"Let's go back to the live studio. Today we have invited the well-known technology fanatic Elon Musk. Elon, thank you for accepting our request."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Susan."

Susan, a senior reporter of CBS, who is said to have a secret relationship with the president of XAP and whose buttocks are comparable to Kardashian, is interviewing the special guest Musk in the studio.

This smart woman did not miss the opportunity. She hyped herself up by being invited to report the first flight of Tengyun Space Shuttle. She began to deliberately reject her suitors in a high-profile manner. In addition, she always wore clothes that exposed her breasts and legs, and gained a large number of fans in newspapers and on the Internet.

Xinyuan did not cut off contact while refuting the rumors. It regarded it as a channel for speaking out and building momentum overseas. Susan could always get some breaking news in advance.

It was because of this that Susan gained a high status in the aerospace industry, and this time she had the opportunity to have a long dialogue with Musk.

Musk seems very excited these days, and even looks a lot younger. He has been looking at Susan, but he is not coveting her, but guessing how likely it is that Lin Ju has an affair with her.

Susan: "Last week, you went to China and were invited to his factory by Lin. According to rumors, you talked quite well."

Musk: "We are friends! I visited the unmanned manufacturing process of the rocket, and also saw an aerospace plane and a brand new nuclear engine. XAP, like SpecaX, is a company dedicated to science and technology, and has never been too secretive."

Susan: "Many people are saying that you have reached some secret cooperation."

Musk: "There is no secret cooperation, but this idea has indeed been discussed. We have a common goal to establish human colonies in space and on extraterrestrial planets. The best way is for everyone to work together."

Susan: "Will the federal government allow this kind of cooperation?"

Musk: "Confrontation is an absolutely backward way of thinking. You already know that Tesla is about to build a super factory in Shanghai, which will increase production capacity several times. This These cars will also be sold in Europe and Aramco at lower prices in the future. "


Susan: "According to what you said, the gap between the two sides has been partially eliminated."

Musk: "Everyone knows that it is better to join forces than to confront each other. We even sell nuclear weapons to Chinese companies, which has proved a lot."

This sentence was a little beyond Susan's expectations. There was no such paragraph in the script she got, but she smiled and continued to ask:

"Do you think the space cooperation between the two sides will be closer in the future?"

Musk: "One day in the future, Aramco's astronauts will take the 'Tengyun' into space, and Chinese astronauts will also live in the space capsule made by SpecaX.

Maybe you don't believe it, I almost took the space shuttle to enter the 'Tiangong' space station."


Susan heard an answer beyond her expectations again, and subconsciously believed what Musk said.

Musk: "On the moon, United Mining is carrying out an unprecedented pioneering work and has the most complete moon landing system. We should integrate into this system and jointly accelerate the process of human space exploration."

Susan: "Do you want the federal government to do this?"

Musk: "Not only me, but many people like me have such expectations."

The CBS interview involves too many sensitive topics. According to common sense, most of them will be deleted, and even cause a crisis for the host and guests.

However, this interview was released on the same day, and it can even be described as not being cut at all, which is simply unbelievable.

When the video was released, it immediately caused a huge wave. Countless fans of Susan were the first to leave messages, saying that she was crazy to post these at the risk of being arrested by the agents, and the person involved, Musk, was also frequently @.

Everyone thought that the two were crazy and waited for the federal government to strike hard.

However, surprisingly, the two parties did not hear "FBl open the door", and other media did not take the opportunity to attack.

At the same time, the US Congress was also conducting a hearing that was inextricably linked to this matter.

"Sam Sapir, do you admit that you deliberately delayed the progress, causing the 3707 prototype to fall behind schedule?"

Facing the senator's questioning, Sam, the chief designer of Boeing's 3707 supersonic passenger aircraft and the head of the Everett factory, firmly denied:

"Absolutely not. The 3707 is the fastest, largest, and heaviest passenger aircraft under development in history. This is an unprecedented and arduous project. Everyone in Everett has put all their efforts into completing it."

"But according to the expert group's assessment, the first flight time of the 3707 passenger aircraft will not be determined in 20 Within 18 years, this will lead to a breach of the gambling agreement between you and Star Airlines, and you will have to pay a huge amount of compensation. "

Sam: "We will complete it on time."

Senator: "Please pay attention to this project. Your delay is not only causing huge losses to Aramco, but will also seriously affect our friendship with China. This is the most important issue."

Sam, who was originally confused and full of grievances, opened his eyes wide and stared at the senator's serious face in disbelief, then glanced at the other congressmen who looked normal, wondering if his ears were wrong.

Friendship? Does this thing really exist? Even if it does exist, is it worth talking about?

Sam’s sluggish expression of doubting life was recorded by the camera, and then transferred to the senator’s face that took it for granted.

Sam didn’t understand what happened until he stepped down, but the senators’ “abnormal” behavior was not over yet, and they immediately discussed the business agreements submitted by dozens of Aramco companies.

Dozens of industrial and Internet companies, including leading enterprises, made a joint request, hoping to lift some of the current import and export restrictions to facilitate the entry of Aramco’s high-end products into the Chinese market.

Also under review were suggestions submitted by multiple environmental protection organizations, human rights organizations, and welfare funds, stating that if the tariffs on light industrial products could be reduced, the quality of life of the bottom could be more significantly improved and the cost of family life could be reduced.

The two proposals were put together for serious discussion, which would have been absolutely impossible in the past.

While the congressmen were discussing heatedly, several cars stopped outside the House of Representatives, and two teams with very different faces got out.

Niu Yanping carefully looked at the building in front of him, and then approached the assistant and translator next to him.

"Can this really work? Pfizer must be crazy to agree to it."

"Director, how do we know if we don't try? Foreigners won't laugh at us, and domestic people won't cheat us."

Having said that, the two still looked at Pfizer's representative team with some caution, but the other side waved their hands very friendly.

Niu Yanping felt even more unsure, and grabbed his briefcase nervously.

He was about to complete an epic task, discussing in front of Congressman Amei about Pfizer's transfer of some patent authorizations for the production of expensive imported drugs such as cancer treatment and ALS that have not been localized or controlled by patents and are not included in medical insurance.

When the superiors talked to him, they encouraged him to "go for it", but when Niu Yanping thought about the possibility of making a fool of himself, he had the urge to escape.

Recently, not only the international situation is incomprehensible, but also the domestic situation. If Amei really agrees, wouldn't she become a philanthropist?

But looking at the reaction of the Pfizer team, it doesn't seem like they are teasing them?


There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, this is the tacit consensus of mankind.

If Lin Ju were to describe Amei's reaction at this moment, he would probably throw out Donnie Yen's emoticon package a few years later, and add the text description "anxious, he is anxious".

This is not a deliberate exaggeration, but the shock brought by the Enterprise is beyond imagination, or it has become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

"If it was a year ago, I would say it was because they got the secret technology of the Alliance. Now, I think there is the same probability that it is related to alien civilization."

David Usnow stood in front of the whiteboard, which was covered with the known information of the Enterprise and the inferred technical parameters, and there were countless scraps of paper scattered on the bottom.

"A technology never appears for no reason. It can be traced back to a certain project, a certain idea, or a certain failed experiment, just like Pratt \u0026 Whitney's latest F115 engine. Its core function is related to the Rolls-Rods aircraft engine more than 60 years ago. It is the improvement of countless generations of engineers that has developed it to its current high performance.

What does the Enterprise have? We haven't even heard of its engine code name yet. Only A100 can be said to be related to it before, but the origin of A100 is also full of doubts.

A100 has nothing to do with any nuclear engine research we know of in the past. As for the Chinese self-development, it is even more impossible. Their investment in aerospace before the 1990s was pitifully small, and they had no ability to develop such technology.

XAP's nuclear technology was created out of thin air, and the development time that can be verified is only 12 months, which is only enough for us to restart the JFT test site."

In the direction he was facing, John sat in a chair without saying a word.

David: "Why did our Mars probe fail to lock the source of the launch after receiving signals several times, but the Chinese found the launch location in one go?

The fact that they were able to launch five probes shows that they have been able to fully verify their reliability. Doesn't our Mars probe have this ability at all?"

As soon as David finished speaking, Claire, the former director of NACA, replaced him and placed the spy photo of the Enterprise in the center.

"This is the appearance of the Enterprise, as well as the previous Jiuzhang and Zhurong. They look almost exactly the same. What does this mean?"

Before John and other listeners could answer, he answered first:

"This type of spacecraft is produced one by one. According to common sense, each batch will be improved to varying degrees, especially for this new type of product that has never appeared before. Any team will encounter a series of unexpected problems.

But the design of these three "shuttles" is basically the same, and no fatal problems have been exposed so far. We have also analyzed its appearance design. The supercomputer and wind tunnel tell us that this appearance was designed with the problem of atmospheric flight in mind. Every corner They all have elaborate aerodynamic designs.

We all know that the first shuttle, the Nine Chapters, cannot be used in the atmosphere. ”

Someone reacted. This listener was not a technical expert, but he was sharp-minded and figured out the meaning and expressed his own guess:

“I guess that the Enterprise was the original target, so the first two shuttles would use this design. At the same time, I think the reason why it does not need to be improved is that its design is quite mature and does not need much change. ”

Claire: “That’s it. A very mature aircraft that appeared for the first time. Let me take a look at its parameters. It is completely designed to adapt to the gravity and atmospheric environment of the earth. If it is designed to land on other planets, it is not necessary to do so.

Among the planets in the solar system that NACA can think of that are worthy of manned landing, none are more difficult than the earth. There is no need to do this. The earth environment aerospace aircraft is completely enough, why does it have to have this function? "

John, other senior officials of the Federation, and top banking elites have seen the embryonic form of a huge conspiracy, but there is still something missing that cannot grasp the truth.

McMaster finally couldn't help his doubts and asked out of function:

"In my opinion, the only advantage of the Enterprise compared to the aerospace plane is that it does not need a runway. Could it be that they plan to start a war and directly...land an elite team from space to occupy Washington?"



Claire: "With all due respect, I don't see much practical significance in doing this. Besides, the Enterprise can be easily shot down, and even anti-aircraft guns can pose a threat."

After denying McMaster's unrealistic fantasy, David stepped forward to explain:

"We can change our thinking and think about what circumstances other than war would require the Enterprise to land on Earth."

Not long after this question was raised, an Air Force general gave the answer:

"Unless there is no reliable landing site on the ground for aerospace planes to take off and land, and the Enterprise is nuclear-powered, it can return to space without much need for ground maintenance.

The results of the Air Force's research are the same. The actual combat significance of the Enterprise is far inferior to that of the aerospace plane. I really can't think of any advantages of it replacing the aerospace plane. "

John: "I kind of understand what you're going to say, it's just unbelievable."

McMaster: "I understand a little bit too."

Several people's faces showed solemn expressions one after another, but others still couldn't figure it out at all. They only maintained a cold silence and nodded slightly pretending to have the same idea.

"That's what I'm saying."

David's face looked grim as never before, and his eyes gradually became hollow:

“It makes no sense for humans to develop a shuttle similar to the Enterprise now, but what if it’s not now and it’s not humans?

Only in the barbaric era of the earth, or before telegraphs and cables were established around the world, did 'people' need to travel between the earth and space, so related shuttles and power technology were developed. "

"It's an alien!"

Someone just screamed but regretted it, realized the loophole and quickly denied it:

"No, it is impossible for a civilization that can reach the solar system without nuclear fusion technology, at least it cannot still use fission engines. This is impossible."

Everyone who originally thought they had guessed the truth immediately felt a sense of disappointment. Indeed, it is impossible for an alien civilization that can reach the earth to be so low.

However, David remained confident and firmly stated his conclusion:

"I don't think it is an alien civilization either, but there are not only humans and alien civilizations in the universe. What is the definition of alien civilization?"

No one answered, so David continued:

"Alien civilization does not necessarily need to land on the earth. The earth's resources in the solar system are not particularly rich, and it does not need such an inefficient development method.

Alien travelers have no reason to do this. Only if they live in the solar system will they become attached to this planet.

Mars, Venus, and the Earth may have been suitable for the birth of life a long time ago, so the civilization of the solar system has reason to do so.

Let me assume a possibility: There was a Martian civilization a long time ago. Its science is about 20 to 40 years more advanced than ours, and it has been able to land on its nearest earth-like planet.

Later, this civilization disappeared for some reasons, but it left traces on Earth and Mars, including former spacecraft or related technologies.

The products of this level, the human endeavor of the 21st century, can be digested and replicated.

And there are more ruins on their home planet, hiding the last legacy of a lost civilization. "



John admired his imagination very much, and then responded sharply and unceremoniously:

"From the pyramids to the ruins of ancient Babylon to the mysterious Qing Dynasty palace, Ami has visited almost every corner of the world without finding any trace of Martians.

The Chinese dug up an ancient spaceship by just groping around? "

David was not annoyed at all when faced with John's accusations, and responded patiently:

"Sir, luck is often the most important part in history. Nothing is impossible."

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