"In two to three years, we will reduce the cost of the products on these lists to 30% of the current level!"

After the representatives of Lightley Machinery left, Ye Changsi took several finalized domestic manufacturers and continued the meeting at the same place to convey Xinyuan's purpose.

But upon hearing this ambitious goal, everyone else's faces showed embarrassment.

"Mr. Ye, it is difficult to improve the yield rate of precision components such as servo motors and planetary reducer joints. Even if the output is increased several times in the future, the raw material part will be reduced by up to 20%. The cost of the processing link is difficult to reduce. "

Others also nodded quickly. Although industrial mass production can indeed significantly reduce costs, it also depends on the product type. Without significant changes in processes and materials, there is really not much cost that can be reduced.

A direct cut of 70% can be said to be almost only the cost of materials and electricity, which cannot be so low.

Ye Changsi: "Of course it won't work like this now, but in the final analysis, the efficiency of these precision processing equipment is far from being compared with simple machine tools such as punches, right?"

"Yes, many parts cannot be produced as easily as consumer-grade products. They require multiple workstations to be processed according to the process. The surface accuracy requirements are also different. The accumulated working hours are very high. The quantity that can be produced by one piece of equipment is very limited. "

A representative in charge of the production process immediately explained and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Ye Changsi was not ignorant of technology.

Ye Changsi: "So you need to accept transformation and be highly unmanned and automated, at least in part of the process.

Xinyuan has successfully replaced human participation with high-precision machine tools controlled by AI. The imported equipment software will be improved by us. As long as comprehensive automation is achieved, it is easy to increase efficiency by more than 50%. "

There was an undoubted underlying meaning in his tone, but the three partners present had already reached in-depth cooperation and were not very resistant, but they still had doubts.

After receiving Ye Changsi's confident promise, the others quickly settled down, but some people still couldn't suppress their doubts and whispered:

"Mr. Ye, Ami is so kind, and these things...are all sold casually? Is it that G2..."

This kind of speculation is quite appropriate. Not only ordinary people with some experience think so, but the outside world has also picked up this idea again.

In 2008, Fred Bergsten proposed the concept of "Group 2" during a bilateral economic meeting, to the effect that China would replace the EU's status, and then the two countries would lead the world economy together, and both sides would be able to decide on any matters. .

According to the assumptions at the time, Aramco had a developed financial system and the largest consumption power, and we had the strongest industrial capabilities, which could achieve perfect complementarity.

A simple summary is: Americus prints money to eat, drink, and enjoy cheap industrial products, while China is responsible for manufacturing goods and obtaining jobs. It is a perfect closed loop.

However, considering the historical background at that time, in fact, the fundamental purpose was still to suppress the RMB, expand the dollar system, and achieve a wider range of leeks.

Under modern economics, all national banknotes are credit currencies. Determining whether a currency is valuable or not and its liquidity depends on its scope of application.

Why did the value of the dollar soar after World War II? First, the U.S. dollar was indeed valuable when it was still pegged to the U.S. dollar, but the second and most important reason was that most other industrial countries were disabled and unable to produce cheap and complete industrial products, but Aramco had the strongest productivity in the world.

As long as you hold the US dollar, you can buy almost anything. On the contrary, it is difficult for other currencies to achieve the same purpose in the corresponding countries.

If the "G2" is reached, the banknotes printed by Aramco will be linked to domestic cheap industrial products. The RMB, which was gradually growing due to its strong industrial strength, will be suppressed again, and its role will gradually be eroded by the US dollar.

The Fed does not need to do anything, it only needs to print and print to buy and buy. For Aramco, G2 is of course the ultimate good thing.

Moreover, at that time, China held the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world, and its military strength was still relatively weak. It was just a piece of delicious fat.

The current sudden change in the international situation makes it easy for people to wonder whether the 'G2' is really being planned.

"of course not!"

Ye Changsi couldn't say much to these people, but said selectively:

"What we insist on is equality and mutual trust, and the focus is equality! You can go back and prepare in advance. Soon we will also organize such a team to go to Aramco. The sooner, the more opportunities there will be!

Just like Lightley, the deal reached by the delegation paid only nominal tariffs, and the ratios between both parties were exactly the same. "

"As for the purpose of opening up trade next year, we put forward the following opinions..."

Still in the villa in the suburbs of Washington, Xu Rang submitted the latest domestic opinions to Sullivan:

“First, tax reductions will be implemented for general categories of industrial products, and the overall tax rate will not be higher than 7.5%. For categories that were originally included in illegal controls, the overall tax rate will not be higher than 15%;

Second, for high-value consumer electronic products such as automobiles and chips, a 3% symbolic tax is levied on private transactions, and the bulk transaction tax rate must be lower than 25%.

Third, the individual exchange limits for US dollars and RMB should be opened, and the bilateral banking systems should be integrated into each other, but a transition period of no later than one year is required.

Fourth, open up aviation and aerospace...

Thirty-fourth, increase strategic mutual trust between the two sides, reduce the presence of confrontation in the Western Pacific, and open regional access for island countries below...

Fifty-seven, nationality of personnel from both sides..."

Nearly 57 opinions, all of which are further revisions and supplements to the previous rough resolution, which refine some of the contents and expand some of the scope.

The economic aspect is roughly within Sullivan's expectations, but it is a bit troublesome when it comes to aerospace and the Western Pacific. It is almost a request for the United States to no longer have interference here.

And this part was particularly emphasized by Xu Rang, saying that this is the premise of economic mutual trust. If these cannot be achieved, there will be no discussion, because the country will think that it is not guaranteed.

Of course, the country does not want G2. In a sense, the United States is in a low position in this round of cooperation. It would be a shame not to take advantage of the situation.

As for the space integration and establishment of space order proposed by the United States, although it is also tempting, it is still just an illusory pie. It would be too stupid to believe it.

The attitude of the country is quite pragmatic. Strategically, it focuses on the interstellar, and tactically, it is still honest to live a good life. First develop the present well before looking at the future.

"Xu, we have received your opinions and will give a reply in three days. This will not affect the cooperation matters that have been determined. "

Sullivan did not rush to object. This is how negotiations between major powers work. Three months is not a slow time. In addition to the transition period John requested, the entire negotiation process will actually last for more than a year, and they may even cooperate and talk at the same time until the breakdown.

After answering Xu Rang, Sullivan turned to other things:

"Let's characterize this agreement. This is the first time that mankind has united for a common danger. We still suggest that everything be formulated based on the space order and within the framework of being able to command the human counterattack force to the maximum extent."

Sullivan's words expanded the scope from the two countries to all mankind. Combined with the previous space force issue, his ambition was already obvious.

However, Xu Rang just nodded. Of course, he had no right to make a decision, but he didn't think that there would be much opposition from the country.


October 1st.

In another year, it will be the 70th anniversary, and a large-scale military parade will be held.

There is no military parade on TV today, but there is an "arrow review".


"Five, four, three, two, one! ”

At the Wenchang Space Launch Center, a brand new rocket flew into the sky with a tail flame.

A dozen minutes later, the outside world reported:

"Chang'e 7 was successfully launched, and the first expedition of the Long March 5 was completely smooth."

The Long March 5 has a diameter of 7 meters and uses 7 YF135 liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engines at the bottom. It has a takeoff thrust of 2,600+ tons, a takeoff mass of 2,000+ tons, and a reusable payload mass of 60 tons. After adding the third stage, it can deliver 24 tons of payload to the moon, perfectly meeting the design indicators.

Its CBC configuration has a low-Earth orbit capacity of up to 180 tons and a lunar capacity of more than 70 tons, perfectly replacing the Long March 10, which has been completely discontinued and has no inventory.

The Jingu Rocket Manufacturing Base manufactured six rockets at one time, three of which were independently put into service, and the other three were put into service as a CBC combination as the "Long March 15", which is equivalent to four rockets in service.

Thanks to the efforts of the Jingu base, the Long March 5 The first launch was launched just in time for the National Day holiday, and the long-prepared "Chang'e 7" was sent to the moon.

The current Chang'e 7 is completely different from the previous plan. The previous Chang'e 7 was a lunar back probe, but after the establishment of United Mining, there was no need to occupy a separate launch mission for this purpose.

Chang'e 7 was shelved for almost a year, and due to the gradual maturity of the United Mining lunar landing system, even the Chang'e plan was almost abandoned.

The Chang'e plan was an unmanned project to support manned lunar landing. After the United Mining established a cheap transportation line of aerospace plane-Dawn spacecraft-Wutu space station-Jiuzhang, there was no need to use rockets specifically to perform exploration missions.

Many unmanned probes were once planned to enter The work of the Jiuzhang is now done by flying over and throwing a few robots and some equipment, which can reduce costs and do a better job.

After many twists and turns, it finally came back to the original MTV (Lunar Transfer Vehicle), which is to go from the lunar orbit to the lunar surface and back. This code name was used for a small landing spacecraft project similar to the "Origin".

The plan for the small MTV has been full of twists and turns. After the mature application of the Jiuzhang, it was a bit useless because it had to refuel every time it took off and landed, unlike the Jiuzhang, which could take off and land three or four times.

In the end, the space agency threw it down to various branches, requiring it to be used as an emergency escape tool, and other performance functions could be freely used to see who was willing to take over this useless project.

After many twists and turns, this project actually fell to The Sixth Institute took it, and the Sixth Institute did not take it for business expansion, but to test its own nuclear engine.

It was the nuclear engine that the 110th Institute worked hard on for a year, with a thrust of 8.5 tons and a specific impulse of 1400 seconds, which was just right for Chang'e 7, whose empty weight could not exceed 24 tons.

However, due to the urgency of time, the completely redesigned Chang'e 7 was still an unmanned version, which could only be used for delivery. Even the engine was a modified prototype for testing. In fact, the space agency only planned to let it test it and it had almost no mission.

The real manned round trips were the optimized Chang'e 8 and Chang'e 9, and the Chang'e series will continue in another type.

"One hundred and ninety-seven, one hundred and ninety-eight...two hundred!"

When Fu Xiangjie's voice fell, Li Wei, who was sweating all over his head, finally couldn't hold on, and stood up panting and rested with his hands on his waist.

The other team members followed closely and applauded, because Li Wei broke their previous "push-up" record, from 122 to 200.

Because of the low gravity on the moon, the push-up method is of course very different from that on Earth. Using elastic bands to restrain the body to increase strength is actually more difficult than doing it on Earth.

The previous record was held by Liu Ming, which was already a relatively high level, but Li Wei, who is older than him, broke his record by a long way.

Of course, it is not that Li Wei exercises harder or is gifted, but the effect of "304".

The 304 injection injected by Li Wei has completely taken effect, demonstrating its extraordinary ability to improve.

Not only the improvement of strength, but also the reaction speed and recovery ability have been significantly improved. In Li Wei's words, "the quality of sleep has been significantly improved", and the whole person is almost ten years younger.

Among the others, Deng Lei has also gone through the entire cycle, Liu Ming still has the last week, Fu Xiangjie is the slowest, and the other four new team members have not yet received the injection.

Li Wei started drinking water after a short break. He would need to take a sample of his urine later, one for quick test and one for sending back to the ground, so as to keep track of changes in his physical condition.

"If I can keep this state, I can at least continue to work on the front line until I am 60 years old!"

Li Wei moved his arm slightly and looked at his well-defined forearm with satisfaction.

"Instructor, even if you don't inject 304, your physical fitness is at the peak level of a normal person in his thirties."

"Haha... But it's always a good thing to be able to use more of your remaining energy. There will be a lot of work to do next."

Li Wei sighed a few words and looked at the four newcomers.

The ground has received accurate news that the last task in 2018 is to build at least half of the lunar highway, connecting the Yushu base and the mine.

The large-scale supporting equipment for road construction has been manufactured and disassembled, and will be launched in the middle of the month. People will gradually move in from November. The normal number of people stationed on the moon and lunar orbit may be maintained at more than 50, most of whom are for road construction.

The eight existing astronauts must do a good job of guiding the mission, especially ensuring the safety of a large number of non-professionals later, and at the same time they must find time to perform a new mission: training newcomers.

They have long known that the Enterprise will enter the Space Force, and they also know that the Enterprise will land on Mars or other planets in the future, and will come to the moon for rehearsal and training before that.

When thinking of Mars, Fu Xiangjie's heart is also eager to try:

"Landing on an alien planet should still require mature astronauts, maybe they will be selected from among us."

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