"Have you heard that Amei will soon cooperate with us in space."

"Hasn't Artemis already cooperated on the moon?"

"Not this, it's the kind of large-scale, building a space station together."

"Don't spread rumors, it's obviously Xinyuan and SpecaX that are planning commercial cooperation, and they are also operating space tourism together, which is not at the international level at all."

"Isn't Amei planning to rebuild the International Space Station with us? The one now is too old!"

"Why not find Lucia? The Alliance has so much black technology that should be brought out!"


On the site of a branch factory in Shancheng, dozens of engineers and technicians gathered together to discuss hot topics fiercely, and only stopped lining up after Chen Jun's car entered, waiting for the boss's instructions.

Chen Jun opened the door from the co-pilot, but the engineers did not see the driver in the cab.

They subconsciously looked up at the roof of the car, but did not see the laser radar, did not see the visual recognition system, and there was nothing at all.

It was an ordinary second-generation XC7 electric sedan, without the luxury version of the L2 assisted driving system, and there were no signs of modification.

Just as they were wondering whether the car was really unmanned, two people in work clothes got out of the back seat. The XAP logo on their backs was very eye-catching, and they immediately exclaimed.

They were still very clear about what Xinyuan represented. As long as they saw people from the parent company in Xin'an, it meant the input of new technology and self-funded funds.

Could it be high-level unmanned driving technology this time?

"Mr. Chen, this engineering vehicle must be kept confidential. We have installed an anti-theft mechanism. It will be very troublesome to remove it after it is triggered."

"Let me know. I know all the rules."

Facing the two technicians, Chen Jun did not despise them at all. Instead, he felt like a local minister facing an imperial envoy.

What's more, the parent company came to export technology, which was much more comfortable than Xin'an's own hard work in research and development.

The car he drove over was equipped with a castrated unmanned driving system that Xinyuan had randomly put together. Xinyuan did not have the energy to specialize in cars, so it was directly modified from aerospace computers, and the integration was ridiculously high.

After the system is transplanted, it only needs to input the basic data of the vehicle body, and use the built-in 360-degree panoramic view and GPS to achieve fairly reliable automatic driving. After adding other equipment, it is even more powerful, and the computing power is sufficient to cope with almost all complex scenarios. Xin'an's job is to split it, further castrate it, and reduce costs.

However, the focus today is not on this car, but on the factory under his feet.

This was originally an assembly plant of a new energy sub-brand of Second Automobile that was about to go bankrupt. It was bought by Xin'an and was ready to be transformed into a pure unmanned factory that Lin Ju hoped for.

The two engineers who came here now are to see which equipment can be retained in order to access the OAGS system. Most of the processing equipment and machines on the market have certain restrictions, and only a part of them can be transformed.

They and Xin'an's engineers began to inspect the factory inside and out, but after a round of inspection, there were not many machines worth keeping, especially many robotic arms made by foreign companies, which could not be connected to OGAS due to write protection programs.

"So many robotic arms, are you going to throw them all away?"

Xin'an's engineer felt a little sorry and added:

"They are all ABB, and have only been used for two years. It's not easy to dismantle them. Domestic ones are still not as reliable as these."

Xinyuan's technicians did not deny it, but nodded in agreement:

"There are indeed not many that can stand the test in the domestic market, but the progress is definitely fast. If there is enough time, you can actually ask Amei to customize a batch, but you have to spend more money."


Xin'an's engineer was a little surprised. Of course, similar suppliers of the Amei brand have good products, but Xinyuan's requirement is to connect to the OGAS system, requiring manufacturers to either release permissions or cooperate with improvements. High-end manufacturers will not be so humble.

Even if Xinyuan is very powerful, it is not certain that manufacturers will be willing to do so.

However, the technicians of Xinyuan nodded as a matter of course:

"Xinyuan is not only preparing to upgrade its own manufacturing technology, but also plans to make similar equipment. We are planning to acquire a batch of technologies or patents, and may also acquire a similar company to directly obtain production capacity and technology.

Now there are several Aramco companies contacting us, and they are selling their core technologies.

It is not a problem to modify some equipment."

The engineers did not expect to hear explosive news that Xinyuan is planning to enter the field of precision equipment!

As for whether such high-tech transactions will be restricted by Aramco, everyone tacitly avoided this question.

Since the other party dared to say so, it must be confident.


On September 15, two days after Musk returned to Aramco, the so-called "opportunity" he told Tom appeared.

After the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, other countries were still unclear about what happened and were trying to find out the news, but the interaction between Huamei was extremely enthusiastic.

A Lockheed executive tweeted a picture of the NOVA rocket and a picture of the F1R engine, and then @xap, claiming that it could undertake the lunar fuel transportation project of United Mining.

XAP actually gave an official response, expressing optimism about the performance of NOVA and looking forward to future cooperation opportunities.

Then a former federal official jumped out to comment on the matter, saying that the two countries have a long-standing aerospace intersection (referring to Mr. Qian), and angrily denounced the unreasonableness of the Wolf Clause, hoping that it can be completely abolished as soon as possible.

The Amerian government did not make a statement on the matter, but the head of the Pentagon suddenly submitted a bill to Congress, believing that the existing system does not have strict jurisdiction over spacecraft entering space by various countries, which will greatly affect the normal operation of satellites.

And this time he mentioned the Space Force again, openly stating that the Outer Space Treaty no longer conforms to the characteristics of the times and needs to be revised.

The outside world is still wondering whether Amerian has taken the wrong medicine or has a shocking secret, but the Amerian political and business circles who got the news first have already taken action.

Speca X, Boeing, Lockheed, Pfizer and many other Aramco high-tech companies gathered in Washington, preparing for an unprecedented visit.

Among these giants, there is a small company called "Latley Machinery Company", which is engaged in the manufacture of industrial robotic arms and is inconspicuous in the crowd.

However, the background behind it is quite big. It is a joint venture between two Aramco companies and a Canadian company. Together, their business scope covers everything from precision machine tools to space robotic arms, and they have rare precision processing technology.

They said that the "predetermined" members have been set as a trading model by the governments of both sides, mainly to introduce high-end industrial technology from Aramco, from technology to physical objects, which is completely impossible to go back.

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