The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

When Chen Feng went over, he saw Lin Nian squatting on the ground digging something, and Lin Nian just dug it out when he went over.

"Oh my god, it's so big, brother, look, I dug out a big treasure." Lin Nian smiled foolishly while holding a rusty big flashlight.

"It's really big, but it's a pity that it's not worth money." Chen Feng laughed.

Lin Nian smashed it back and forth, and after confirming that there was really no valuable place, he threw it aside.

"By the way, don't go to the mine, it's been in disrepair for a long time, and it might collapse when you go in. It's too dangerous." Chen Feng warned.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm not that stupid. Only fools would want to drill into the mine when they see it, haha." Lin Nian said to reassure him.

Chen Feng couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he heard this, and his face was full of black lines. You are a little rude.

The two of them continued to explore together. After about dozens of minutes, Chen Feng had dug out two small silver grains, each worth about ten yuan.

And Lin Nian finally found the goods again.


Hearing the sound, Lin Nian squatted down and started to dig the soil with a small shovel.

Chen Feng saw him squatting down, but he didn't care about him and continued to move forward.

But after Chen Feng had been walking for seven or eight minutes, he turned around and found that Lin Nian was still looking for goods. He was a little curious and walked over.

"Haven't you taken it out yet?" Chen Feng asked with his head down.

There was a small pit in front of Lin Nian. He knelt on the ground, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and was still digging the soil one shovel at a time.

"No, this stuff is too deep, and I can't dig it out after digging for a long time." Lin Nian shook his head and lowered his head to continue digging.

Seeing this, Chen Feng simply took out a shovel and squatted down to help him dig together.

The two of them dug the silver grains one by one, and it probably took them dozens of shovels before they dug out the goods.

It was Chen Feng's shovel that dug out the goods, and it made a sound when it passed the detector.

Lin Nian looked up when he heard the sound, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm, and smiled.

Finally, the goods were dug out.

Chen Feng shook the shovel gently, and soon took out a large silver grain from the shovel.

"Oh my god, this is so big, it must be worth more than 30 yuan, right?" Lin Nian looked at the silver grain in Chen Feng's hand and exclaimed.

"I guess it's about the same, about 30 yuan." Chen Feng looked at it and nodded, throwing the silver grain to Lin Nian.

"Brother, you take it." Lin Nian didn't put it in the small bottle, but said to Chen Feng who stood up.

"What you find is yours, and you can go home after another hour or two." Chen Feng glanced at his mobile phone and said.

"Okay." Lin Nian didn't refuse, put the silver grain in the small bottle, and stood up with the detector.

At five o'clock in the evening, there was another silver grain in Lin Nian's small bottle, which was worth more than ten yuan.

Chen Feng found three silver grains, which were estimated to be worth fifty yuan in total.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the two of them headed towards Wuling and prepared to go home.

"Brother, are we going home directly?" Lin Nian asked as he sat in the passenger seat.

"No, let's go to the county town to do some things first, and then sell the goods." Chen Feng got in the car, closed the door, released the handbrake, and drove forward slowly.

Soon, the two arrived in the county town and sold the goods at Boss Bai's place first.

"Hey, it's just you two today, is this a new gold digger?" Boss Bai sat at the counter and smiled at Chen Feng who was walking over.

"My brother, I brought him out to play today." Chen Feng grinned and took out the goods except for the gold.

"Come on, Boss Bai, let's see how much it's worth." Boss Bai took the goods, stood up and took out the spray gun and crucible.

Chen Feng had seen this process too many times and had no reaction, but Lin Nian was seeing it for the first time. He watched Boss Bai's actions with curiosity, and his eyes were full of excitement.

The silver refining and weighing operation was smooth. Boss Bai looked at the numbers on the electronic scale and calculated: "Two hundred and thirty-four, not bad today."

"The count is quite smooth." Chen Feng laughed.

Boss Bai counted the money to Chen Feng, but when he handed it over, his eyes seemed to have some other meaning.

Chen Feng just smiled at this and didn't say anything, as if everything was self-explanatory.

After seeing Chen Feng's goods were finished, Lin Nian excitedly handed over his goods today, wanting to know how much money he made today.

Boss Bai took the small bottle and shook it, and poured the silver grains into the crucible.

After a set of operations, Boss Bai looked at the electronic scale and said: "One hundred and twenty-two, not a small amount."

"Not a small amount, indeed not a small amount." Although this income was not as much as Chen Feng's, it was enough to make Lin Nian smile.

This is much more profitable than fishing, a hundred dollars a day. He has almost never seen a hundred-dollar bill that belongs to him.

Boss Bai also counted the money to Lin Nian. Lin Nian couldn't close his mouth when holding the money. He was as happy as a person who got his first salary.

"Bye, Boss Bai." Chen Feng greeted Boss Bai.

"Okay, come again next time, go out slowly." Boss Bai still had a smile on his face.

After going out, the two got in the car. Although Lin Nian was excited, he still knew his limits and didn't get carried away by the money.

Today's fare is Brother Chen Feng's, the machine is also Brother Chen Feng's, and the lunch is also Brother Chen Feng's.

You can take the small end and he can take the big end.

"Brother, split the money later. I'll take thirty and give you the rest." Lin Nian turned to Chen Feng and said.

"What's broken? Take it. I don't need this little money. What you dig is yours. It's more than 100 yuan. Keep it as pocket money. You can ask your grandfather less."

Chen Feng agreed to take him out to play this time, so he didn't plan to split the money with him. Even if Lin Nian dug out a big piece of gold, it was just his good luck, and it had nothing to do with him.

If the two of them plan to cooperate in the future, and Chen Feng has a good way and wants to take him to dig for gold, then they will definitely split the money at that time. As for how to split it, we haven't started the cooperation yet, so let's see how it goes in the future.

Lin Nian wanted to give Chen Feng some, but Chen Feng refused. Chen Feng drove the car to an intersection, stopped the car, and put on his backpack.

"You stay in the car, I'll go out to buy something and come back later." Chen Feng said.

"Okay." Lin Nian nodded obediently and lit a cigarette.

Chen Feng got out of the car and drove to a store. It can be said that this is his purpose today, and digging for gold is just a side thing.

"Boss, do you have surveillance cameras for sale?" Chen Feng said as he entered the room.

"Yes, are you using it for home or business?" The lady boss stood up and asked.

"For home use, but it must be clear and good." Chen Feng came to the counter and said.

"Well... if it's good, it's about 70 or 80, and clear within 100 meters. Can you take a look at this one?" The lady boss turned around and took a surveillance camera from the counter and said.

This thing is somewhat exaggerated, and it may not have a clarity of 100 meters. Chen Feng looked back and forth and said, "Does it have night vision function?"

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