Province of Victoria.

Lu Jianfei arrived at the manor on time and found that the other party arrived later than usual.

But more importantly, the person in charge was replaced.

"Hello, I am the new leader of the negotiating team, Andrew Beckett."

He was a bald white man in his forties with a very strong military aura, and he took the initiative to greet Lu Jianfei.

After the two shook hands politely and took their seats, Andrew continued:

"Kevin has returned to China to report on his duties due to normal personnel transfers. I will continue his work. I basically understand the situation, so please don't worry."

Andrew had a bit of a fake smile on his face, but the people sitting with him still had a straight face, without any expression.

On the contrary, everyone on Lu Jianfei's side smiled sincerely.

Negotiating space arms is an extremely complex process that requires not only military personnel and strategic experts, but also the advice of a large number of scientists and cosmologists. After all, this subject is too big. Without the help of professionals, any decision made based on traditional thinking is stupid and One-sided.

Both sides of Victoria's negotiations were fully aware of the tense situation last night, but it just happened to be that during the recess, they were all quietly waiting for news at their hotel.

Early this morning, General Kevin, who was in charge of the Air Force, flew back to take charge of the situation, and Andrew from the Navy Department came to take his place.

For such a result that falls below, obviously many people have to take responsibility, and Andrew and others are well aware of this, so now Ami's team is a little absent-minded, even the opponent is aware of this.

However, just as the negotiations are still going on as scheduled and the general environment of threats from alien civilizations has not changed, the general trend of cooperation will not change either. As long as there is no complete break, what needs to be done still needs to continue.

David Usnow stood up and took the lead in proposing the first item on today’s agenda:

“For the development of weapons against alien civilizations, we currently tend to favor two classifications, namely kinetic weapons and energy weapons.

Energy weapons include lasers, plasma launchers, super-high-yield hydrogen bombs and other weapons that do not cause damage through obvious physical media; kinetic energy weapons mainly use gunpowder, electromagnetism, etc. as propulsion means, and use kinetic energy to destroy alien warship materials as the main method.

In principle, all weapons used in space in the future should be classified according to this classification and subject to varying degrees of control according to level. Those above a certain level must regularly report their location and status to each other, and both sides will send supervision teams to conduct random inspections. "

He then submitted more specific written documents. After reading them carefully, our representative nodded:

"We basically agree, but further discussions are needed on the functions and selection of the oversight group."

Andrew: "This opinion can be recorded. We have no objection. So let me add one, based on some additional provisions proposed by the Federation in response to the recent world emergencies."

Lu Jianfei perked up and sat up a little straighter, knowing that this was about to be the highlight.

Andrew: “We propose to build a comprehensive bilateral strategic mutual trust mechanism, especially real-time situation reporting within low-Earth orbit, to prevent misjudgments caused by unexpected factors.

This mechanism can ensure that no matter what unexpected situation occurs, both parties can eliminate the other party's wrong intentions within 3 to 5 minutes to stop certain illegal actions that exceed restrictions and break the balance! "

This was pointing at the monk and scolding the bald man. Lu Jianfei showed no expression on his face.

The other side seemed a little indignant, and eventually they began to whisper and discuss this temporary proposal.

After a few minutes, Lu Jianfei raised his eyebrows and responded:

"We agree with the idea of ​​establishing a mutual trust mechanism, but we also recognize that only by expanding the scope of this mechanism to the world can we better ensure the common security of the earth."

After hearing the translated word "global", Andrew's expression softened a lot, and he felt a lot satisfied. He followed the flow and tried to say:

"According to the proposal of our experts, a system based on low-orbit, medium-orbit, high-orbit, geostationary orbit satellites, manned space stations, and manned space vehicles can be established, with two sets of ground and space personnel on duty at any time, and can be implemented Early warning and monitoring network linked to the highest command center.

Both parties have the same right to know the status of the monitoring network at any time to prevent emergencies from occurring.

Of course, if it needs to be expanded to a global scale, a corresponding monitoring network with global coverage may be needed, and even ground and maritime observation centers may be needed as confirmation. "

After Andrew finished speaking, Lu Jianfei cursed for a while, sighing that he was worthy of being Ami. This kind of ability to use excuses is really good, and it is really good.

Not only must we monitor the world openly and strictly in the name of peace, but we must also build observation centers in other countries’ territories or territorial waters in the name of “for your own good.”

Of course, if it expands to the whole world, there will definitely be more than two parties involved, but just like a joint fleet or a treaty of friendship and trade, the rules are fair, but the results may not be certain.

"We fully agree with your opinion."

Lu Jianfei answered without hesitation:

"Strengthening the construction of global mutual trust mechanisms is an important guarantee for maintaining world peace!"

"Asmail announced that because Taichi Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is currently in abnormal operating conditions, it will temporarily stop providing subsequent spare parts and warranty services."

"Shin-Etsu Chemical stated that it will suspend the supply of Taichi Semiconductor consumables in the next few months due to production capacity reasons."

"The high-purity silicon supply industry has been affected, with previous suppliers suspending delivery contracts."


Zhang Siren stood in the office and stuffed important documents into his briefcase one by one, while listening to the latest news brought by his secretary.

Good news: TSMC is in hand! Wafer production capacity has increased several times, chip production capacity has increased several times, and the process technology has been greatly improved!

Bad news: Chip production upstream and downstream are very dependent on suppliers. Due to the current regulatory measures and Amy's support, many important suppliers are shouting that they want to quit. Without these high-purity chemical raw materials and mechanical spare parts, TSMC cannot operate normally.

However, Zhang Siren was not in a hurry, as if he didn't care at all.

Because there is another good news:

All the things that are cut off can be replaced domestically. Huanghe Semiconductor still has a large number of key chip production technologies such as lithography machines. Even if TSMC is cut off, they can quickly resume supply if they are given a little time.

Better news: TSMC still has a large backlog of orders that have not been delivered. If it breaches the contract, it will need to pay huge compensation according to the contract.

This sounds like bad news, but with the national financial backing, this penalty is insignificant compared to the value obtained, and by the way, it can legitimately transform the production line and provide development space for domestic semiconductors.

As one rises, the other falls, and the spring of the ternary system is coming!

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