United Nations.

Two days after the Enterprise completed its landing, at the regular meeting, Germanie Ferrante asked to speak.

Other representatives were not surprised by this. Last month, China and Lucia held a large-scale exercise "Peace Guardian-2018" on the border.

Perhaps because the Huayin Organization Treaty brought them closer, the lineup of this exercise was beyond imagination. The total number of soldiers participating in the exercise on both sides exceeded 30,000, more than 1,700 armored vehicles of various types, more than 500 helicopters of various types, and the main air force was deployed.

Such an exercise certainly has countless things to interpret, and it is not surprising that it will cause a wave of public opinion that will last for at least a month.

Everyone was guessing how Amei would react to this, and they all stared at Jermani's actions, watching her approach the microphone:

"In view of the current drastic changes in the world situation and the many problems that mankind is facing, Amei believes that there is widespread friction and confrontation in the world now. We have always believed that world peace is the highest mission of any country, and we hope to reduce or even stop this confrontation one day."

The other representatives chewed on this lengthy text. In fact, it was not difficult to understand. It was obvious who the friction and confrontation referred to. As for the pursuit of world peace, everyone unanimously ignored this term.

Lucia represented Dimitri with a blank expression on her face. In fact, she had already thought of what Jermani would say next. It was nothing more than pointing at him or the Chinese representative and scolding the unstable elements. She had secretly begun to plan how to fight back sharply in her heart.

He turned his head to look at Xu Rang, who had just returned from his work report, and did not notice anything on his face.

The island country representative Takasu Yukio was also watching the whole process, his attention wandering between the three people. As expected, he saw Jermani and Xu Rang's eyes collided, and they must be engaged in a confrontation of auras.

Hurry up and fight...

Takasu Yukio kept thinking this in his heart, and most of the representatives present had similar ideas. This kind of thing is already common, but it usually ends in a war of words.

In people's expectations, Xu Rang slowly spoke:

"World peace does not exist in words. We have noticed that the relationship between the United States and China is the cornerstone of world stability. One-way peace does not exist. Only win-win cooperation is the only way out."

Takasu Yukio continued to speculate that Xu Rang should be referring to trade barriers. It is no secret that China's exports have declined significantly in the past six months. Maybe this is pressure.

His eyes turned to Jemanni, who seemed to have no patience to continue to go around:

"Amei has always been committed to promoting international cooperation. In the new era, space is the place where all mankind is most likely to unite, but now mankind's space exploration power is extremely scattered, and there are a large number of duplicate construction projects... Amei suggests that under a unified framework, scientifically and efficiently negotiate the space development process."


Takasu Yukio and Dimitri's minds were both stagnant, and after a pause they realized that Germanie didn't seem to be talking about the exercise.

How did it get to space?

Dimitri felt something was wrong, and subconsciously looked at Xu Rang and Yingfa representative. The latter two had the same confused expressions, but Xu Rang remained calm.

The bad premonition became stronger and stronger, and then Xu Rang answered Germanie like a double act:

"China agrees with all proposals to solve problems under a peaceful framework, and hopes that substantive changes can be made internationally."

Germanie: "America hopes to establish a timely and comprehensive dialogue mechanism for space-related issues, so that international space cooperation can be more flexible and matched."

Xu Rang: "China agrees with this resolution and supports the joint development of solutions through normal dialogue."

The nearly full venue almost became a crosstalk stage for the two, and other representatives stared at them in amazement, trying to understand the meaning.

But those with a little more flexible brains have discovered a fact: Xu Rang and Germanie's conversation was premeditated.

In the response, it seems that a new "order" has gradually taken shape, and it tries to frame all forces trying to enter space.

After realizing this, Dimitri finally stopped being silent and tried to intervene in the topic, but this move failed after several attempts.

Except for him, the other representatives could not get a word in. After several rounds, Xu Rang and Jemanni "properly exchanged opinions", indicating that the topic was successfully resolved, and stood up one after another, leaving the others looking at each other in bewilderment.

The representative of the country of 髪 kept winking at Dimitri, trying to get something out of him.

The representative of Daiying was thoughtful, observing the possible breakthrough point, but also got nothing, and finally stood up and left without wasting time.

The rest were just a few kittens, only surprised that something extraordinary seemed to have happened again. After the rotating chairman, the representative of Brazil, announced the dissolution, they quickly left and began to spread the news to the media.

“What are the Chinese doing!”

After receiving the information sent back by Dimitri, the Kremlin immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and after some thought, it used the Huayin organization to insinuate the issue.

The reason for doing so is also very simple. Since the conference is discussing space issues, it will naturally affect the cooperation of the Huayin Organization. As a member state, asking questions is not abrupt and can also get unanimous support from other member states.

After Lucia, representatives of other member states also followed up and evaluated the matter through tabloids or individuals to test China's confusing attitude.

"This is normal international communication. It does not affect any previous agreements and purposes reached by the Huayin Organization. It is purely for the reasonable trend of further expanding human space undertakings."

He Tang talked to the staff of the Beijing offices of Aber, the country of hair, Italy, and Lucia who came together, without any reservations.

Before, Lin Ju mentioned the issue of cooperation with NACA to Zhong Cheng. At that time, the attitude of the superiors was to wait and find an opportunity to inquire.

The holding of the spaceport construction industry conference is a sign of the arrival of this opportunity. Although this is a private meeting, it is not really intended to keep it secret. The news will definitely spread.

However, the development of the matter was still unexpected. After the Enterprise successfully landed, Ami took the lead in making a transatlantic phone call with the excuse of alien civilization, and then hinted that the two countries should have a certain degree of official space cooperation.

Having already known the difficulty of reliable construction of the spaceport and knowing how much financial and technical pressure there was, the higher-ups went with the flow and acquiesced to this proposal almost without any hindrance, which led to the scene that violated common sense at the United Nations.

However, Ami's ambitions were even greater, and he even tried to prepare for the early restriction of the overall space operations of mankind, intending to expand the scope by establishing a certain organization or mechanism.

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