"Misunderstanding is resolved, misunderstanding is resolved!"

No one knows how much McMaster was suffering. Only 28 minutes have passed since he was dragged out of the office.

But these 25 minutes are even longer than a lifetime. When the intelligence officer shouted and reported, he just stared blankly at the quiet sky outside the window.

There was no bright fireball, no terminal missile warheads, 28 minutes was enough for them to fly overhead.

But the F22 that accidentally passed by still told him that everything just now was not an illusion. At that moment, mankind was unprecedentedly close to war, only the last little bit.

Deputy Director Jim couldn't hold it all at once, kneeling on the ground and crying.

Just now, the Aviation Development Commission informed them that Xinyuan had discovered Artemis in an out-of-control state, and asked them for confirmation. NACA immediately said it was true.

They had already started to explain to the world one by one a few minutes ago. The official and unofficial channels were all about Artemis's apology letter and the statement that they did not want to cause misjudgment by all parties. But until now, when the Aviation Development Commission agreed to endorse NACA and jointly issued a notice to the world, everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.

Such a joint announcement not only shows that the other party understands the misunderstanding, but also convinces other forces to let everyone put down their weapons.

As for Artemis itself and how to deal with it later, it has now become a trivial matter.

McMaster sat on the ground with a sense of relief, and ordered his assistant to contact the Chinese immediately to gradually eliminate the misunderstanding, but a message from the other side made him jump up immediately, shouting without caring about his image:

"Those bastards in the Far East are crazy, I want to fire them all!"

Ten minutes ago, East China Sea.

When the front-line radar station saw the dense fleet taking off from the other side, the operator at that time did not even enter the highest alert. In his opinion, it was impossible for hundreds of aircraft to take off from the other side. Most of them were electronic interference, and he just asked his own air force to rush to expel them.

It should be added here that at this time, the Pacific Fleet Headquarters had detected the signal of the long-wave radio station in the mainland, but the alert was transmitted layer by layer and had not yet reached the front-line radar station.

At that time, an EP3E jammer that had just completed a harassment mission and was about to return took over the job. It flew to the incident area with ease and planned to see if the other side was an old acquaintance that they often confronted.

Then the EP3E really saw a dense group of aircraft taking off from various coastal airports, and without thinking too much, it went all out to conduct electronic countermeasures.

However, this was completely different from the perspective of our air force. The pilots who received the first-level order were almost rolling and crawling to the fighter planes at this time. They were highly nervous. The base commander kept repeating "this is not an exercise", and the dispatch scale was unprecedentedly large. It was obviously not an emergency drill.

Even the crew preparing to return were ordered not to land, wait for the refueling aircraft or wait for the forced landing order, and not to return to the airport to die.

When the EP3E started jamming, the squadron that took off first and was forming instantly found that it was very certain in the atmosphere at that time: the evil Yankees had torn their faces and were carrying out a tactical raid on our border!

The electronic jammers must be covering the F22 and F35 fleets, and the B1B may also be used for supersonic penetration. Because the Far East Air Force had not yet launched large-scale aircraft at this time, the enemy naturally believed that stealth aircraft must have been dispatched.

In this case, the commander who was also sitting on the fighter plane thought of the brightly lit city behind him, and immediately ordered the EP3E to be shot down, and tried his best to block the enemy's stealth penetration fleet.

Under unprecedented pressure, the three J16s of the enemy launched two PL12s each, and began to make stealth evasive maneuvers at the same time, intending to go out first to buy time for the subsequent J20.

As soon as the EP3E crew turned on the machine, they found that they were locked by fire control radars from multiple sources, and the crew was instantly dumbfounded.

Even if the intensity of the confrontation was high in the past, everyone was a tacit "magician" battle, so why did they make it look like they were going to expel it from the beginning?

Yes, at this time, they just thought it was an expulsion signal, and only made a small maneuver and sent a signal to the friendly forces requesting support.

Immediately, two F15s that were following a night exercise by a DDG destroyer and several frigates received the distress call and turned on the afterburner to prepare to go to the rescue.

However, when they were about to reach the designated airspace, the EP3E signal flashed and disappeared.

With the addition of 6 medium-range missiles, this subsonic turboprop aircraft certainly had no chance of survival. It was shot down before the reinforcements arrived. It was not until a few seconds before death that it was discovered that the missile crew had no parachute preparations at all, and all of them were buried in the sea.

The fleet that came to reinforce witnessed the whole process of the friendly forces being shot down, and also heard a few wails on the radio.

Just when they were stunned, the highest combat readiness order of the Pacific Fleet was also sent, telling them that war might break out.

What else is there to say? Do it!

Even if they didn't believe it, the two F15s couldn't refute the facts they saw, not to mention that they saw the J16 fleet that broke through at low altitude with great momentum.

The F15 fleet, which was outnumbered, did not try to show off their strength. Apart from leaving two air combat missiles for self-defense, they fired all their other missiles, then immediately dropped their auxiliary fuel tanks, turned around and fled, while desperately reporting the situation to the fleet.

The communication exposed the unknown of this small fleet. The J16 squadron quickly discovered them, especially the main battleship Arleigh Burke class, which means a huge air defense threat, and it also has the ability to strike the ground.

The air commander who has already done the real work no longer has any concerns, and informed the navy of the strike target through the joint command system.

After receiving the intelligence from the Air Force, a 052D on patrol also strengthened its confidence. With the assistance of the Air Force, it locked the small fleet more than 300 kilometers away. At the same time, the anti-ship missiles began to power on and were ready to open the launch silo cover.

If it were not for the timely insertion of the cross-level command from the General Staff, four consecutive Eagle Strike 12s would have been launched.

But this only delayed the launch procedure, because the Pacific Fleet's order had not arrived yet!

Facing four incoming AIM120Cs, the J16 squadron on its side, in addition to maneuvering to evade, also issued a pursuit order without hesitation. The Arleigh Burke small fleet also entered combat readiness and was preparing to launch missiles!

Fortunately, I can only say fortunately.

At the last moment, the Pentagon also contacted the officers on the front line, stopped their actions, and asked them to publicly report their location, destination and status, and prohibited any behavior that might cause misunderstanding.

However, the soldiers on the front line would not easily believe it, or dare not believe it, and more and more warships and planes continued to arrive.

When the news reached McMaster, the front line was still in a confrontation between the sea and the air!

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