At four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhong Cheng and Lin Ju arrived in Beijing again.

When landing, Lin Ju glanced out inadvertently and was startled when he saw something colorful.

"Is that... an anti-aircraft missile?"

"To protect the airport, HQ9, seven or eight vehicles came in the evening, and now they are all starting to withdraw."

The launch vehicles retreating in order are very eye-catching. Whether it is the terminal or the passengers on the plane, they can see it, attracting a lot of attention.

The only difference from the past is that most of the faces you see are filled with cheerful smiles, and from time to time you can see someone covering their face and crying.

After all, it has only been 20 years since the last attempt, and many people still remember it. When countless people wake up and see a series of headlines pop up on their mobile phones, they will doubt whether they are dreaming.

But the photos of queuing for certificates and helicopter crashes cannot be faked. Even though local information control has been implemented, a lot of information has been leaked, all of which are shocking.

Last night, hundreds of flights at more than a dozen airports were forcibly postponed. There were passengers who protested, but they soon disappeared without a trace.

And now, it's time to enjoy victory.

For Lin Ju, who missed the wonderful process, Zhong Cheng picked out valuable information and told him slowly:

"This action was very sudden, and there was no plan. In general, it was because of an accident."


"Yes, an accident. At the beginning, we thought we were going to fight a big war. The large-scale air force dispatch led to the misjudgment of the other side. Do you know what happened? A captain of the Mirage 2000 squadron shot down a friendly plane on the spot, and our pilots thought it was arranged by our side, and they also mistakenly thought it was... just cooperated and opened fire together..."

There are many things to study in Zhong Cheng's words, such as whether our pilots misjudged or deliberately, which are very interesting.

However, these actions are facts. In short, at the beginning, after the information was passed to the top, it inspired ideas, so we just gritted our teeth and fought hard.

The accidental shooting incident in the East China Sea has effectively diverted the attention of the Far East. As the heat continues to rise, we have to invest our main forces in it.

What happened that night was covered up by both parties and became a secret, but the result can explain a lot of problems.

It must be said that Amei's reaction was slower than expected, which created a golden opportunity and allowed the team to solve the problem in less than 12 hours.

While the two were talking, dense engine roars came from far away.

Lin Ju raised his head and saw a formation of more than 20 H6s. ​​There was no mount under the wings. They flew in a dense formation at a low speed, almost like a heavy gray cloud.

The posture of one of the planes seemed a little abnormal. Upon closer observation, it can be seen that a piece of the right wing was missing, and even bullet holes could be vaguely observed.

Zhong Cheng: "Since the action was very sudden, the damage there was very minor, much better than expected. At present, the main task is to take over the public security system.

However, the biggest gain is TSMC. The TSMC factory and personnel are basically intact. Only one production line has a minor fault due to unattended operation, but it is easy to repair.

Anyway, if we hold it in our hands, we will develop chips much faster, and the process and production capacity will be improved immediately."

For TSMC, there is no intention to confiscate or control it, and it does not make much sense. The equipment and production lines can no longer be dismantled. Even if there is no input of new equipment, it can continue to be used for many years.

Don't forget that it has 60% of the world's chip share and 90% of high-end production capacity!

Don't say it's against it. As long as it stops working for a month, the world will have a large-scale chip shortage.

Realizing this, Lin Ju opened his mobile phone and found that TSMC's market value had quickly fallen by more than 60%, while Intel's market value had doubled.

Yes, it doubled in a few hours, and you can see that it is still rising after refreshing a few times.

As a company that integrates IC design and chip production, Intel's production capacity became a life-saving straw after the market realized that TSMC might stop production.

Apple, Nvidia, Qualcomm, and AMD's chips are basically all manufactured by TSMC. Once the latter is temporarily unable to accept orders, it will be a terrible disaster.

Intel must first meet its own chip needs. The remaining production capacity is not enough to fill the huge gap. Even if it wants to seize the market, it can't.

A chip production factory will take at least half a year to land, and it will take more than a year to build a new one. The blank period in between is terribly long!

If the four major mainstream manufacturers cannot put new products on the shelves for a year, what will happen to the market?

Lin Ju instantly realized that this was a great opportunity, and looked at Zhong Cheng with shining eyes:

"We must hold on to Taiji Semiconductor. We must make good use of this opportunity, especially with the production capacity, to expand the promotion of ternary chips in China as much as possible!"

Zhong Cheng nodded: "Of course, but it depends on how the Science and Technology Commission will handle it. I guess these big companies are desperately running to China now?

Huanghe Semiconductor should move faster, and maybe it can invest in Taiji Semiconductor now."

"Just one Taiji Semiconductor is enough to pay back all the costs, and it is not a loss at all economically."

Lin Ju said with emotion that although many technical problems have been solved with the blessing of the system's cash capacity, the chip production line, a precision equipment, has a long cycle from technology to product landing, and the sudden increase in production capacity is very important.

"What about other aspects? How is the situation?"

"Needless to say, our European allies did a good job in East Asia. They were very calm and held their nerve throughout the whole process."

"We? Allies?"

"Who else could it be? The Huayin organization. In the early morning, Yi Daili proposed to hold another all-member summit. We have already agreed, and it will start the day after tomorrow."

Lin Ju calculated the time, which was the 17th?

The Huayin Organization Summit will be held on the 17th. Key personnel from the Aviation Development Commission will have to attend for at least two or three days. What will happen when the NACA team arrives on the 18th? Always have at least the same level of reception?

Is it possible that we still want to be together?

Lin Ju's expression became subtle when he thought of this possibility. This time, Robert was leading the team in person. When he arrived, basically all the mainstream aerospace countries in the world gathered together. This scene was not ordinary spectacular. The gold content of being a host Straight up.

No wonder Zhong Cheng had an undiminished smile on his face when he said it. He must have thought of this a long time ago.

"Except for us, nothing major has happened in other parts of the world due to slow response and too little information. I'm afraid we only know the general idea now, so we are all afraid."

Zhong Cheng continued:

"Lucia reacted very strongly, calling on us not to believe in the illusion of Americus compromise, and resolutely opposed the secret agreement. She hoped that we could continue to strengthen cooperation, especially the planetary mutual defense part of the Huayin Organization."

In fact, this part of the clause has no real sense of existence. From the establishment of the Huayin Organization to the present, there has been too much wrangling about the ground observation station, and now it is suddenly mentioned again.

But what they don't know is that China does plan to build a planetary defense system, but with different partners.

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