"Report to the command center. I am ready to detonate. All personnel have been moved to safe areas and can act at any time!"

"Stay on standby and execute as planned!"


Deng Lei turned off the communication and continued to stay at the console to prepare.

Like last time, except for the two astronauts staying at the Yushu base, the rest of the members in the lunar orbit wore spacesuits to prevent accidents.

You must know that the total yield of this explosion will exceed 80 million tons, which is the largest yield of a single explosion in human history, and is 60% higher than Ivan the Great.

According to ground calculations, the strong electromagnetic pulse generated by this amount will last for more than 40 minutes, or even up to an hour. Many detectors with insufficient protective measures may be damaged, and communications on the entire moon will be disconnected after the explosion.

Fortunately, the explosion was on the back side of the moon, otherwise the Earth's orbit might have been slightly affected.

The danger for the astronauts performing this mission has also greatly increased. The strong electromagnetic interference lasts for too long. Even if the space station assembly is on the opposite side of the explosion when it explodes, the electromagnetic pulse aftermath is still strong when it reaches the explosion surface.

Deng Lei has enough confidence in the huge space station assembly. The current operating mass of Wutu Space Station exceeds 200 tons, and this does not include Jiuzhang.

Even if the space station loses power, the stored supplies and emergency equipment can last for half a month, which will definitely last until rescue arrives.

As for Artemis 6, which co-participated in this mission, NACA had no intention of leaving them to take risks here, and embarked on the return journey the day before.

Whether it is the "Gateway" space station or the Orion spacecraft, their protective performance is actually almost passable. The main reason is that they cannot provide enough emergency survival resources for astronauts, and NACA cannot afford to squeeze into the "Black Rabbit" space station.

There is still one hour left before the scheduled detonation time. The space station is still running on the explosion surface and can see the scheduled blasting site.

Senator Bill occupied the observation position of the porthole and carefully observed the location of the mining area through the following function of the intelligent astronomical telescope.

The Wutu Space Station operates at an altitude of only a few dozen kilometers, and the large crater left behind by the last explosion can be clearly seen through the telescope.

Even though the astronauts later moved around and destroyed the explosion zone, it was still a perfect circle in the shot.

As a typical hawkish congressman, Bill's initial purpose in participating in Project Skyrim was to find flaws in United Mining, or to interfere with it.

However, after six months of getting along, he had established good personal relationships with others, and they often cursed the federal government together, so much so that Bill suspected that his position would be questioned after he returned.

Fortunately, he is now in his seventies and has no plans to participate in the general election. He is quite satisfied with the current situation.

"Matthew, I think we can give NACA a definite answer."

Naturally, Bill also had a mission. NACA came up with the idea after the first test explosion, trying to use the perfect paraboloid produced by the nuclear explosion to build a space radio telescope on its basis.

However, they still have doubts about the radiation residue and the effects of the explosion, and asked the members participating in Tianmu 4 to conduct an investigation. It is almost time to give the results.

Both Matthew and Bill have been to the lunar surface several times and collected and analyzed samples from multiple locations. All results met NACA's requirements.

Matthew: "I have already written the report. In the future, Ami will also have its own nuclear crater on the moon."

"What NACA wants is a big one with a diameter of 3 kilometers, and it also needs a 10-million-ton equivalent."

Rosen, a nuclear expert from the country, jumped in. He is the most active among the multinational expert team and has been studying some weird things. In addition to the initial nuclear bombs to transform the terrain, he has recently been doing some underground blasting to create underground cities.

"Mr. Rosen, is the country ready to establish a nuclear bomb blasting company?"

Bill joked casually that this was because the country was extremely interested in United Mining's plan, and it was even rumored that it planned to become its long-term supplier and sell nuclear bombs to build construction on the moon.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe we will produce hydrogen bombs on the moon in the future."

"Everyone, please note that we have entered the near side of the moon!"

Deng Lei's reminder made Bill and others immediately quiet down and quickly find a place to stay.

Matthew and Rosen came closer, and with him there were several people gathered around the console in front of Deng Lei.

This is the first time that humans have detonated multiple hydrogen bombs at the same time, and they are all large devices with a yield of tens of millions of tons, so there are strict requirements for the timing of detonation.

There may be a risk of delay differences in remote-controlled detonation on the earth, so the method adopted on the ground is to use traditional timers, which are calibrated in advance using atomic clocks, and then detonated simultaneously at the predetermined time.

The countdown is only 15 minutes. It is sent from the satellite to the hydrogen bomb 30 minutes before the explosion, and then fed back to confirm that the clock timing is correct and all are activated.

This time, each of the five parties input a specific code for the activation command, which was written down by a dedicated person before entering the space and entered before issuing the command.


The built-in program of the notebook connected to the console was activated 30 minutes before the explosion, and five boxes automatically popped up with their respective national flags next to them.

Zhou Jie was the first to press the keyboard without hesitation, and everyone else saw the code he entered: LHLH180712.

Simple and clear, Deng Lei immediately understood the meaning in his mind.

The next four people came forward one after another, and everyone was focused on the input.

"Giant Man"




When lead expert Jamie finally lost, Rosen finally couldn't help but complain:

"Last time you just used the names of the robbers, but now you use the names of the Queen's three corgis?"

Jamie didn't bother to pay attention to him and just muttered "hillbilly" quietly.

Hours after the five-segment code is entered, a signal is sent from the space station to the satellite, which in turn transmits the signal to the mining area.

A minute later, several prompts popped up on the laptop screen.

"All unit activation status passed, clock calibration passed, explosion point confirmation passed... Done!"

The countdown on the screen started to beat. Deng Lei subconsciously touched the connection point of the helmet, took a deep breath and gently held the nearest cabin handle.

In the next ten minutes, all non-essential functions of the space station were powered off, with only basic life support parts retained and emergency equipment on standby.

About 10 minutes before the explosion, the yellow warning light in the cabin began to flash, and a piercing alarm sounded from the headphones.

Deng Lei stared closely at the constantly beating countdown numbers, only to feel that the speed of its changes was getting faster and faster, and finally stopped abruptly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the number returned to zero, he felt a little hairy all over his body, but the world outside the porthole did not change at all.

The originally "rustling" radio noise in the earphones suddenly became louder for a moment, and then was automatically cut off by the communication system, turning into dead silence.

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