not too different."

Lin Ju: "Tariffs still exist, and visa circulation has not been fully liberalized, and there is a time limit. When Aramco's laser satellite is launched into the sky, this treaty will naturally terminate... Well, I don't know what they will name it yet."

Ye Changsi: "Enough, absolutely enough. Three to five years is enough to change the structure of the economy. Besides, it is easy to open up, but difficult to blockade."

Lin Ju: "Why do you feel that we and Ami are going to form a partnership?"

Ye Changsi: "We still enjoy the most-favored-nation trade status."



The two of them are completely speculating now. What has been decided now is only a draft. The time when the outside world will really notice it will be almost at the end of 2018, that is, when AmeriCorps is really ready to implement the treaty, they will know what the specific situation is.

The country has not let down its vigilance yet. Although it has been agreed to limit the number of laser satellites, if you build ten or twenty and store them in the warehouse, who can find them out? If necessary, you can launch them all in a few months.

The base is still working hard to manufacture Qianjun Bang No. 3 (a modified version of Chiyang), at least the technological iteration will not slow down.

If nothing else, there will be a pretty good honeymoon period in the next 5 to 10 years, but that’s it.

Most people do not believe in the existence of fairy tales, but place their faith in the sword in their hands.

"President Lin, Vice President Ye, are ready!"

An engineer wearing a hard hat drove over in an electric vehicle from the factory and moved the two people who were blowing air at the door to a place farther away from the hangar door.

Lin Ju stood outside the yellow warning line on the ground in front of the hangar, staring at the huge hangar door that opened a gap.

The safety officer evacuated the people, debris, and vehicles in front of the hangar door, and then waved the indicator stick with both hands at the hangar door.

A few seconds later, the ground began to vibrate continuously, and the tall hangar door gradually slid open under the traction of the motor.

Due to the strong sunlight outside, the interior of the bright hangar looked very dark at this time, but the flashing yellow warning lights of the tractor were still conspicuous in the darkness.

When the hangar door was fully opened to both sides, revealing the wide space inside, the tractor finally slowly drove out of the hangar, giving people a glimpse of the majestic giant behind it.

A ship with an angular shape that looked like a crude mixture of several geometric objects was placed on a low split trailer, and was slowly pulled out by the tractor.

Although it does not occupy as much space as a large aircraft, its tall appearance and heavy design make people feel extremely solid, like a large statue carved from rock.

Who would have thought that such a product that looks very heavy would only weigh just over 50 tons when empty?

The appearance of the XN90 spacecraft was not very enthusiastic, but it was enough to intimidate onlookers by itself.

Next to the small side door under its cab, there are two elegant Chinese characters engraved by laser:


This is the official name of the first XN90 nuclear-powered space shuttle. For this epoch-making advanced product, the space agency specially classified it into the category of space shuttle in addition to rockets, aerospace planes, and spaceships.

It can travel freely between the surface of the planet and space multiple times, has a certain degree of self-sustainability, can take off and land in various scenarios such as unpaved surfaces and liquid environments, and can adapt to different planetary take-off and landing environments. This is the definition of a space shuttle.

Its naming also abandoned the naming of people. Considering that its main role in the future is to dock with the Advance space station and conduct landing missions on multiple extraterrestrial planets, it was eventually named "Enterprise".

Go into space, forge ahead and never retreat.

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