"Then the launch market will also..."

Long Jiacheng immediately thought of more. If the aerospace market was to be equally open, there would be too many variables.

In terms of quantity and even quality, domestic rocket companies that already have mature rocket solutions and OEM designs can definitely kill everyone. However, if it involves mid-to-high-end products and above, they still have to have their own unique skills, and transportation capacity is not a particularly important factor.

Aramco does not have too many recyclable rockets currently in service, but there are many old aerospace companies, and there are very few domestic private aerospace companies that can manufacture high-quality satellites and space station modules. These Aramco companies have the possibility of competing for space facilities or machinery orders. It's quite small.

Expensive prices are not a problem. In space construction, budget is not a critical issue.

Long Jiacheng has sufficient confidence in the country with the support of Xinyuan and the "Lingxi Network" project, but there is still some pressure to face the competition from Aramco.

"Uncle Hai, this news... Why are we suddenly going to open up trade with each other? We and Ami are not..."

In this world line of 2018, of course no one would think that such reciprocal opening is a concession, but more like a victory for one's own side.

But why would Ami take this road out of her mind? Didn’t their congressmen object?

There are many Aramco companies, aren’t they afraid that the flood of Chinese manufacturing will completely wipe out the middle and low-end markets?

Long Hai: "I don't know the specific situation, but I think things are not as simple as we see. What is revealed now is just a little rumor, and no one knows what is going on.

But you guys in the aerospace industry...haven't you paid attention to Musk's interview? It is now rumored that SpecaX and Xinyuan are going to join forces. Musk said that he can fly on the space shuttle for free...

United Mining is also buying nuclear bombs from Aramco. Maybe it will build a joint space station between the United States and China! "

I'm afraid it's the United Spaceport.

This idea suddenly popped into Long Jiacheng's mind, and then he stood up and walked around the office.

"No, I'm going to find out the news. The impact of this matter is too great. With Mr. Lin's character, it might be possible!"

On September 17, Lucia Space Director Yuri proposed to immediately convene a regular meeting of the Huayin Organization to discuss in Huashan how the Huayin Organization should strengthen aerospace ties in the next step.

At the same time, the chief rocket engineer of the "Hurricane" announced on social media that Lucia's new generation of giant reusable rocket has entered the complete prototype manufacturing stage. The "Hurricane" uses the top rocket engine provided by Xinyuan and will soon fly for the first time and will be launched within a few years. Construction of the lunar base is completed.

After Yuri's proposal was issued, France, Italy, and the other four member states responded one after another, stating that the Huayin Organization's investment scale was still small and that it needed to increase funds and technical support as soon as possible.

The company also announced that their HVE rocket and Hermes space shuttle are progressing very gratifyingly and will be ready for their first flight in the near future.

Before the Chinese host could express its position, these member states hurriedly sent people to fly over, with the intention of ignoring it.

A passenger plane from Europe landed in Beijing, and Zhong Cheng came to greet it.

"Welcome, Mr. Trocker."

"Thank you for your welcome, Director Zhong."

Graham Trocker, currently executive chairman of the Royal Society of Engineers and CEO of the space agency, set off and arrived in the capital as quickly as possible than anyone else.

There were also foreign affairs personnel and scientific personnel accompanying him. It was a rather sudden exchange visit.

The reason is also quite high-sounding: to discuss the large-yield hydrogen bomb explosion plan that United Mining will use in the future, although it will not happen until next year.

Not just Team Turlock, but a higher-profile team headed to Washington.

For Dai Ying, the recent situation can be described as a sharp turn. Something started to go wrong in August, and then it went further and further down a strange path. Now, the two supposed mortal enemies suddenly want to shake hands and make peace, and start to join hands to make peace. Make progress together?

Seeing that Ami's Senate also started to have fits, Dai Ying not only conducted inquiries immediately, but also sent two visiting teams to find out.

Ambassador Connor also came to greet Trok. Trok would not carry out any activities on the first day of his arrival, but would mainly communicate with the embassy in the name of rest.

When they arrived at the residence arranged by Connor, Trocker immediately dispersed the irrelevant crowd and informed Connor of the information.

Connor has long known the seriousness of the matter. He has been in the capital non-stop recently to inquire about information. However, he has been repeatedly frustrated. Now he has finally received instructions from the country.

Trok: "The Third War is about to break out!"

The first sentence made Connor shocked, and he almost wondered if he heard it wrong.

There have been no sensitive incidents or high-intensity conflicts recently. The capital is generally enjoying peace and prosperity. How can you tell it looks like a world war?

However, Trok looked stern and explained without changing his expression:

"Not a real war, but probably worse than World War III."

Connor was relieved and asked angrily:

"Is this the only result in London? I have used almost all my tentacles to obtain information. Once discovered, I may be expelled. Tell me, what extraordinary things have you discovered."

Trocker: "The Chinese and the Yankees are getting closer!"

"I'm not blind yet."

Troeck: "We have heard from several congressmen that John is planning a huge economic change, just like the Chinese did forty years ago, starting to introduce each other's goods, loosening capital circulation controls, and expanding aerospace cooperation.

The reason why those Yankee companies are so enthusiastic is that for the time being, these cheap goods need to go through their hands to enter Aramco, and they can easily intercept huge profits and expand the Chinese market."

Connor's pupils shrank. He knew too well how much significance this would have, but too many ideas came to him in an instant, and in the end he could only stamp his feet and spit out one sentence:

"John should be sent to a convertible, this is a betrayal! Most people will not agree!

No, why should they do this? They were still in fierce confrontation last year, and there is no reason for this."

Troeck: "This is something the other team has to figure out, and I am still looking for the reason, but we must not let this become a reality. If they shake hands and make peace, what is the meaning of NATO's existence?

If Aramco takes the initiative to relax technical controls, it will be a disaster for the whole of Europe!"

Troeck remembered the shock and anxiety of the other party when he met the Prime Minister, and he almost couldn't help flying to John and grabbing his collar to ask why.

Dai Ying couldn't understand such a rebellious behavior. It was like a gang leader suddenly turning against his gang and becoming an undercover agent. What were the younger brothers?

If the world's most powerful high-tech and academic hub and the most powerful industrial country put down their differences, what would be the meaning of other countries' existence?

If their spears were no longer aimed at each other, who would they be aimed at?

The Prime Minister and the Queen almost stayed up all night thinking about this issue. They couldn't imagine how terrible it would be if this thing became a reality.

This terrifying emotion was also brought to Connor by Trok. The latter was also deeply afraid, but suddenly his body trembled and said in a surprised voice:

"No, someone is more nervous than us! Lucia seems to know nothing, and they are the most afraid!

Hahaha, that's right, they are also trying to find out the news!"


"World Tension +50"

Lin Ju clicked the right mouse button, then uninstalled, and removed "Hearts of Iron 4" which he had only played for more than ten minutes.

During the days when Zhong Cheng forced him to work in the Aviation Development Commission, he even started to slack off and play games. Strategic games like "Wire" that can be paused at any time are quite suitable.

However, he is an out-and-out rookie. After a painful tutorial, he has deeply realized how difficult it is to become a commander.

Let alone commanding a country, even the logistics and management of thousands of people are enough to involve all the energy. The command ability of the transport captain and battalion commander is not too bad.

"General Lin!"

A voice came from outside the office door. Lin Ju skillfully exited the desktop, then looked at the file opened on the screen carefully, and said in a muffled voice:

"Please come in!"

The secretary who came in looked at the chassis of the fan in the air-conditioned room in confusion, and then reported:

"General Lin, this is the document just proposed by the above, and it requires soliciting opinions."

The changes above during this period can only be described as changing with each passing day. Under the influence of civilization crisis and space war, various documents and reforms have emerged densely like mushrooms after rain, and countless vacancies are waiting to be improved, and from time to time, some overlooked loopholes will be filled.

But even so, it is only a temporary wall, just to prepare for the future in advance, and changes will definitely be needed at that time.

"Opinions on the solicitation of opinions on expanding the large-scale application of artificial intelligence and the reasonable arrangement of human resources?"

Lin Ju read it quickly and found that it was related to himself.

The mainstream view in the world at present is that automation will lead to a certain degree of unemployment, especially with the advent of artificial intelligence, the risk of large-scale replacement of human beings cannot be ignored.

However, the space crisis has created new variables:

In the past, the number of jobs was fixed, and if new jobs could not be created in time, unemployment would be inevitable.

Now that economic growth has slowed down, the unemployment problem is particularly prominent.

However, in the context of the space crisis, it is a completely different situation:

Space construction can create a large number of jobs, requiring countless resources, and will create a manpower gap rather than a surplus.

To build a bicycle, you need a steel pipe factory, a screw factory, and an electroplating factory, which can produce a good bicycle.

To build a car, you need a steel plant to produce the body, a special screw and gasket supplier, an electrical equipment manufacturer, an instrument factory, a tire factory, and you need to produce engines and gearboxes separately, and the complexity rises all of a sudden.

If it is shipbuilding, it will not only require more types of factories, but also a larger scale and more people, and the supply chain will involve millions of people.

If we want to build a space fleet, several space ports, and prepare the materials needed for space wars, how many people will be needed?

There will be at least hundreds of thousands of people directly engaged in the industry, and the number of people serving this system will reach tens of millions, covering almost all families.

Although this will not happen for at least ten years, it is absolutely right to prepare early.

The technology industry has an endless thirst for highly educated talents. In the future, training a person to be a space engineer will definitely create more value than screwing on an assembly line.

Now what Lin Ju got was only a very rough proposal, specifically emphasizing the unmanned chemical factory built in Xin'an and the planned unmanned online car-hailing plan, taking it as a model for observing the penetration of artificial intelligence into life.

After reading the document, Lin Ju was silent for a while, knocked on the table, and said to the secretary:

"Go and ask Xiao Wang (Xinyuan's secretary) to come over. I'll ask him something."

On September 23, amidst huge attention and public opinion from the outside world, the first batch of "China-US Free Trade Mission" flew to Beijing and was warmly welcomed by domestic officials and many enterprises.

Representatives of Lightley Company left Beijing that night and arrived in Chengdu on Xinyuan's C810.

Ye Changsi personally took action and organized a multi-party negotiation with representatives of Lightley Company.

Strictly speaking, this cooperation has little to do with Xinyuan. It is mainly about taking the lead. Three domestic companies (private enterprises) will connect with Letli Machinery and obtain many technical authorizations from each other and technology transfer of precision processing equipment.

The location was a resort on the outskirts of Chengdu. There were dozens of people present, even with interpreters, but most of them were now focusing on Ye Changsi.

"We all want these technical parameters of servo motors, robotic arm joints, and material patents."

Ye Changsi added some supplements to the technical catalog provided by the other party. They were all relatively advanced products, but they were not top-notch and belonged to the higher-end category in the consumer market.

To be precise, it can be used on humanoid robots.

Xinyuan has produced hundreds of humanoid robots. Although it is completely manufactured independently, it cannot circumvent existing patents in many places. It can produce but cannot enter the market. At the same time, it has not carried out mass production, and the cost is relatively high.

Lin Ju also hopes to promote humanoid robots, so he can only lower the technical parameters and outsource most of the parts to be produced by reliable suppliers.

Kevin, the representative of Lightley Machinery Company, took a few glances and confirmed that they were not particularly advanced products, and immediately nodded in agreement:

"No problem. Whether it's finished products or technology, we are willing to provide it. Do you need anything else?"

Ye Changsi: "That's all for now. In addition, we will customize a batch of open source processing equipment, which is similar to what I told you before."

Kevin still nodded. This was the highlight he was looking forward to. Even if Xinyuan lowered the price, it would still be a huge deal.

"It's okay to follow the previous agreement, but I still want to remind you that these devices have no software and no discounts, and they will be very difficult to use. Of course, this is just our suggestion."

"Thanks, that's all."

Of course, Xinyuan's production capacity also needs to be expanded. The B-level base has begun to enter a bottleneck in terms of size and production capacity. When the system does not respond, the base can only expand on its own.

Of course, it is possible to produce high-end equipment by yourself, but it will consume a lot of money and delay normal production. If you are to conquer the technology and then support domestic manufacturers, there will be a problem of technology upgrade cycle, and the waiting time will be too long.

Xinyuan's choice is a dual-line strategy, slowly honing technology to support domestic manufacturers, and at the same time vigorously outsourcing. Anyway, Xinyuan now has almost no financial obstacles. At worst, Ye Changsi will ask Lin Ju to ask for it.

These foreign suppliers will not neglect such a large customer. Including cleaning up the factory and debugging, it will actually take more than half a year.

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