Chapter 730 Aurora II


"You idiots, be careful, hey! You damn guys can't handle it lightly, these are aircraft parts!"

Omar was walking in the huge logistics warehouse. The loud noise from the exhaust fan made everyone wear noise-canceling headphones. He had to use the loudest voice to direct his workers.

However, no one could actually hear what he said clearly, but as long as they saw their boss's exaggerated body movements and roaring expression, they would naturally be more careful.

Parker March Machinery Manufacturing Company is a medium-sized factory located in Seattle. Its main business is to provide various hardware parts used in aircraft and also undertakes machine maintenance work.

This factory has more than 2,000 people, but most of the production work is completed in South America or Southeast Asia. Only a small number of parts are produced here, as well as assembled and repaired.

The aircraft business has brought huge profits to the Parkmachi factory, but Omar still supervises on the ground frequently. He knows that his nominal boss is only a small role.

Because the main customer groups of the Parkmachi factory are several air force bases in the east, ordinary people cannot get air force orders.

The Parker March factory generates more than one billion U.S. dollars in annual revenue, which can provide a large amount of income to several congressmen and military officers behind it. Of course, the most important role is to settle the bad debts.

There will always be inexplicable black holes in the accounts of the air force base. The best way to erase them is to transfer them to daily maintenance expenses. After all, the boys are always too rough in their operations, and it is understandable that rookie pilots have high losses.

Parker March's parts are of excellent quality and are specially supplied for all types of aircraft, so it is reasonable for them to be a little more expensive.

Omar walked to the "defective products" area, grabbed a handful of ordinary spring washers from the pried open wooden box, and carefully observed the surface treatment and shape.

The factory's quality inspection method is not to pick them up one by one. As long as a certain number of randomly inspected parts have a defective rate that reaches a certain level, that batch of parts will be judged as unusable "defective products" and directly sent for destruction or resale.

Omar keenly discovered that the treatment of several gaskets in his hand was too rough, and the anti-oxidation and anti-rust processes were obviously not in place. He suddenly became angry, called the corresponding supervisor, and cursed:

"Look at what garbage this is. I can even break it open with my hands. This supplier should be removed immediately. When did the quality of Annan's parts become so poor!"

Omar stared at the supervisor's expression. "Annan" in this context actually refers to China. After the trade barriers between the two countries began, the number of "Annan" suppliers at the Parkmachi factory increased significantly, and the quality It is still as stable as ever, and there is no way such a poor quality product will appear.

"Sorry Mr. Omar, this is not produced by Annan, their recent delivery has been delayed and this batch was made by an Indian supplier."

India, that's Congressman Slater? Or Colonel Perlis?

Omar thought about the names of several agents, and impatiently pushed the supervisor aside, thinking about how to give them a beating without looking too ugly.

Since there are a lot of accounts that need to be settled this year, the Air Force base has raised the unit price of this batch of gaskets to US$25 each. For US$25, you can buy a small gasket that is only 1 mm thick and less than 10 mm in diameter!

Omar bets that the manufacturing cost of this "Annan" thing is less than 25 cents, but this is arms sales, this is the military-industrial complex, and the bosses in Congress and the Hexagon cannot lose this channel.

Even if the Park March factory removes the "fire consumption" of layers of joints, a gasket like this can still make a profit of 5 US dollars. Coupled with the subsidy from John's "Industrial Act", it can increase another 0.5 US dollars, which is also quite large. an income.

If Industry Bill subsidies last for a year, then...

"Manager, there are two people looking for you outside!"

The secretary's voice interrupted his thinking. People who could reach his ears obviously needed to be interviewed. Omar pulled his sleeves irritably, and then saw two visitors outside the factory:

Two young white men, one of whom he recognized, was a relative of a major shareholder of the Parkmarch factory and also had white gloves.

The other one was wearing a formal suit, but the color was too bland, like an insurance salesman.

"Omar, this is a friend of mine and we need to know something."

Warner introduced the "insurance man", and Omar then learned that his name was Ziad and nodded as a greeting.

"I can show you everything you need to know except the accounts."

Ziad: "I want to know the yield rate, purchase price and quantity of the Chinese products you sell."

Omar stared at his nose carefully, eager to punch this guy when no one was around.

"Uh...hey stop, calm down."

Werner quickly smoothed things over and said in a more serious tone:

"Ziyad is a think tank expert and he has permission."

"Whose permission kills our permission? We only produce pure Ame products and only import raw materials from Southeast Asia or South America."

Warner: "Calm down, calm down! Ziad is one of our own, listen to my explanation, let us go to your office to talk!"

"Manager Omar, you should have heard that Aramco has opened up a large number of industry restrictions to China."

"Oh, I know, it was proposed by a fool. If that were the case, your uncle wouldn't be able to get tens of millions of dollars in dividends. It's just a delusion of a psychopath."

"In fact, this is the bill that the president is preparing."

Omar's half-lying body instantly sat upright and asked in disbelief:

"That what..."industrial catfish", do you really take the idea of ​​stimulating industry seriously? Don't tell me your uncle believes this."

Warner: "Only he knows whether he believes it or not, but he decided to support the president."

Omar: "Unless he calls me personally, no, I don't believe that, and it has nothing to do with me, it doesn't affect me at all."

Warner: "Of course, the shareholders agree with the president's decision and are discussing the expansion of the Parkmage factory. In the future, a large number of civilian products will be developed here, such as bread machines, sweeping robots, vacuum cleaners, televisions, air conditioners and even... car."


Omar had a "Are you kidding me" expression on his face? If he produces these home appliances in Aramco, he will lose all his pants.

Even if it is profitable, do these gentlemen who make a lot of money just by sitting look at this small amount of money? Besides, if there were no tariffs and industry protection, how could it be compared with Chinese products?

"Mr. Warner, you know what you're talking about."

"You also think this is whimsical, right? It sounds true, but what if there are some additional conditions?"

"What strings attached?"

Warner: “If it is not fully opened by then, but there is a transition period of a few months to a year, during this transition period, direct imports of goods will still be restricted, and heavy tariffs will need to be paid in the standard amount.

However, if Chinese are willing to invest in local factories, they can enjoy the same preferential treatment as local enterprises. Except for the subsidies under the Industrial Act, which are only granted to purely local enterprises, all other preferential treatment can be enjoyed.

The joint venture factory can produce locally or import parts and components with very low tariffs for assembly. The final price will not be much higher than when they are in China, which is almost equal to zero-tariff imports. "

By the time Werner finished speaking, Omar had almost understood the essence of what he was saying.

If this information is true, it means that the Parkmachi factory no longer needs to cover up the source of imports through layers of transit, and can legitimately import directly through joint ventures.

The workload is reduced and profits are increased.

The same is true for other commodities. During this "transition period", as long as a company is established as a joint venture, it can be a matter of course to import a large amount of cheap industrial products and then sell them under OEM brands.

Omar is very clear about the price advantage of Chinese industrial products. Even domestic products from Japan and China cannot compare with them, which means greater profit margins for local joint ventures.

Just thinking about a few aspects, Omar has seen countless crazy profits.

This huge temptation almost overwhelmed him, but he still forced himself to calm down and asked with a straight face:

"What about after the transition period?"

Werner laughed loudly when he heard this question and raised his eyebrows:

"When our joint venture products are sold in large quantities, those Chinese companies will expand production like crazy. As long as we impose some restrictions, these products will pile up and become unsalable. A few months of punishment is enough to bankrupt a company. We still have the upper hand!

And who knows how long the transition period will last? This is not a stupid idea, but a genius idea! "

Omar finally couldn't suppress his heartbeat, and finally struggled in vain:

"We only import, what about the Chinese?"

"Of course it is the same! Our high-tech products can also be sold without any hindrance and do not need to face unfair controls. Similarly, we can also invest in many Chinese companies and export a large number of products.

Could it be that Ami still can’t provide what the Chinese people want? Mr. Ziad is doing this. There are many people like him in the field of statistics on both sides. You have to cooperate with him! "

Omar: "If that's the case, then you can come with me."

Moscow, Lubyanka Square 11.

"Name, age, nationality."

Belyakov didn't even raise his head, lowered his head to prepare for recording, and spat out three English words without emotion.

The person on the other side of the bulletproof glass only saw his big-brimmed hat and responded cooperatively:

"Nate Dance, 34 years old, led a peripheral employee of the Naval Intelligence Office and was ordered to investigate the propulsion system information of the 'Borey God' nuclear submarine.

I know I'm in trouble, so I can only tell you this. I still have the identity of an embassy employee. You can detain me but not for more than 24 hours. Someone will pay a large bail. "

Belyakov quickly raised his head and glanced at him. The appearance and information were correct, and the preliminary investigation results seemed to be the same.

It looks like an ordinary peripheral intelligence agent made a mistake, but because of his diplomatic status, he will basically be released with a fine. As long as there is no actual leakage of secrets, such peripheral personnel are not taken seriously.

In normal times, the interrogators might be surprised by the other party's cooperation, and then contact the intermediary to prepare the process. Most of the time, they will let it go, and the other party will not enter Lucia again.

But today's situation was obviously different. Belyakov didn't say a word, he just turned his pen in place, completely nonchalantly.

Knight felt something bad in his heart. Normally there would be two interrogators and a camera filming faces, but today there was only an intelligence officer he had never heard of sitting across from him. This was very unusual.

"Hey, I've saved some money, and I'm willing to spend $30,000. I also have some connections. Who do you want to replace? I have a relative who can talk to me, and I'm willing to cooperate."

He behaves the same as ordinary peripheral personnel. He is trained but not professional. He has some connections and is timid. It is completely normal.

However, Belyakov still didn't react. He just raised his head so that Knight could see the playfulness in his eyes.

Knight's heart sank.

"The Security Bureau has become increasingly disgraceful over the years."

Belyakov's voice was as shrill as a mouse's, with a weird timbre that made people uncomfortable. He actually started to complain:

“The KGB disintegrated like a castle on the beach, the solid walls turned into loose sand, these idiots no longer remember what they were like before.

Their incompetence shocks me, but fortunately, the CIA is not much better. Your methods are too unfamiliar. "

Knight was already horrified, and then he realized that Belyakov had some gray stubble, and his face was full of grooves, but his eyes were still as sharp as razors.

“Name, age, nationality!

Tell me everything you know. The KGB people have dispersed, but a lot of new things have been added to the interrogation room. I like it very much! "

Knight's heart began to beat uncontrollably, his chest rose and fell violently, and his breathing became rapid.

Belyakov is right. He was sent to spy on the most secret things, but he is not an immortal ace like Jason Statham or James Bond. He cannot be foolproof.

After the collapse of the KGB, the CIA's business level also dropped sharply. During his training, he did not receive the ultimate anti-torture training like his predecessors who were almost tortured to death. He had only heard of the power of the Great Memory Restoration Technique.

When he thought that the old man in front of him was most likely a remnant of the KGB, he couldn't help but shudder.

Belyakov had already stood up, picked up a vise and pushed open the door of the compartment.

Outside the interrogation room, several people of similar age to Belyakov and also wearing uniforms were waiting patiently, leaning against the wall and smoking together.

The screams inside didn't even make the fingers holding the cigarette tremble, but instead gave their owner some pleasure.

"No matter Sukka, these Yankees can't help it anymore. They want this kind of thing too."

"The Ministry of National Defense should now understand our importance. We need more funding to complete the upgrade of Aurora 2!"

"Ask Bekov to take out more things, and we must attract the attention of the superiors."


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