The ground was dug deep, and the ground was covered with dirt.

With one shovel, a large shovel of soil was dug out, and the sweat on Chen Feng's forehead dripped onto the ground, soaking the soil.

To be honest, it would be unreasonable not to give Chen Feng three or five thousand gold after all the effort.

Digging hard with shovel after shovel, Chen Feng dug out a huge pit under the bushes.

Finally, after not knowing how deep he dug, Chen Feng's detector rang.


Hearing the sound, Chen Feng's face finally became happy, he let out a long breath and leaned against the bushes, looking at the shovel of soil in his hand.

For a moment, Chen Feng was a little nervous. This thing was hidden so deep, and it took so much effort, how much money would it be worth?

Chen Feng didn't ask for more, 80,000 would be enough.

Just kidding, in fact, if there were 3,000, Chen Feng would be satisfied, and it would not be in vain for him to dig here for half a day.

Gently shaking the soil in the shovel, Chen Feng checked the detector.

He felt that he didn't need to check it, and he could see the big stuff with just a shake.

He kept shaking until only one-third was left, and Chen Feng didn't see where the stuff was, so he started to dig.

The shovel is so big, and you can feel where the stuff is with just a stretch of your hand.

The key is that Chen Feng dug several times, but he didn't feel the presence of the big stuff.


Bringing the shovel closer, Chen Feng looked carefully, and soon he saw a small grain.

Picking up the small grain with his hand, Chen Feng's expression suddenly became unbelievable.

"No way, I spent so much effort, and I only found a silver grain, which is only worth a few dozen yuan?"

Chen Feng dug in the shovel again without giving up, but still found nothing.

Finally, Chen Feng checked the detector, and there was no sound from the detector, proving that the only thing in the shovel was the silver grain, and nothing else.

"No, this place is so complicated, could it be this little broken thing?" Chen Feng pulled the detector back and put it into the pit.

This must be a double-yolked egg, and the big one has not been dug out by himself.

Unfortunately, it was useless to put the detector in, and it still didn't make any sound, proving that the goods were really dug out by Chen Feng, that is, this silver grain.

Chen Feng opened the system panel, he didn't dare to look at the system just now.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng dug out the silver grain, the system prompt had disappeared.

Chen Feng spent so much effort, and it was really just a silver grain worth a few dozen yuan.


Chen Feng leaned against the bushes with despair, looking at the sun in the sky.

What's going on? I spent so much effort, and it was just a few dozen yuan?

You little silver grain, you are hiding so deep, you are setting a trap here!

With a deep sigh, Chen Feng leaned against the bushes, too lazy to even complain.

After a short break, Chen Feng stood up, took out the water in his backpack, and drank it all.

Silver grains are silver grains, what can he do?

He continued to walk forward with the detector. After walking for nearly twenty minutes, the system did not sound at all. It was already past one o'clock.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng should have eaten a long time ago, and he had moved so many bushes today, and his physical strength was much greater than before.

But perhaps because of the canned mutton he had eaten in the morning, Chen Feng did not feel too hungry now.

I can only say that the money was not wasted.

After strolling for more than twenty minutes, Chen Feng still found nothing. He looked around, sat down next to a bush, and lit a cigarette.

Eating a piece of bread to cushion his restless mood was also a way to calm his restless mood.

Going back to eat the remaining half can of canned mutton in the evening was fragrant.

Just after taking a few puffs of the cigarette, the system suddenly rang, which made Chen Feng stunned.

He sat on the ground and looked around, still smoking, and was not in a hurry to go shopping.

Anyway, the goods would not be lost, and it would be in time to go after eating. Perhaps it was because of the silver grain just now that Chen Feng had no passion now.

He slowly finished the bread, drank a bag of milk, and tore open a sausage.

Holding the sausage in his left hand, holding the shovel in his right hand, he unconsciously shoveled down on the ground.

To be honest, this place is all soft sand, and it is quite relaxing to shovel down, just like sticking your hand into a rice jar.

Just like this, Chen Feng suddenly felt that his shovel seemed to have shoveled a stone.

This made Chen Feng feel quite unhappy. What is the difference between this and not letting him put his hand into the rice jar.

Turning back to dig the soil on the ground, Chen Feng wanted to shovel out the stone, throw it away, and continue to dig the ground.

The stone was not deep, and Chen Feng dug it out in a few strokes.

He was about to throw away the stone that was in the way.

But as soon as he took it in his hand, the sand on the stone fell off, revealing its original color.

Just one glance, Chen Feng's eyes widened instantly, his face full of disbelief, and he even suspected that he had seen it wrong at the first time.


Because the thing exuded a dark yellow luster, it seemed like the goods...

"Fuck your sister... What is this?"

His tone was extremely incredible, and he really couldn't believe it for a while.

The main thing was that this thing was too big, so big that he felt like he was in a dream.

Chen Feng was really stunned now, and he forgot to chew the ham sausage in his mouth, just staring at the gold in his hand.

Swallowing the ham sausage in his mouth with force, Chen Feng carefully turned the piece of goods over and over in his hands.

After confirming for a long time, Chen Feng really dared to believe that it was really a big piece of gold.


Chen Feng didn't know what to say now. He was just full of disbelief. He felt like he was hit on the head by gold while walking on the road.

Mainly, this was too outrageous.

He worked hard to move trees and dig holes, but only got a few dozen silver grains. Then he took a break here to relieve his energy. He was bored and stuck it into the ground. He actually got such a big piece of gold?

Chen Feng weighed the gold and felt that it must be more than 50 grams. What does more than 50 grams mean!

Even if the loss is removed, the value is at least 15,000 yuan, no more and no less!

Chen Feng ate the sausage in a few bites, looked at the gold in his hand, and laughed.

"Oh my God, what is this."

The smile on his face became bigger and bigger, and finally he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Too good, really too good."

He really didn't know what to say now, and felt ridiculous.

This situation would confuse anyone who encountered it.

Looking at the system again, the system prompt has disappeared. It seems that the system prompt is for this product.

The previous unhappiness was swept away in an instant. Chen Feng held the gold in his hand and lit a celebratory cigarette happily. He was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

He laughed for a while, and laughed for a while, and smoke leaked out when he smoked.

"Hehehe... Hehehe..."

Now he is reluctant to put the gold into the bottle, just holding it in his hand and turning it.

Counting the more than 3,000 yuan earned in the morning, today's net profit is 18,000, breaking his historical record again, and even the way is so outrageous, just like God sent money.

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