"Hey, look at the sky."

In Wenchang, the crowd gathered at the launch site beach was suddenly attracted by the movement in the sky, and raised their heads to look at the sky.

In the sky above them, there was a faint dark point of light moving slowly, surrounded by diffuse clouds like bubbles.

Old tourists who often watch rocket launches are familiar with this. It is obviously another vehicle heading into space.

Judging from the lack of a tearing explosion, it was probably not an aerospace plane.

"It's a small rocket. I didn't see any other launch missions today."

"Senchang, Jiuquan, or Bingzhou? Is it thousands of kilometers across? Isn't it?"

Experienced aerospace enthusiasts have already had doubts. If it is a small rocket launched from inland, the flight span is basically about 500 kilometers, and Qiongzhou should not be able to see it.

Only aircraft that climb relatively slowly, such as aerospace planes, need to cover a span of several thousand kilometers at times, take off inland, and do not enter space until they leave the South China Sea border.

However, the rumbling sound of the 10 engines in the Tengyun series cannot be concealed, and this unknown "rocket" seems very abnormal.

But their doubts did not last long. It did not deserve too much attention. Instead, it was interesting to wait for the launch mission that Wenchang would carry out.

All four launch stations are occupied today and will continue to perform launch missions in the next few hours.

It is not a giant rocket like Xinyuan 3, nor a space shuttle, but a small and medium-sized rocket that uses backward hydrazine fuel and has a take-off mass of less than 200 tons.

But even these four small rockets attracted huge popularity. The number of people gathered on the beach was comparable to the moon landing.

What's even more bizarre is that there are a large number of foreign faces in the audience, and the proportion is unprecedentedly high. Many of them are still holding cameras in their hands.

It all comes down to the names of those four small rockets: Dongfeng-5.

When the launch time approached, the protective door of the launch tower opened, and its dark green 3.35-meter missile body was clearly revealed. The blunt top was completely different from the pointed appearance of a normal rocket.

The moment the first Dongfeng-5 appeared, the crowd immediately became excited and cheered one after another.

Four Dongfeng-5 missiles, four single warheads with a yield of 15 million tons, two bombs in one, covering a range of nearly 12,000 kilometers. If four missiles lock on the same target, they can wipe out any super city on the earth and easily cause death to millions of people. casualties.

It is such a strategic weapon that has changed its previous mysterious image and is being prepared for launch at the public launch site in Qiongzhou.

Regardless of the reason, the four special combinations have attracted great attention from around the world, and surrounding radar stations are also on high alert.

Lin Ju: "Tell me, are the anti-missile systems around the world now on the highest alert?"

Lu Jianfei: "At least our anti-missile system must have done this. When the Sword of Damocles is revealed, even if it is used to cut a watermelon, it will make people tremble."

After the conversation between the two, a mysterious smile appeared on their faces.

Because the third explosion plan only requires domestic supply of hydrogen bombs, the procedure is much simpler, even to an exaggerated level:

When studying the transportation method, someone immediately suggested that the purpose of the Dongfeng-5's existence is for those old high-yield nuclear warheads. Since the warheads are no longer needed, the old Dongfeng-5 can only be dismantled and decommissioned, and its maintainability and The survivability is far inferior to the new models in service.

In order to maximize the utilization of waste, it is directly used as a vehicle to send nuclear bombs into space.

After all, in principle, ballistic missiles and rockets are the same thing. As long as the flight trajectory is changed, it is a launch vehicle.

A 15-million-ton warhead is not considered light, so Dongfeng-5 can only send it to low-Earth orbit. Then it needs to be "salvaged" by the Dawn-2 spacecraft with a robotic arm, and then loaded into a cargo hold and sent to the moon.

This plan was quickly adopted with a very high cost advantage in the decision-making process, and then a notice was issued and sent to Qiongzhou for launch work.

Although this was a completely harmless launch, it immediately aroused the high vigilance of all forces. After all, when Liu Huaqiang picked up the watermelon knife, he did not actually chop the watermelon.

No matter how low the probability of killing someone is, it is worth taking maximum precautions as long as it exists.

Lin Ju and Lu Jianfei, who were on the roof of a residential building by the beach, were suddenly surrounded by cheers. Then they saw the Dongfeng-5 at station 1 igniting. The characteristics of the missile made its acceleration far exceed that of ordinary rockets. It was ignited just now. , had already passed the height of the launch tower, rising at high speed with a fiery red tail flame, sending the largest nuclear weapon ever into space into space.

"President, you'd better go into the basement."

Sullivan tried to fulfill his duties as a special assistant, but John clearly didn't appreciate it.

John knows what others are worried about. Before the Dongfeng-5 launched from Qiongzhou enters orbit, if it adjusts its direction before reaching the highest point, it will only take 15 minutes from the time the Pacific Fleet or satellite discovers that its target is not in low-Earth orbit to the time the warhead reaches Washington. minute.

In the past, this early warning time might be 25 to 30 minutes. A reduction of more than 10 minutes might result in several times more heavy casualties, so the Hexagon Tower always kept a close eye on Qiongzhou's movements.

However, John didn't take it seriously and just made a few random remarks, and Sullivan could only leave it at that.

After skipping this topic, John got down to business:

"What is the feedback from the parliamentarians and what do they think about bilateral trade?"

"If you don't inform alien civilization, I can only say that it is very pessimistic."

Sullivan's answer was not unexpected. In the past month, he carefully let some experts speak out and constantly tested the senators' attitude towards John's new deal.

The answer is of course a lot of scolding and disdain. No matter how mixed reviews are on the intelligence of these hereditary MPs, it is still clear what dumping is and whether it will steal business from their own companies.

They scold the "experts" who serve as mouthpieces, or simply ignore them.

Obviously, if the gambling plan specified by John and the economic experts is submitted as a bill, it is already foreseeable that the senators will look at the mentally ill.

But telling congressmen about extraterrestrial civilization now is tantamount to making it public directly. This is inconsistent with the interests of the top management. It will also risk breaking the contract with the Chinese and arouse the hostility of the other side. John does not want to turn the world into chaos. .

There are only three months left before the Chinese people's agreement, and time is already urging John to make a decision.

"Damn it, why have our congressmen turned into short-sighted insects!"

John threw the signature pen on the table, picked up the bottle of Coke and drank half of it in one go, and continued to complain:

"Chinese people are always expected to do something good, so why can't we do it?"

Sullivan: "That's because they... President, I have a suggestion."

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