After the meal, everyone drove forward and stopped at a place that they liked.

Everyone scattered with the detectors, Chen Feng stuffed a piece of gum into his mouth and set off with the detector.

There was nothing special here, the terrain and environment were similar to the previous ones.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the system rang. Chen Feng chewed the gum and looked around and drew the range.

He started to detect the detector line by line, and after a few lines, the detector rang.


Chen Feng squatted down and took a small pickaxe, digging the soil on the ground vigorously. He didn't pay attention, and the dust floated in his mouth, and the gum was chewed straight.


Chen Feng looked disgusted, spit out the gum, and turned back to continue digging.

After he was almost done, he pulled the detector over and passed it over the pile of soil.


Holding the small shovel, Chen Feng looked indifferent and slowly dug the soil.

Soon, a silver grain appeared in Chen Feng's hand, which was estimated to be about thirty or forty yuan.

After blowing the silver grain, Chen Feng threw the goods into the small bottle, and prepared to continue moving forward with the things.

But when he looked up, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be... a house in the distance?

There are houses in this place?

Chen Feng's curiosity suddenly arose, and he ran straight over there.

He knew that there were not only them exploring for gold in this place, but also other gold diggers.

But Chen Feng didn't expect that there were gold diggers living here permanently.

Can you really live here permanently? Where do you get food? If you use a car to pull it back and forth, then you can just live in the car directly, why live outside?

What a waste of time.

The more Chen Feng thought about it, the more puzzled he became. He couldn't wait to go over and see what was going on.

It was also a coincidence that there was no goods along the way. Chen Feng soon arrived in front of the house.

When he walked in, Chen Feng found that this was a small house made of wooden boards. It was leaking everywhere. Some boards had fallen off, and there were many dead grass and branches tied on the top.

Chen Feng was very polite and opened the door and walked in. In fact, he could have walked in without opening the door. More than half of the door board had fallen off.

When he went in, he saw that the house was in a mess. There was a pair of dirty blackened bedding on the ground, and there were two pots and pans next to it.

The basin was dirty, and I don’t know what was dried and caked on it.

There was also a larger basin next to it. It was pitch black inside, and there were some unburned wood left.

There was also a large woven bag in the corner, with half a bag of things in it.

Chen Feng walked over and picked up the woven bag with his hand. With a snap, the woven bag was broken into pieces. Chen Feng looked at the broken pieces in his hand with a confused look on his face.

He patted the broken pieces, opened the bag and looked inside. There were some torn clothes and shoes inside, all of which were in terrible condition.

Chen Feng looked at it and put it aside, then looked back and forth.

No one has been here for a long time, otherwise these things would not be in this state.

The only place to sit in the room was a thick, broken chopping board.

Chen Feng touched it and found a thick layer of sand on it, and the same was true for the bedding.

There were also some broken things in the room, such as broken water bottles, cans, and a bag of things that Chen Feng suspected were food, but they were all dried and clumped.

This was not a place for gold diggers, but more like a homeless person's residence.

Who on earth would wander in such a place?

There was no food or drink here, and there was not even a place to pick up rags. What were they doing here?

After rummaging around in the house, Chen Feng saw a dirty little book under the pillow, and a pair of old-fashioned glasses, one of the lenses of which had cracked.

Picking up the little book, it turned out to be a diary, and Chen Feng opened it from the beginning.

"They said there was a gold mine here, and they had already come. Everyone was discussing the treatment, which was said to be very generous, and the whole family was very happy."

"Finally, I can make money. I didn't expect that after farming for a lifetime, I would finally make a fortune in this way."

"But this is where our ancestors have lived for generations. Are we really going to leave?"

"Looking at the happy smiles of the family, I took back my words. As long as they are happy, it's fine."

Chen Feng continued to flip through the diary, wanting to know what had happened.

"The house was demolished, and there was no place left. The demolition money has not yet come down. Everyone is anxiously waiting, and even the house in the city has been selected."

"Just wait for the money to come down, and my son can get married, and I have also completed a lifelong event.

“A month has passed, and the money has not come. I went to them, and they said that the procedures were still going on. However, the gold mine had already started construction, so how could the money not come? My in-laws were urging me to pay, and my son was urging me every day. I had no choice.”

“Another month has passed. I haven’t even been home this month. I’ve been following them every day to ask for money, but they always say tomorrow today and the day after tomorrow tomorrow. Now we don’t even have a place to live.”

“If the money is not returned, I will not be able to face my family.”

Seeing this, Chen Feng was confused. The mine in Qiuling City is a state-owned enterprise. Would the state still delay the money of local people?

However, China is so big that it is inevitable that there are places that cannot be supervised, which is also normal. Many times, it depends on whether the local officials and the village party secretary have a conscience.

Chen Feng lit a cigarette and continued to look through the diary.

“I inquired from many sources. It turned out that the state had already issued the money, but the officials and the village party secretary colluded and embezzled all the money. ”

“The village was demolished, they took the money and fled, we…were finished.”

“My son’s marriage fell through, he was furious about it, and swore to cut off all ties with me. I don’t know where he went yesterday, and I couldn’t contact him at all.”

“My wife cried every day, unable to accept the reality, and disappeared one day.”

“The creditor came to my house, moved all my things away, and beat me out.”

“My family…broke up. "

Chen Feng took a puff of cigarette after seeing this and was somewhat silent.

No wonder there is a simple house here. He is unwilling to accept the fragmented reality and unwilling to leave his former home.

That's why he will stay here all the time, even if he has nothing to eat or drink.

Chen Feng couldn't imagine how a white-haired, hunchbacked old man could walk nearly a hundred kilometers, beg for food in the city, and then come back to live here.

This trip may take him a month.

He could have had a large family and a happy life, but it was all ruined.

Where is this old man now? He may have died on a long journey, or he may have died in the city.

Like a dead grass, he died silently in a corner where no one noticed.

Looking back, it was all about the old man's venting and powerlessness against injustice.

"Why is it like this? Why did God treat me like this?"

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