"Lin Ju, Lin Ju!"

Lin Ju heard the voice calling him, and just as he was about to sit up from the sofa, he felt his neck was as stiff as an iron plate, and he felt pain when he moved a little.

After finally standing up, he saw Zhong Cheng's bright smile, which made him a little confused.

"What time is it now? Have you had breakfast?"

He still remembered that it was a little after 6 o'clock, and he couldn't hold back the sleepiness and decided to sleep for one to two hours and let others call him.

Now when he woke up, he only saw Zhong Cheng, and Shen Zuozhou and Ye Changsi were nowhere to be seen.

Hearing Lin Ju's question, Zhong Cheng smiled even brighter, but did not answer. He just stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently:

"Is the sofa uncomfortable? Remember this feeling and try to sleep on the bed in the future."

"Go away."

Lin Ju's mind was full of news, so he had no time to joke. Zhong Cheng was not surprised to see this. He coughed dryly and said:

"It's already 2:20 in the afternoon, it's over!"

"What! Over?!"

Lin Ju, who was just stretching his limbs, suddenly turned over, rushed to the French window and opened the curtains, and saw the bright sun.

I actually slept for eight hours in a row!

Lin Ju was anxious and even a little angry:

"Why didn't you call me? I said it would take at most two hours!"

Faced with the questioning, Zhong Cheng was not in a hurry, and even took out his mobile phone and shook it:

"We called, but you didn't wake up. The video is proof, the video is proof. Later, Ye Changsi said he would give you a shot or pour cold water on you, but Manman persuaded him and said you deserved to stay up late."


Lin Ju didn't doubt his words and could only beat his legs in frustration.

The most critical 8 hours, squatting all night is for the reaction after dawn!

There was no time to regret, he hurriedly asked:

"How is it, what is the situation now?"

"The situation? Let me show you something."

Zhong Cheng squatted down, and Lin Ju saw a paper bag next to the coffee table. The former took something out of it and put it on the table.

A fresh, fragrant pineapple.

Under the sunlight projected in from the floor-to-ceiling window, it exuded a calm and shining brilliance on the glass coffee table.

Zhong Cheng: "It was airlifted by C810. It has been less than 50 minutes since it was picked. It was picked by the captain of B4143 himself and specially sent to you, the big boss.

Taste it? I have never enjoyed such a luxury. Today, thanks to you, there is also a durian and a little mango in it. Eat it while it is fresh. It is very authentic."

Lin Ju stared at the pineapple in a daze, and stretched out his hand to pick the still wet leaves.

It is indeed quite fresh. The C810 supersonic passenger plane is certainly not for enjoying this ordinary pineapple, but for a proof, a proof with a lot of meaning.

If the fruit cannot be preserved for a long time, Lin Ju even thinks that it should be covered with a glass cover as a souvenir.

While stroking the rough scales on the surface of the pineapple, Lin Ju asked nervously:

"No big loss, right?"

"Don't worry, your plane and pilot are fine, and they will definitely be returned. By the way, the guy in B4143 is amazing. He made a short-distance forced landing. That technique... Ahem, I will borrow it for a while longer. Recently, the demand for transportation capacity is relatively large, so I need to trouble you."

"It's all a small matter..."

Lin Ju didn't care, waved his hand and agreed directly.

"Where's Amei? Lu is still in Victoria. Has he withdrawn? And at sea..."

Zhong Cheng: "Don't worry, I can tell you that the hotline has been ringing almost non-stop this morning, and we have been communicating with NACA.

It has been decided that the NACA delegation will depart on October 19, without delay!

In addition, the normal negotiations of the Space Force will not be affected, and the atmosphere over there is very harmonious."

He spoke a little heavier for the last two words, and then continued:

"We definitely didn't lose at sea. We haven't had such a fight for a long time. I'm afraid there won't be another one in the future, so it's not a pity."

Zhong Cheng's words revealed a lot of information, of course, the most important thing is that the two sides have reached a settlement.

There is no way, the alien crisis is indeed greater than the sky, and the unity is far greater than the alliance system of the last century. In the end, this contest has become an exchange of interests, at least our side is quite satisfied.

After this time, the space joint defense system will definitely be established overtime, otherwise if there are more misunderstandings like this, the fake ones will become real, and no one wants to walk on the tightrope again.

Last night was definitely the most serious global crisis in 56 years, but because of the different environment and different participants, the process and results were very different.

The real confrontation lasted only about 10 hours, and it ended before most of the world knew what happened.

But its danger is unquestionable. This time it is not a threat, but a real intention to stab the sword of Damocles in hand.

Most of the details of what happened in these 10 hours cannot be seen in public channels. The scale and specific details of the participants were all tacitly covered up by the participants, becoming a mystery that has lasted for many years.

The purpose of doing this is mainly to reduce the tension in the world. For ordinary people, it will soon fade away, and there is only one thing that they can remember deeply.

On a certain military forum, a post with the topic "I got my certificate when I woke up" posted by a certain poster many years ago was unearthed and became a new hot word on the Internet.

At the same time, videos of several An-1250s approaching and forcibly landing at low altitudes were widely circulated on the Internet. Before the plane had even stopped, the tail hatch had been opened. Soldiers with high morale sitting on tanks jumped directly onto the runway, and then quickly dispersed. It became a famous scene comparable to Operation Gulf.

Not to mention the pomegranate V falling into a residential area, the Marine Corps distributing instant noodles and tea eggs to the affected residents, the 60-year veteran recognizing his ancestors on the spot, the soldiers gobbling up pineapples (fake), etc.

But the latest big news right now is, of course, the fake "Blackhawk" being involved in a lot of high-level chaos. Anyway, someone even took a picture and made it into an emoticon.

"Li Guangwei, who is Li Guangwei?"


Ah Wei pushed aside the crowds on both sides who were trying to jump in line, quickly walked up to the officer with a silly smile, and then handed over his original ID.

After receiving it, the other party briefly checked it, and then tilted his head to signal to start the process.

Ah Wei quickly went to the photo area next to him and sat down on a stool in front of the white curtain. The photographer then corrected his sitting posture and tried to smile.



After the flash, the next person sat down impatiently. Ah Wei glanced at him and saw, well, he was still in camouflage uniform, but with a white towel tied around his shoulders.

Ah Wei walked to the next queuing point, and it was already ten minutes later when it was his turn.

What I got was a simple plastic card. The profile picture was taken just now. In addition to the logo, there was a big word "temporary" on the back.

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