After John and other dignitaries left the Hexagon, Robert and several technical experts stayed behind.

The "Mars civilization legacy theory" is of course an uncertain conjecture. David actually just wanted to use it as an example. There is no definite evidence like the M signal.

But what the M office can confirm is that the aerospace technology explosion of Xinyuan, or the Chinese people, is abnormal.

Maybe the Chinese really have geniuses, maybe they do have extraordinary good luck, but after the 1950s, everyone who is familiar with cybernetics and has experience in the development of management technology will find problems:

Regardless of whether it is fast or slow, the development of technology is a line. It can be a gentle straight line or a sudden rising parabola, but it must be continuous and will not appear out of thin air after a blank period.

No matter how secretive the plan is, as long as you follow the context a little bit, you can always sort out the ins and outs. Even if there are some doubts, it doesn't hurt, and the conclusion can be locked within a certain range.

But XAP is abnormal. Its technical style has not been inherited. Its development does not conform to objective laws and is contrary to the original nature of technology.

Therefore, whether it is an alien civilization, Martians, Venusians, or a civilization that existed on Earth before humans, Office M can confirm that the source of the technology is not on Earth.

Dai Ying's reason for launching the Duck War is that "as long as every Chinese's clothes are one inch longer, it will be enough for Dai Ying's textile factories to run non-stop until they explode."

When he thought of this, Robert felt the temperature of the air rise a little.

The mine they discovered is indeed rich in rare earth resources, but this was only determined after the latest nuclear explosion. Before that, they were actually willing to spend a huge price and gamble countless investments, which may also become one of the suspicions. "

I also have the latest news. The Aramco Senate has approved the national pharmaceutical’s request to purchase patent licenses for more than ten anti-cancer drugs. Pfizer is already negotiating with them on specific plans and quotations.

According to their decision, NACA should seize the opportunity of open trade with the Chinese and try to cooperate as deeply as possible to find out information, especially on the moon. It is best to cooperate deeply with United Mining to form a binding relationship.

"Xiao Lin, you are being conservative!"

After last month, the higher authorities immediately paid more attention to Xinyuan, and Ye Changsi and Serev gradually became prominent as their understanding increased.

Long Jiacheng almost spat out a sip of tea. He choked himself until he kept coughing. It took him a long time to recover, and he looked at the person coming in disbelief.

This policy will not be broken until after 2020 in the original world, with the rise of new domestic forces, allowing foreign brands to operate their own factories, and the tax rate on imported cars has also been reduced a lot.

He pulled out the imaginary diagram and brief parameter introduction inside. Lin Ju immediately took it and started reading it. After a few dozen seconds, he showed a surprised expression:

The spaceport plan is a completely official project, so the naming will naturally not be as arbitrary as Xinyuan's. Even Lin Ju cannot be sure.

However, apart from the military, Aramco’s high-tech enterprises are actually not very resistant.

"You mean..."

Zhong Cheng: “Around 200 meters, the speed drops from 2 rpm of the Forward to 1.5 rpm, which is much friendlier to ordinary people.

"For the space port plan, we mobilized companies and asked them to put forward their own suggestions for modifications. Good guy, each one was more wild and wild than the other, but we were too conservative."

The overall mass without load is about 45,000 tons, and the maximum operating mass is no more than 70,000 tons. "

"Okay, has the corporate delegation to China been confirmed? NACA needs to know the content of the plan, and we will also organize a team."

It doesn't seem to be the case, but it is almost the same. Moreover, Xinyuan originally played a similar role, but now it has just been formalized.

The veteran industrial nation, the rising star Hans, the remarkable Tao nation, and the alliance with superb system integration capabilities. Apart from Aramco, these are the only countries that may have predecessors of advanced technology, but they have all been eliminated one by one.

The import and export business Long Hai does is not complicated. Under the existing tariff barriers and partial sanctions, many commodity exports cannot be directly listed. Agents like him are needed to create shell companies and become "Annan goods" and "Luzon products". "Goods" and "Indian goods".

Zhong Cheng continues:

Even if the remaining answer is impossible, it can only be the truth.

Robert: "Our two newly launched satellites will arrive almost at the same time as them in a month. At that time, they will adjust their orbits and closely monitor the suspicious areas in Antarctica."

If it weren't for their past impressions, they would have even begun to wonder whether an alien civilization had begun to interfere with the earth.

Lin Ju directly ignored this exaggerated proposal, and then looked at other accompanying plans. This time it was much more normal, mainly for a smaller scope.

Robert instantly understood that the status of alien civilizations was still confusing and there was no breakthrough point, but now it was basically possible to determine the Chinese people's problems through the Enterprise.

"Ju Zhong, this isn't appropriate."

This actually separates production and life, which poses minimal risks to personnel. It can be easily transferred in case of an accident and can also serve as a verification function.

But Lin Ju didn't expect that he would be targeted. Does this count as a permanent job?

For example, Pfizer, which transferred its patent, only granted a multi-year authorization. The drugs produced under the authorization can only be reimbursed at designated hospitals in mainland China. Moreover, the authorization fee is not cheap!

In the past, importing drugs sold in the mainland would be subject to tariffs, and because the market is limited due to high prices, expanding the market is of course beneficial and harmless. Of course, the most important thing is to break through the blockade of the Food and Drug Administration.

Lin Ju: "0.5G gravity, what about the radius?"

"The mass is too terrifying! According to our maximum kilometer-level size, the steel frame alone will require hundreds of thousands of tons, no, hundreds of thousands of tons are not enough!

With the limited production capacity of the lunar project, it may take ten years to gather enough steel."

This is a distant relative of his. He has been engaged in import and export trade for many years and is also a well-known agent. He has very good channels and information.

At this point, Long Hai sighed, and then continued to talk about what he knew:

"In the future, the mainland will also be filled with imported goods. It is said that most of the bilateral tariffs will be reduced to the same level as the export tariffs, and we, the agents, will be outdated!"

"Is there a 'heavenly palace'?"

Zhong Cheng: "Directly use the steel frame as the main body, based on the third plan. The main body of the entire space steel is a spoke-shaped giant cylinder composed of high-strength steel. The cabins and equipment are all hung on it. The overall strength can be very high, and it will not fall apart even under several times the gravity."

"Don't worry about these details. We are now on a heavy mission, and you have to shoulder the burden."

There are also some foreign brands that need domestic OEM, and generally like to keep it secret. He can also operate it.

The structure of the living area should be not much different from the Qianjin, with a quality control of less than 20,000 tons. It needs to be able to accommodate at least 600 people at the same time. It can be separated from the industrial/research area, and the spaceport operates as a combination. ”

For example, life modules, energy supply systems, cooling systems, etc., since the modular ideas and standard buses were set at the beginning, it is not difficult to start.

From automobiles, medicines, to consumer electronics, before domestic production was developed, there were also very strict protection policies in China. For example, until now, foreign brands must form joint ventures to enter the mainland, and independent factories are not allowed. There are even restrictions on the number of joint venture partners, and import tariffs of more than 100% are charged on imported cars.

Zhong Cheng: "It's almost there. The current plan is to give a few names as alternatives, and you have to vote too. "

According to the calculation that the living group works for 8 hours in the weightless zone, as long as they return to the living area for the rest of the time, they don't have to worry about the health problems caused by gravity.

Zhong Cheng just got the document from the agency, which is the improvement plan submitted by a certain company.

For this goal, the president has begun to use the "transition period" low taxes and "legal smuggling" to induce lawmakers to pass one concession after another.

A market with a population of 1.4 billion and a highly industrialized population, no company can refuse.

Giving them a little patent or their scarce precision processing resources now is just a stepping stone, which is not worth mentioning in general.

I suggest that NACA choose to go there in mid-to-late October, or they may come over, just in the name of exchanging Mars exploration data, to see how our peers are doing."

Since SpecaX can do it, other companies can certainly do it, and NACA also has hope. Think about a space port of tens of thousands of tons. Even if it takes on 10% of the share, it can feed a strong aerospace company. NACA is certainly willing to participate in it.

"Has it been named?"

After clarifying Claire's opinion and David and other analysts did not express any objections, Robert was completely relieved.

Claire: "There will be many times. According to the practice of international negotiations, first, rounds of corporate representatives will be organized to seek cooperation, and then official forces will intervene. It takes about three months from formal contact to landing.

Lin Ju took a step back and suddenly realized that this time he was called here differently.

"The space next to your office has been vacated. The few people who used to connect with these are now your secretaries. You have many talents in Xinyuan, and they can all be transferred here."

The adaptation speed of non-space companies is actually not slow, and the standards of some earth environments are not necessarily lower than those in space. This result makes Lin Ju very satisfied.

Although Long Hai was also surprised before, he now replied calmly:

"What rumors are there? What CBS and ABC mainstream media reported is not a rumor. Amei is playing for real, and the country is also serious.

"...I really don't have that."

Zhong Cheng: "Let's talk about something serious... The participation of so many companies has made us much clearer about the difficulty of building a spaceport. At present, most of the aerospace departments agree with the second plan, that is, the industrial and scientific research areas have zero gravity, and the residential areas have a gravity of more than 0.5G.

"Mars is not the first choice at present."

Claire shook her head and squinted her eyes and said:

Just kidding, one is a tough guy who once led the Alliance Space, and the other is also well versed in worldly affairs. The priority of coordination ability even exceeds technical ability.

The mass of 25,000 tons of industrial modules is not much on Earth, but considering some special advantages of space, and these equipment must be carefully selected and highly automated, there may be surprises.

After changing their minds, the M office raised a series of questions about Xinyuan's barbaric development in the past, and they could not answer them at all.

Lin Ju was immediately disappointed. How good is the Heavenly Palace? It sounds like it is in the same line as the Heavenly Palace, or the South Gate of Heaven is also good.

"We have no ability to interfere with Mars for the time being, and I believe that the Chinese can't do much. Our attention should still be on the Earth and the Moon. "

M Office has been able to have a substantial impact on the federation due to the participation of a group of top elites and its strong dialogue ability at the top.

Claire: "Where do these unknown technologies come from? They have never been to Mars, they can only be around the Earth. And from this perspective, United Mining also has another purpose on the moon.

At least we can learn from the construction experience and lessons of the Chinese people, which is an intangible and precious wealth.

"Isn't it suitable? How long has it been since then? It's still not suitable. Everyone said that your President Ye and President Xie are very capable. Their technical and management abilities are too much for a president. If they weren't also busy, I would have thought Borrow it and use it.”

Of course, the same is true for medicine. Just like the honeymoon period in the 1980s, Aramco's big companies are not members of Congress or generals. As long as it is profitable, what can't be sold?

As soon as Lin Ju walked into the building of the Aviation Development Commission, he heard Zhong Cheng's teasing voice. He couldn't help but turn around and said curiously:

"Conservative? What conservative?"

"What, it's open?"

NACA is actually similar. Before Musk left Xinyuan, Lin Ju also drew a big picture of the space port, and promised that as long as the two countries open trade, they would not rule out including SpecaX as a contractor.

"An all-steel structure spaceport? Oh, Taiyang's ambition is too obvious."

Combined with the Chinese people's understanding of the Mars landing site, that's why David proposed the hypothesis of a "lost civilization on Mars", which is at least closely related to Mars.

In addition, the Aramco business community has organized the first batch of visiting groups to enter the country to look for business opportunities. We will do something similar soon. "

0.5G gravity is quite sufficient. As long as the time is no more than one or two years, healthy natural people do not need to exercise and will not become fragile due to bone calcium loss.

They are definitely indispensable to Xinyuan's ability to have no internal troubles and maintain efficient operation.

"Uncle Hai, are the rumors true?"

Zhong Cheng patted him on the shoulder and persuaded him earnestly:

"It will take a lot of time to prepare for the new organization. Now everything is under the control of the Aerospace Development Commission. You, the deputy chief, have to play your role. The Space Force and other private aerospace affairs will be left to you in the future."

I am also involved in the import business, such as importing cars, importing milk powder, meat, etc., which are all profitable.

In addition, we also sell cars or electronic products to the third world where there are no dealers. The development momentum is also good now.

If the world's two largest economies reduce tariffs and start free trade, the profit margins of agents like them will be greatly reduced, and it will be inconvenient for manufacturers to communicate with themselves?

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