At the same time, Song Hui went to Lu Dahai's house to buy two cans and a box of milk-flavored drinks, and came to Chen Feng's house.

He was going to give Chen Feng some gifts so that Chen Feng would take him to Qiuling City.

But when he entered the yard, he found that Chen Feng's car was not at home.

Although he was a little puzzled, he still pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as he pushed the door, he saw Liu Ping wiping the stove in the kitchen, and Liu Ping turned around and saw him.

"Auntie Liu." Song Hui smiled and greeted.

"Song Hui is here, come in and sit down." Liu Ping was a little surprised, but still greeted.

"Aunt Liu, I'm here to talk to Fengzi about something. Is he home?" Song Hui saw that Chen Feng didn't seem to be in the house, so he asked.

"Looking for Chen Feng, he's not at home, he drove to the abandoned mine with Lin Nian, what do you want to talk to him about?" Liu Ping asked subconsciously.

"Ah, he's out." Song Hui didn't expect that he would come up empty-handed, and immediately felt bad.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked in advance, what should I do.

I've already brought the things here, can I take them away?

But if I put the things down now, and I haven't seen Chen Feng, wouldn't it be a waste of carrying things?

He hesitated in his heart, and was afraid that Liu Ping would see it, so he subconsciously hid the things behind his back with his hands.

No matter how blind Liu Ping was, she could see that he was carrying things, but she pretended not to see Song Hui's little action.

"Is that so, Aunt Liu, I'll come again in the evening." Song Hui decided to take the things away and bring them back in front of Chen Feng in the evening, so that the things he bought would be meaningful.

"Okay, how about sitting for a while?" Liu Ping said politely.

"No, no, Aunt Liu, I'll come back in the evening. Goodbye, Aunt Liu." Song Hui hid the things behind him and backed away.

"Okay, come back in the evening." Liu Ping said with a smile on her face.

Song Hui backed away and knocked the door open with his back. The can in his hand also hit the door, making a clanging sound.

He quickly took the things in front of him after leaving the door, turned around and walked away quickly.

Song Hui didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he walked out of Chen Feng's yard. Liu Ping shouldn't have seen that he was carrying things, right?

Old people's eyesight is not good, such as his father. Sometimes Song Hui brought some meat home, but his father couldn't see it and kept circling around in the house asking where the meat was.

Next time, you have to ask before coming, otherwise it will be so embarrassing.

And Liu Ping was in the house, looking at Song Hui's back with confusion.

What is he doing?

Why do you hide the things behind your back? Are you afraid that I will see them?

But if you are afraid that I will see them, why do you bring them here? Why don't you leave them at home?

And you also look for Chen Feng. Why do you look for Chen Feng? Are you going to give Chen Feng a gift?

What can you give him? He is not an official in the village and has no say. If you want to give him anything, you should give it to the village chief.

Liu Ping couldn't understand Song Hui's actions at all. She shook her head and stopped thinking about it. She continued to clean the stove.

After eating and taking a break, Chen Feng and his partner continued to carry the detector to start panning for gold. It should be said that Lin Nian was in a very high spirits. He didn't seem to feel tired and was enjoying the exploration.

Chen Feng really felt that if Lin Nian could keep up this state, Zheng Ping's model worker image would be replaced.

This time, they changed directions. Before Chen Feng's detector sounded, Lin Nian had another shipment.

"Oh wow~"

"Oh my god, this is really good, it rang so quickly." Lin Nian squatted down when he heard the sound, grinning happily, and took out a shovel to dig the soil excitedly.

Chen Feng heard what Lin Nian said, and stood in the distance just watching him, wanting to know what he could find this time, whether it was good stuff or garbage.

As the soil was blown away, Lin Nian's gold panning skills were also improving rapidly.

Before, it was slow and not smooth at all, but now the movements are getting faster and faster.

After a while, something appeared in Lin Nian's hand. He checked the detector and confirmed that the goods were this thing.

"Wow, brother, another silver grain, I think it's more than ten yuan!"

Lin Nian grabbed the silver grain and happily showed it to Chen Feng and shouted.

Well, Lin Nian can even estimate the value now.

Chen Feng stood there, looked at the excited Lin Nian, took a breath lightly, and nodded with satisfaction.

Well, if this continues, not only will Zheng Ping's model worker have to be replaced, but even the gold panning saint will probably have to be replaced.

This kid is too lucky.

"Great, keep it up!" Chen Feng gave a thumbs up to encourage.

Lin Nian smiled and showed his big white teeth when he heard the words, turned around and continued panning for gold, and Chen Feng also started to stroll around.


Lin Nian's goods were not as expensive as his, and even far less expensive.

But why did Chen Feng always feel that he didn't even beat Lin Nian today?

Ten minutes later, Chen Feng's system also rang. He drew a range with his eyes and picked up the detector to detect it bit by bit.

This time the goods were not so deep. Chen Feng's detector rang when he scanned one-third of the place.

He squatted down and used the pickaxe to rub that point hard. After seven or eight times, he rubbed a pit. He brought the detector over and passed it through the pile of soil.

The detector made a sound of "Oh~", proving that the goods had been dug out by him.

He shoveled the soil in the pile with a shovel and dug out the goods in a few times.

A small silver grain, estimated to be worth at most ten yuan.

He blew the silver grain, put the goods into a small bottle, and continued to move forward.

Not far ahead was the mine that Chen Feng had not dared to enter, but this time it should be a new one. Thinking of his gains in the mine in Qiuling City, Chen Feng's mind became active.

But he looked at it and shook his head.

Gold is good, but it has to be spent on it.

I will tell Lin Nian later that he should not be so curious about such places and should hide away as soon as possible.

The farther Chen Feng walked, the farther he deviated from Lin Nian. The two of them explored forward in a triangle. After more than an hour, Chen Feng's system rang.

"The density of goods in this place is really low." Chen Feng stood still and sighed.

After drawing a range, Chen Feng started to detect with the detector. This time, his luck was bad. He had to explore to the end before Chen Feng could find the goods.

He shrugged his shoulders after hearing the sound of the detector, squatted down, took out the pickaxe, held it with both hands and dug it back hard.

After digging enough soil, Chen Feng carried the detector over for a while. The soil pile didn't make a sound, proving that the goods were still in the pit. He changed the shovel and continued to dig the soil.

When he dug the third shovel, the detector sounded. He shook it gently and continued to dig the detector.

After shaking half of the soil down, Chen Feng started to dig it up.

Soon he found a silver grain, which was not small this time, and it was estimated to be worth thirty yuan.

"Not bad."

Chen Feng said softly, threw the silver grain into the small bottle, stood up and patted the soil on his body, and carried the detector to find Lin Nian.

He was afraid that he would say it too late, and this kid was very curious and really went into the mine.

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