Unlike Xinyuan's other first spacecraft, the "Enterprise" was directly purchased by the military with a large sum of money and became a shuttle aircraft in service with the Space Force.

For near-Earth transportation, the "Enterprise" has limited significance. The Moon's Jiuzhang is also sufficient for the current situation. The biggest future application prospect of the Enterprise is to follow the Advance for exploration everywhere.

The current Qianjin has only completed its design goals, and various subsystems and overall performance still need to be tested. If it really wants to perform missions in deep space, it will still need a lot of modifications and experiments. There is no strong mission demand in the short term.

Another point is that the Enterprise has six nuclear reactors. Although power generation is only a secondary function, it can also provide unimaginably abundant power on a platform of this size.

The Enterprise has enough space and power for weapons placement, and with the help of plasma specular reflection technology, the available laser power even exceeds that of the Crusader One.

In the future, when astronauts land on Titan or encounter danger on Mars, the Enterprise will at least provide certain defense capabilities.

However, for the time being, the Enterprise will not conduct long-term docking exercises with the Advance. It will cause an imbalance in the center of gravity after docking with the Advance, causing the Advance to completely offset the offset of the change in the center of gravity.

It will take at least 2 years to wait for the second phase of the Qianjin's transformation to be completed. After the slip ring interface is installed on the axis, the rotation will change from overall rotation to partial rotation. The axis part will remain stationary before it can perform long-distance missions. This will take at least 2 years.

During this period, the main activities of the Enterprise will still be the earth and the moon, and will train qualified warriors for the Space Force who can perform missions hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

If we want to say what is the most obvious benefit that the "Black Stone" operation has brought to the base, it must be the extremely abundant financial support. The base now does not need to worry about funds at all and can carry out research plans at will.

However, Lin Ju only misappropriated a "small part" of the funds to accelerate the project, and had no intention of investing hundreds of billions of funds into the system to forcefully break through technical barriers. The consequences of that were completely unpredictable.

The Enterprise was originally scheduled to leave the factory at the end of July. It is now being moved out to prepare for engine testing in advance and to prepare for the transfer of the test location.

The base is not far from a densely populated area. The military plans to transform a ready-made test site in the northwest, a few hundred kilometers away in a straight line. The Enterprise will be disguised as a sister model of the Nine Chapters and transferred there for intensive testing. test.

In fact, due to the original location restrictions of the base, it is not suitable as a testing ground for aircraft, and the surrounding terrain makes it difficult to continue to expand, which is somewhat detrimental to future development.

The base demolished a section of the wall near the runway and temporarily repaired a road leading to the river. The Enterprise will be towed to the temporary site there for pre-flight testing, and then transferred to the northwest test site. This process I'm not worried about any flaws being discovered.

Although it will reveal its extraordinary abilities sooner or later, the country obviously does not intend to give John a "big gift" to stimulate the opponent as soon as he leaves.

"I dare say it was the best meal I've ever had in space."

Roy skillfully used chopsticks to pick up the food on the plate, and at the same time communicated with Deng Lei in fluent Beijing films.

He is now in the cab of the Nine Chapters. The area behind the driver's seat is very large. The cantilevered metal plate unfolded from the bulkhead is used as a long tabletop, allowing the place to play the role of a restaurant.

The table is large enough to accommodate 10 people, but there are only 5 people in the cab now, and 4 others are sleeping in the lounge below, all experts on the Wutu space station.

Over the course of a few months, the payload experts who carried out the second long-term lunar mission have all become elite astronauts, and their adaptability to the moon is definitely better than the three members of Artemis 6.

Artemis 6 successfully landed in the Yushu mining area one day ago, bringing a total of three megaton hydrogen bombs and three Aramco astronauts.

Unlike any previous lunar landing mission, the Artemis 6 crew only had three people, and no one stayed on the "Gateway" space station. They all descended to the lunar surface.

On the one hand, this is due to trust in automated control, and on the other hand, it is because of the existence of Jiuzhan and Wutu Space Station.

Probably NACA also believes that with such a group of powerful colleagues, even if there is a problem with Artemis 6, there will not be any big trouble.

The facts are similar. The three astronauts only spent one night in the "Origin" lander. The next day, Deng Lei, Fu Xiangjie and three payload experts took the Jiuzhang and descended to the lunar surface to meet Artemis. Successfully reunited on the 6th.

The two sides met successfully, and according to the agreement made in advance between NACA and the Aerospace Development Commission, Jiuzhang had enough space to accommodate 8 astronauts, and all of them would use Jiuzhang as their base during the lunar surface mission.

There is no need to worry about communication issues, not to mention that the Chinese astronauts’ English skills are passable, and there are payload experts who already know Chinese. Roy, one of the Artemis 6 members, is an excellent translator.

Roy's mother is a second-generation Chinese American. She learned bilingualism at a very young age and also learned many Chinese customs. There is no barrier to communication. This is his biggest advantage in being selected for this mission.

After successfully reuniting with the members of Project Canopy, the astronauts of Artemis 6 truly saw what the future era is like:

Their lander was like a crude bucket in front of the Nine Chapters. This spacecraft had a complete transition module that could clean the lunar dust on the surface of the spacesuits. Although the living space for the personnel was not much larger than that of the "Origin", it was flat. The design brings higher utilization efficiency and can accommodate more people.

There is ample supply of drinking water and rich recipes, but the most luxurious thing is the supply of fresh vegetables. The expansion plan of the Wutu Space Station is more than half completed, and one of the two new 50-ton cabins is dedicated to planting.

These have become part of daily life for Project Canopy members, but they completely refreshed the Artemis 6 crew's understanding of space missions.

Deng Lei entertained them with a C-level meal, which was more common during the mission. It was equipped for diners with more than 4 people. It had 12 kinds of dishes and pre-prepared vegetables. Some of the dishes of the more advanced B meals and A meals needed to be cooked freshly, which were usually served in non-Japanese restaurants. Available during missions.

The C-meal standard has also been continuously upgraded with the progress of lunar construction. It is nothing new to these old people, but it has made Roy and the other two astronauts madly complain about the luxury of the Chinese people.

Space food attaches great importance to the proportion of energy. It generally requires the same quality to provide as much energy as possible, and most of them can be eaten. Therefore, things like Kung Pao chicken, minced eggplant, curry, etc. can basically be eaten completely. Wasted food is very welcome.

However, the C meal they ate included sauced bones, a whole fish, and lamb chops. These whole-processed dishes were more complicated in the eating process and contained more waste, which was contrary to the space's principle of convenience and fast priority.

But as long as you patiently observe the expressions of other people, you will know that these are nothing to them, that is, the Chinese can already afford such "waste" just to slightly improve the life experience of astronauts.

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