I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 713 Kindness is greater than heaven

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Drink tea in the evening."

Chen Jun and Wang Minjiang met each other in the lounge of the base. They met only rarely, but they both had the same identity.

Huanghe Semiconductor and Xinan Automobile are the two earliest subsidiaries of Xinyuan, and they are also the two most developed and largest companies. Androv's Star Airlines cannot compare with them for the time being.

Xinan Automobile is now the leading new energy vehicle company in China and even the world, while Huanghe Semiconductor is a unicorn company in the domestic chip and system fields, both standing at the top of the industry.

This is largely due to the technical support provided by the base. Although the base has not even intervened in the past year and has not provided more technical output, it still does not affect this result.

The two of them did not delay Lin Ju's sudden summons. They got up and rushed to the base almost immediately, hoping to see "the hot man who landed on the moon."

They didn't wait too long. Less than 15 minutes after they arrived, he appeared at the door of the lounge.

"Mr. Lin ()!"


Lin Ju was not too polite. He simply said hello and sat across from the sofa. He first explained:

"I won't keep you for long. You have to fly to the capital soon. Tomorrow is the time for the hydrogen bomb to explode. If you have any questions after that, please contact Ye Changsi."

Of course, Chen Jun knew about United Mining's blasting plan. In fact, United Mining had overtaken all the space agencies in the world and became the only one at the top. Any news related to it would be eagerly reprinted.

After all, a "private" company that can buy nuclear bombs and mine on the moon has more prestige in the real world than most countries.

When he thought that Lin Ju was busy with such great things all day long, he even felt that building cars was not worthy of his status, and he suddenly showed admiration.

However, Lin Ju didn't pay attention to the change in his expression, and went straight to the topic:

"Xin'an's development momentum is very good. I think you will start to make full profits as soon as 2020. Lao Chen, you are indispensable."

"Mr. Lin deserves the award. I am also standing on the shoulders of giants."

Chen Jun was a little embarrassed. Xinan Automobile was able to reach its current situation because the foundation provided by the parent company was too good. As long as it did not operate randomly, there was almost no possibility of accidents.

In the past three years of business, Xin'an has made a lot of money from selling cars and related derivative businesses, but its overall financial report has been a loss, mainly due to the continuous investment in infrastructure.

Xin'an was established and started business in 2015. At this time, only BYD had a new energy foundation through its early DMI technology. Domestic pure electric vehicles were still in the stage of fishing in troubled waters, and several well-known new forces in the future are still developing slowly.

Xin'an entered the market with pure electric and smart driving. Although it has superb technology, it relies heavily on infrastructure. There is no infrastructure that was completed only five years later, and it is all done by itself.

Pure electric vehicles require the construction of super charging stations everywhere, intelligent driving requires the construction of the Internet of Vehicles, and lane-level precision navigation relies on surveying and mapping vehicles with updated data from nationwide surveying and mapping.

This does not include the supply of parts and components. There will be no mature and sound supply chain in the future. Xinan can only provide money and technology to support one by one and cultivate it bit by bit by itself.

Therefore, even if Xin'an's cumulative sales exceed 1.5 million vehicles, and this year's annual sales will reach one million, all profits have been invested in various ecological constructions, and there is even a trend of increasing losses.

Fortunately, the two major shareholders are confident and patiently continue to invest more, and concept stocks are ushering in successive bull markets.

Xin'an's current technical level is generally more than 3 to 5 years ahead of its peers. Especially after receiving the 220wh/kg battery and lightweight alloy from the base, it did not continue to increase battery life but tried to reduce the weight of the vehicle.

With the same battery capacity, compared to a 2-ton vehicle, Xin'an can reduce it to 1.5 tons. It not only reduces the height of the car but also reduces power consumption. The level of technology can be distinguished with the naked eye.

Chen Jun's goal is to achieve annual sales of 3 million vehicles in 2020, and to try to popularize L3 (this world's world line division standard) fully autonomous driving.

Lin Ju looked at the confident Chen Jun carefully and suddenly asked:

"How is your driverless taxi operating?"

Chen Jun hesitated when he heard this question, but still answered honestly:

"The L3 technology of driverless taxis is still relatively primitive. If it is to be put into urban operation on a large scale, it will require a lot of cost to install auxiliary facilities on the roads. At present... it does not make much sense."

At this point, he was a little ashamed, thinking that it was his lack of ability that caused the unmanned driving to stop moving forward, but Lin Ju was not that surprised.

The requirements for driverless driving that can actually hit the road and cope with complex road conditions are much higher than those for assisted driving, and Xin'an's technical strength is not enough.

The first-generation X32035 produced at the base is still a peak that is difficult to reach in China, and the intelligence level of SC09 will not be developed in a short time.

The key is that there is currently no strong demand for L3 autonomous driving in China.

Create demand where there is no demand.

Lin Ju narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to ask:

“Do you know about online ride-hailing?”

"I understand, of course I understand!"

How could Chen Jun not understand online car-hailing, or rather he should know about online car-hailing the most.

The concept of online ride-hailing first emerged in 2010, but it will only start to flourish around 2020. 2018 is already the eve of the peak period of this industry.

Anyone who has studied this industry in depth will know that sooner or later, online ride-hailing will move from part-time to professional, and the ultra-low-cost advantage of new energy vehicles will bring huge help.

The current obstacles to the entry of new energy into online ride-hailing are still too few supercharging stations and lack of market confidence, but Chen Jun can definitely see the huge market that is gestating.

He explained his analysis and optimism about the prospects of online ride-hailing in great detail, making Lin Ju nod frequently, and then Lin Ju dropped the first bomb:

"I also plan to do online ride-hailing, are you willing to take over?"

Before the shocked Chen Jun could digest the news, Lin Ju followed closely and dropped a second bomb;

"The online ride-hailing service I want to build must be fully autonomous. I'll ask for the qualifications to go on the road. You don't have to worry. I only think about how to operate it and make legal preparations. There are many loopholes to consider."

"Mr. Lin..."

The expression on Chen Jun's face was very tangled. He might not be very interested in the pure online car-hailing business, but what if it was a fully autonomous and unmanned online car-hailing business?

If it were spread across the country, how big of a market would it be? At least a million vehicles, several million vehicles, tens of millions?

This has broken away from the scope of traditional car companies, and its nature has transformed into a highly valuable super technology company, with tentacles in every corner of the country and controlling hundreds of millions of travel needs.

It was a lie to be unmoved, but when he thought that he was about to take over such a super giant, he even felt panic:

The impact of this incident is so large that only national institutions dare to endorse it. It is not something that a company can bear the consequences of.

Even Wang Minjiang on the side was shocked by Lin Ju's radicalism and whispered:

"Isn't this a step too..."

He vaguely guessed the purpose of calling him over. Lin Ju would definitely not rely on the traditional electronic system when he pushed away the driverless system, and would definitely take the opportunity to promote the ternary system.

Of course Wang Minjiang hopes that the ternary market will expand rapidly, but he is scared to launch such an advanced thing all at once.

However, Lin Ju did not intend to explain too much to them:

"Unmanned online car-hailing also started with pilot projects. The first few are big cities such as Beijing and Chengdu. As for the policies, you don't need to worry, I will guarantee it for you."

Of course, Lin Ju has full confidence. Xinyuan's status is now very different from that in the past. Lin Ju and other base executives are no longer simple presidents of private companies and have considerable official influence.

From a certain perspective, Xinyuan is also organized~

It is certainly not his decision to fully promote such a major event, but it is certainly no problem to open a small back door for partial pilot. As long as the local government is willing to cooperate, it can be implemented smoothly.

Perhaps it was the sense of oppression and tension deliberately created by Lin Ju, but Chen Jun didn't have time to think too much. He simply weighed it in his mind and gritted his teeth and said:

"I'll do it, leave it to me, Mr. Lin, but I need full support, both technically and in other aspects, and Lao Wang also needs to cooperate with me."

Wang Minjiang responded quickly:

"We fully cooperate with the parent company's decision."

"very good."

This attitude made Lin Ju very satisfied, and then he dropped the third bomb:

"One last thing, the unmanned online car-hailing company will open a new production line, and we will set up a subsidiary company specifically for production. The production of these cars will also need to be greatly reformed. Lao Chen, will Xinan be able to direct the parts factory? "

This sentence shocked the two of them again, and they no longer dared to listen any more.

Chen Jun swallowed his saliva and answered carefully:

"Yes, we can either acquire or support core component factories and battery factories, and they all listen to us."

Lin Ju's expression became serious and he sat upright:

“I want to promote the OGAS system. The parts supply and final production and assembly of autonomous vehicles must be fully integrated into computer management, and the automated command system issues instructions to control output and structure.

Excluding the R\u0026D department and quality management, the parts production and assembly of autonomous vehicles must be as unmanned as possible. I give you the next task: from the source of parts to the end of the vehicle assembly line, no more than 100 workers are allowed in the production process. The production capacity will be no less than 50,000 vehicles and no less than 100,000 vehicles in the future. All must be automated! "

Chen Jun's eyes darkened, and each of his big moves became more exaggerated than the last. Lin Ju had not been involved in the subsidiary's business for a long time, but once he came, it would turn everything upside down.

However, he did not dare to refute, but seriously considered the feasibility:

"Mr. Lin, this requires the entire supply chain system to open a separate production line to cooperate with the automated command system, and a lot of robots will be added to the assembly process. The cost-efficiency ratio is too low, and the cost will be completely uncontrollable, and it is likely to increase several times."

Can car production be completely unmanned? Of course you can, even without relying on a base.

In fact, modern car companies' manual participation is basically in the final assembly stage, such as door mounting, interior screws, car logo installation, etc. However, the price of replacing it with robots is extremely high, and the layout is cumbersome, and the overall cost-effectiveness is not as good as manual labor.

As for the core coordination ability of OGAS, he ignored it. In Chen Jun's view, modern assembly line management was the ultimate in efficiency, and he could not imagine the huge power of full-system automated control.

"Xinyuan will bear these transformation costs. I may set up another company to be responsible for it, because the experimental nature is not included in your costs. It will be shared when it matures. Xinyuan will fully subsidize the increased expenses in this area. Well, maybe The country will also give it.”

Lin Ju still believed in the strong support for new things from above, and he felt that the explanation was almost the same and he looked at Wang Minjiang:

"What is the main problem of Huanghe Semiconductor now, design or process?"

"The craftsmanship, the craftsmanship is so backward!"

Wang Minjiang replied immediately, he already knew what would happen next.

China has no shortage of talents. It has provided all IC design specification bases for ternary chips, but the limitation is mainly in the process.

"Our main application is still 28nm. Below 20nm, extreme ultraviolet EUV lithography machines are needed. It is not possible yet. Modu Microelectronics is still trying to find a way."

"I give."

Lin Ju waved his hand calmly. There are hundreds of billions in the base's account now, and there are so many projects. It is possible to spend about 10 billion unobtrusively to focus on conquering some key technologies of EUV lithography machines.

The source of the technology is also easy to explain. We will first wait for the Enterprise to conduct orbital testing, and then use it as a "Black Stone" reward. This rhetoric has been fully accepted by others.

"Get the 14nm process done as soon as possible. I'll give you one year to find out all the problems and hand them over to me or Lao Ye."

After saying that, he looked at his watch and it was almost time. He felt that he had nothing to explain and left directly, leaving behind two stunned CEOs.

Wang Minjiang was silent for a while, then sighed:

"Mr. Lin is trying to change the entire world."

Chen Jun also nodded silently, suddenly feeling that Lin Ju wanted to do more than that.

"Mr. Lin, your kindness is greater than heaven!"

Ruan Liang grabbed Lin Ju's arm excitedly, raised his head and shouted regardless of the latter's embarrassed expression, he was so excited that he almost fainted.

Seeing this, Zhong Cheng immediately tried to stop him, but Ruan Liang grabbed his new target and pulled his sleeve and shouted:

"Great Development Committee, we will always remember your kindness and grace, and it will not be finished for generations to come!"

Lin Ju, who finally escaped, wondered whether the Annan astronaut who was training was possessed by something strange.

Ruan Liang's commotion was finally calmed down by several staff members, and then he learned the reason from other people:

The completion of tomorrow's hydrogen bomb will mark the basic end of the Tianmu-4 mission, and the next round will be Tianmu-5.

Perhaps it is to prepare for the future, or it may be to win over other members of the Huayin Treaty. In short, the space agency has decided to make the follow-up missions of the Dawn Project also cooperate with the Canopy Project, and will send astronauts from other small countries to the moon!

Five astronauts from small countries have entered into adaptive training before landing on the moon since the day before yesterday. Ruan Liang, who was selected, was so excited that he couldn't restrain his emotions when he happened to meet them.

After learning the truth, Lin Ju touched his arm and subconsciously asked his assistant:

"The others aren't here, are they? Don't continue to do this."

"Don't worry, we have already stopped them, but their domestic propaganda cannot stop them. They have probably already started."


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