After smoking a cigarette, Chen Feng reluctantly put the gold into the bottle. It seemed that the corners of his mouth could not be lowered for nearly half an hour. He was grinning like a lotus and could not hold it back at all.

Picking up the detector again, Chen Feng was now full of confidence.

Damn, I don’t want to ship in the afternoon, I’ve made enough money today!

If you don’t ship for another half a day and keep irritating me, I will go back to sleep.

With this mentality, Chen Feng leisurely wandered in the waste mine. I don’t know why, after Chen Feng picked up this big piece of gold, he suddenly became smooth in the afternoon.

You can find a piece of gold in more than ten minutes. The location of the gold is also good. It’s easy to find and you can dig it out in a few times.

Although they are all silver grains, and the total value is only one hundred and sixty or seven hundred, it feels very smooth.

"There are precious metals within a four-meter radius of the host!"

Hearing the voice of the system, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile and speak, quite Versailles.

"Look, it just sounded a while ago, why is it ringing again?"

After happily drawing the range, Chen Feng took the detector and began to detect.

After detecting one row after another, the detector made a sound when it reached one-third of the place.


Chen Feng took out a small pickaxe and squatted down, and scooped the soil on the ground with force.

After scooping out a pile of soil, Chen Feng pulled the detector back and passed it over the pile of soil.


"Look, it's so easy and convenient."

Chen Feng happily took the shovel to scoop the soil, and he picked out the goods in the shovel in a few strokes.

"Look, look!"

Chen Feng's voice became louder and louder, and he was so happy holding the gold grain in his hand.

Although it is small, it can also be worth four hundred yuan.

Throwing the gold grains into the bottle, Chen Feng wondered if he could collect 20,000 this afternoon. It seemed that at this rate, wouldn't it be easy and enjoyable?

Chen Feng stood up, patted the dirt on his hands, and continued to walk forward with the detector.

Although the next goods were not shipped so frequently, the harvest was still good. At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Feng estimated the income and found that it had reached 19,500.

He looked at the time. Now that he had GPS, Chen Feng was not in such a hurry to go back. It would be okay to go a little later.

"Go back when you collect 20,000."

Chen Feng set a small goal and continued to stroll in the abandoned mine.

Five hundred yuan is basically a day's income for others, and that's when the harvest is good.

But for Chen Feng, it was really just a small goal.

"There are precious metals within a four-meter radius of the host!"

There were quite a lot of gravel in this place, so Chen Feng drew a range and started to explore.

After five or six lines, Chen Feng's detector rang.

Chen Feng used a pickaxe to first scoop the gravel to one side and clear a place before continuing to scoop the soil.

When he felt that it was almost done, Chen Feng pulled the detector over and passed it over.

This time the detector did not sound, so Chen Feng changed to a small shovel and began to shovel the soil in the pit.

After seven or eight shovels, he found the goods.

"Forty yuan."

Chen Feng put away the goods and continued to walk forward.


"More than thirty?"


"This one seems to be a little bigger, it can be worth fifty."


"This one is not good, it seems to be worth only a dozen yuan..."

As Chen Feng continued to look for goods, the sun gradually set.

Chen Feng found a few more pieces of goods one after another. He looked at the time and it was already six and four.

He was still three hundred yuan away from his goal of twenty thousand yuan.

"No, we can't go any further. Let's go back now. When we reach the camp, it will just be dark. If we go any later, it will be completely dark."

Chen Feng will not be a stubborn person. He will not go back until he has collected 20,000 yuan. He will explore until midnight.

Although it is a pity that he could not collect 20,000 yuan, safety is more important. Don't waste it even if you have GPS.

That thing is a guarantee, but it is not a capital to waste.

In this way, Chen Feng began to walk back, thinking about the three hundred yuan he was short of.

"There are precious metals within a four-meter radius of the host!"

As he walked, the system rang, and Chen Feng started to detect with the detector.

"More than thirty, two hundred and seventy short."

Chen Feng blew a silver grain and put it into the bottle.

At six twenty-seven, the system rang again.

"More than forty, not bad, two hundred and threety short."

Chen Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. He felt as if he was really too late.

It was six thirty-eight, and we were at most ten minutes away from the camp.

"Oh my god, this silver is big, it's probably worth a hundred yuan." Chen Feng was amazed, there was still a hundred and thirteen short.

A few minutes later, Chen Feng could already see his van.

The hood of his van seemed to be open, it must have been opened by someone, there were several figures in the camp, someone had already returned.

He and Huang Fei's car were not locked when they left, just the door was closed.

Everyone was together, there was no defense, and everyone carried the most valuable goods with them, there were only some food in the car.

After returning to Wuling, Chen Feng's system did not ring again, it seemed that the hundred and thirteen could not be made up.

Chen Feng shook his head with some regret, it didn't matter if it didn't make up.

Today, a total of 19,870 yuan was earned, which was quite good.

Walking to the back of Wuling, it turned out that Huang Fei was lying on the small bed.

His feet were wearing shoes, but they were hanging outside the bed. It seemed that he was afraid of dirtying Chen Feng's bed, so he paid special attention to it.


Chen Feng patted his legs, which scared Huang Fei.

"Fengzi, you're back. Why are you so late today?" Huang Fei sat up and said curiously.

"I walked too far and didn't pay attention to the time."

Chen Feng put the tools and backpack in the car and said.

"Why did you come to lie here? What time did you come back?" Chen Feng poured himself some water and said.

"I came back at two o'clock. After I came back, I have been lying on your little bed. Don't say, it's really good." Huang Fei said with a grin.

Chen Feng sat down on the side of Wuling, resting his feet after walking for a day, and he was not in a hurry to eat.

Someone came back first, and it seemed that they had gone to chop wood. Because they didn't change the place in the morning, the bonfire circle they built was still there, and they didn't need to build it specially.

"By the way, since I'm out for a long time this time, will you still charge 2,500? "Chen Feng chatted.

"It's temporarily decided like this. If I go back in these five days, I will still be paid 2,500 yuan. At that time, we discussed it and decided to delay the time."

"Then everyone can give me 100 yuan a day, that's it."

Huang Fei just wants to get by with the money. If he gets along well, it doesn't matter if he gives more or less.

"One hundred yuan a day, that's fine." Chen Feng nodded.

Although for Huang Fei, if he has a choice, he would rather not have the 100 yuan and choose to go home early.

It's just that everyone took the initiative to offer compensation to Huang Fei, so Huang Fei agreed. If he wants to shop, he can shop for two more days. He will stay wherever he stays.

Isn't this how people interact with each other? Since you are so kind, I can't do anything wrong.

Huang Fei is not a person who cares about every penny.

(Kaven, sorry)

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