I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 744: Life hangs on a thread

In 1960, three years after the first man-made satellite "Sputnik" was launched into space, NACA launched a very special satellite "Echo 1" into space.

The essence of Echo 1 is an oversized balloon, which uses a polyester film with a thickness of 0.08 mm and a layer of aluminum foil coated with a thickness of 0.013 mm as materials.

When launched, it is in a folded state, and benzoic acid material is placed in it in advance. When Echo 1 enters space, the benzoic acid will be heated by the sun and vaporize, so that the balloon will slowly expand, with a maximum diameter of about 30 meters.

This huge inflatable metal ball is the first generation of passive communication satellites, and its principle is extremely simple:

A place on the earth sends a beam of signal to Echo 1, which is reflected by its metal surface and returned to B place on the earth, so that satellite communication can be realized.

Although this simple big balloon is very bad, it is it that completed the first satellite communication between Ame and the Alliance, verified the feasibility of this technology, and laid the foundation for the development of communication satellites.

Now Artemis is the ultimate enhanced version of its predecessor, with an exaggerated diameter of 1,100 meters. It is not a spherical surface with strong diffuse reflection and high loss, but a parabola that can focus on a large range and is carefully designed.

When it lost control, it happened to pass through the junction of the Eurasian continent where satellite communications are busy. The native chickens there are big users of TV broadcast satellites. The signals from the synchronous orbit are received by Artemis and amplified countless times. Whenever it rolls and sweeps in one direction, it will cause strong interference to the covered satellites.

Not only in space, the mixed and chaotic waves absorbed and amplified by Artemis will also affect ground receivers. Faced with electromagnetic waves that suddenly increase many times and modulate chaotically, the filters of ordinary radio and satellite TV receivers are also powerless. At the least, the signal will be weakened and garbled, and at the worst, the signal will be lost directly.

The scale of 300 kilometers is quite amazing. It actually first affects Eastern Europe and the area near the Black Sea, covering several small countries at a time.

The residents there even saw a bright spot suddenly flashing in the sky at first, and then found that the radio, satellite TV, data network and even GPS signals were stuck or even failed to varying degrees.

However, because the incident happened suddenly, these countries did not find out that something was wrong at the first time, and no one reported it until the impact spread to Russia.

But China was still the first to enter the alert state. Due to the great uncertainty of the alien crisis, the domestic early warning network is basically in the top state. After discovering large-scale electromagnetic interference, an alarm was immediately issued. Five minutes later, two H1-based "Shenlong" were launched successively with solid rockets. At the same time, the aerospace plane also received an emergency order to prepare to enter space.

At the same time, an inquiry was immediately sent to Amei through the hotline, but because Amei knew nothing and reacted slowly, the country was determined not to gamble on the current situation and immediately issued a level 1 warning. All warships that could leave the port immediately went out to sea, and all warships and submarines on missions entered a silent state.

All aircraft at all coastal airports took off as much as possible, and inland bombers also began to mount long-range cruise missiles, preparing to take off and cruise on the scheduled route to strike the targets set in the emergency plan.

However, they are not as good as the rocket force. They have the highest level of combat readiness. They are on standby almost as soon as they receive the alarm and can carry out strikes at any time.

The Artemis interference was warned at 21:34. Since most military satellite communications were disrupted, the country almost believed that Amy was going to take risks, because the sudden change in the situation was determined to launch a surprise attack, and the previous concessions were all illusions.

It was only out of the last bit of rationality and trust in the judgment of the past situation that the top leaders decided to calm down for 10 minutes without receiving further news:

In these 10 minutes, as long as any attack against the homeland is detected in any direction, a full-scale counterattack will be launched without hesitation. If not, it can be extended appropriately.

When Shen Zuozhou received the warning, 5 minutes had passed, and Lucia and other authorities had already responded.

In this case, even if the Pentagon did not understand what was happening, the Pacific Fleet in the Far East saw the sudden change in the situation and mistakenly thought that a war was about to break out, and desperately began to mobilize.

The Pentagon and John received urgent hotline calls frantically, first from the Chinese, then from the Far East, and then Lucia, and after them, European allies called one after another. They also found that something was wrong and had issued a mobilization order.

John had already boarded the Boeing 747 Doomsday Command Plane, and responded at superhuman speed on the plane, with only one thought in mind: I am not, I did not, calm down!

At this time, the information about the chaos in Artemis had not yet been transmitted, and his words were not very convincing.

By the time McMaster boarded the helicopter, the mainstream forces in the world had basically entered a state of waiting for counterattack, staring at each other nervously, waiting for the last order.

Lin Ju entered the basement under the leadership of Shen Zuozhou and several other people, but it was not safe here, so Shen Zuozhou kept in touch with the military, waiting to be picked up and transferred by helicopter.

Only then did Lin Ju have time to unlock his mobile phone to read the emergency information sent by the base. After a quick scan, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

The NACA's large mirror is of course very eye-catching, but because the Aviation Development Commission is busy, the observation task is handed over to Xinyuan, which has a satellite network. Xinyuan has been silently observing the actions of Artemis.

When the alarm was triggered in the country, the base had already determined that Artemis was causing the chaos, but the failure to report it immediately was a misunderstanding.

Because our own side is also unable to judge whether this is part of the Artemis plan. What if it is just a cover and is actually a super space weapon?

It took another ten minutes to continue the confirmation. Through observations from multiple high-orbit satellites and space stations, it was discovered that Artemis had not fully expanded and was rolling irregularly. It was basically confirmed that it was an accident.

It was already five minutes later when Lin Ju saw the news. He quickly grabbed Shen Zuozhou, who was also shocked when he saw the news and hurriedly contacted him.

However, the base had sent a report in advance, and Shen Zuozhou quickly received the latest feedback from above, as well as inquiries confirming that no casualties or confusion had been caused.

This call lasted several minutes. When he hung up the phone, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with fear. He felt goosebumps all over his body. He looked at Lin Ju with lingering fear and said:

"Fortunately, you Xinyuan responded in time. A local conflict broke out in the East China Sea just now. The higher-ups almost triggered a nationwide alarm and launched a counterattack. In just one minute, the General Staff directly connected via satellite to stop the warship from launching missiles. Otherwise, it would have been over."

naval battle? Battleship counterattack?

Lin Ju's scalp was also numb. Of course he knew what this meant. Once they made up their minds, they should have heard the air raid siren covering the whole city a few minutes ago. The civil air defense facilities that had been silent for decades would be flooded with people. Governments at all levels will follow wartime orders to preserve the population and industry as much as possible under nuclear attack, while issuing countless draft orders.

As long as one's own side starts to counterattack, the chain reaction will be completely unstoppable. Even if everyone later understands that it was a misunderstanding, the war has to be fought, otherwise it will be impossible to make up for the heavy losses suffered.

One minute, only one minute until the intersection of human destiny!

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