"Take a break, don't stay up all the time."

Yu Man looked at Lin Ju's yawning and refused to make him strong tea.

It was already past 2 a.m., and Lin Ju, Zhong Cheng, Ye Changsi, and Shen Zuozhou were in the reception room of the base, discussing around a small tea table. They didn't know how many cups of strong tea and coffee they had drunk.

Physical fatigue was hard to resist after all. Now the four of them were in the most sleepy period, but no one wanted to sleep, and they were all watching for messages.

Lin Ju gently grabbed Yu Man's hand, and after much persuasion, he let her go back to rest first, and then called the service robot to make him a special cup of black coffee.


The phone on the table suddenly vibrated, and the attention of several people was immediately focused.

It was his own phone. Now Lin Ju had switched to notification mode. He quickly opened the notification bar and was very surprised.

It was the little blue bird. He set up a message notification for the person he paid special attention to, and now a private message popped up in the background.

Under the gaze of others, Lin Ju opened the software and saw a short English message with many abbreviations, but they were all common words and could be understood at a glance.

The other three did not need to translate, and they roughly understood it at a glance.

However, they could not believe what they saw. Shen Zuozhou widened his eyes and said in disbelief:

"Did he really send it? If he is found out, he will probably be punished to the end."

"To the end? If we have such a person, being shot would be a light punishment!"

Zhong Cheng could not believe the information on his mobile phone, no matter which aspect.

The dignified NACA director used the little blue bird to warn his side to stay calm and be careful of the Pentagon taking risks?

Who would dare to believe this? It was even more outrageous than the Martians.

The four of them looked at it repeatedly for a long time before they could confirm the authenticity of the message, which made the heavy sleepiness just now dissipate.

"Director Zhong, what should we do?"

"What should we do? Follow the rules! But it's true that you can't tell the truth from the appearance. Seeing this kind of thing, we have experienced history."

Zhong Cheng kept laughing bitterly. The message Robert conveyed was not of much value, but this behavior was really confusing.

After all, using the little blue bird... It's like a certain domestic news in the past, planning to rob the militia's arsenal and using WeChat to loudly conspire. There are so many points that it's hard to complain.

"Then should we cover it up?"

Ye Changsi suggested, but Zhong Cheng thought about it for a few times and shook his head:

"This happened and it happened. We don't care about the follow-up and don't reply. As for Robert... It depends on his personal luck. Let's wait for news.

The first air transport team is expected to take off in the morning, so wait for a while."

The four of them didn't pay much attention to Robert's warning. If this reminder was given to Lucia, it might be very important, but for the country that always maintains a high level of vigilance, it can only be said to be icing on the cake.

After the short excitement, the atmosphere became silent again. The four continued to talk at night, and the frequency of adding coffee and tea became higher and higher.

At 2:42, the first valuable news came: NACA successfully launched an emergency satellite, and successfully rendezvoused with Artemis through careful planning and sent it instructions.

Although Artemis is still flipping, the huge reflective surface is slowly shrinking, which can basically save this extremely expensive spacecraft.

Following closely is the East China Sea, where more than 60 warships have gathered, and nearly 300 aircraft are hovering in the surrounding airspace. The smell of gunpowder in the air is suffocating and somewhat worrying.

At 3:02, a hot search occupied the first place in online news:

"World of Warcraft Asia server closed due to sudden reasons, and the official said that it could not be solved for the time being."

At the same time, "Snow Swan" was observed flying over in many places across the country, even including island countries, and the number was said to be as high as more than 5, which was unprecedented.

At 3:22, the Maritime Safety Administration announced that due to typhoons and bad weather, a 24-hour temporary control would be implemented, prohibiting fishing boats and other ships from going out to sea.

At 3:26, the Civil Aviation Administration also announced that due to weather reasons, several transoceanic flights were delayed, and relevant passengers were required to handle rebooking and refund procedures as soon as possible. At the same time, several coastal airports were temporarily closed.

At 3:40, which was the afternoon of Amei, McMaster publicly announced that he would do his best to ensure the stability of the world situation and maintain the status quo without breaking the balance.

An hour later, many parties issued statements in succession, but because the whole country was still late at night when the incident happened, not many people paid attention, but there were always some people who did not sleep to witness this secret upheaval.

At 4:05, Dai Ying announced that the royal family would collectively go to Canada to escape the summer heat and make a friendly visit at the same time.

At 4:25, the director of the National Space Administration of the United States suddenly spoke on social media, saying that the planetary defense function of the Huayin Organization is still valid and will advance and retreat together.

At 4:30, when the sun was about to rise over the sea, the Seventh Fleet announced that due to a large-scale exercise accident, 1 EP3E, 2 F2s, 1 F15, and 1 F35 crashed into the sea, and 26 casualties and 3 missing have been confirmed.

Five minutes later, the Pentagon issued a notice stating that the DDG-107 "Gravely" accidentally collided with a Chinese ship during a normal patrol, and no casualties were reported for the time being.

The four people who were waiting for news at the base knew the real situation very well. From the brief analysis, they could imagine the collision between iron and blood, flames and flesh, but they continued to wait patiently for news.

At 4:50, the Aviation Development Commission reported that all four aerospace planes had taken off.

At 5:05, when the sky was getting bright, the temperature in the East China Sea began to drop, and the large number of assembled aircraft and ships finally began to withdraw one after another.

At the same time, the entire Eastern Hemisphere world had begun to wake up, and the domestic Internet began to become extremely lively. Countless hot posts were born on this day.

The captain of the B4143 aircraft stood under the huge body of the An-1250. The rising sun stretched the shadow of the aircraft very long, completely covering his body.

His feet were covered with cigarette butts, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his eye sockets were a little sunken.

In fact, he was forced to sleep for three hours, but he couldn't sleep at all. After getting up, he regretted it and kept drinking coffee and smoking to refresh himself.

But this was obviously unnecessary. When the fiery red sun rose from the coastline and shone on him, his heart began to beat wildly as if it had been injected with stimulants. The fatigue disappeared faster than he thought, and soon disappeared without a trace.

The skin surface that had been blown by the cold wind for a long time was exposed to the sun, and it was as hot as touching the hot magma, and the blood was much more comfortable.

Even if no one urged, the sun was like some kind of signal, making everyone move faster.

The soldiers who entered the cabin early sat on the floor and ate breakfast quickly in silence.

No one spoke. The hundreds of people in the plane only made chewing and breathing sounds, twisting the kettle from time to time to take a sip, and then stopped and let out a soft cry.

The figure of the co-pilot appeared on the lawn. He held a thin piece of paper in his hand. He walked forward and stood up straight, holding it with both hands and handed it over.

"The route and key have been sent down, sir, please give the order!"

As the person with the most flight hours in the An-1250, the captain is the deputy captain of the First Air Transport Squadron. He took the paper, nodded slightly, then looked into the cabin and waved his right hand vigorously:

"One air loss, dispatch!"

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