"I have been doing good deeds all my life, this shouldn't be the case!" "Killing people and setting fires will earn you a gold belt, but repairing bridges and roads will leave no corpses. If I had known this would be the end, I should have been a bad guy." "Swindlers, all scammers, they are all scamming me, they are all premeditated, I know it too late!" "I have nothing now, I will treat them the way they treat me, just wait!" "Why am I so unlucky..." Chen Feng turned a few pages back, there was nothing, the diary only wrote here. Chen Feng took a puff of his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt outside the house, sighed, and sighed a little. In this world, good people don't live long, and evil will last for thousands of years.

However, Chen Feng always felt that something was wrong, but because the diary was not complete, Chen Feng could not verify it.

Chen Feng flipped through it casually again, originally wanting to see if the old man had left any records.

As a result, when he lifted the quilt, he saw a black plastic bag. Chen Feng opened it and saw three decks of cards, a few dice, and some things he didn't know what they were for.


Seeing this, Chen Feng suddenly had a strange feeling.

Recalling the contents of the diary, he took the diary back and forth, flipping through the pages.

At the end of the diary, Chen Feng saw what the old man had recorded.

"Gambling Techniques."

It records in detail how to shuffle cards, stack cards, and cheat.

Chen Feng's expression was like he had eaten shit for a moment, damn, he said something seemed wrong!

How come the compensation money for the whole village has been issued, but yours hasn't?

He was away for a month. It seemed that he went to find someone to collect the money, but in fact, he took the compensation money to gamble!

He lost all the money and had no way to explain, so he made up such a lie. I am afraid that he did not write this diary for himself.

He just wrote it down and left it at home for his family to see.

This liar, damn!

Why didn't he mention that the family still had debts and was waiting for the demolition money to be paid back in the beginning, and then the creditor suddenly appeared at the door.

This is because he wanted to make up for the loss, so he went out to borrow money, and finally he was heavily in debt and had no way out, so he was beaten out and all the valuable things in the house were moved away.

Because of this, his son's marriage was ruined, so his son broke off relations with him and was furious.

His wife cried all day long. It is estimated that she did not disappear in the end, but was taken away by her own son and left him at home.

Finally, he found out that he was set up and his money was cheated away. However, even so, he had no remorse and was still thinking about honing his gambling skills and waiting to make up for his losses.

No wonder he stayed here. It was not because he had any attachment to this place, but because a bunch of creditors came to his door and he had nowhere to go. He was afraid of being beaten to death.

Chen Feng could only say that this kind of gambler died well.

He ruined his family and delayed his son.

He couldn't even eat, but he was still honing his gambling skills here. He was really crazy.

Before he died, he probably imagined himself on the gambling table, using his newly learned gambling skills to kill all around.

Chen Feng always believed that small gambling was fun, but big gambling was a disease.

It was not a pity for him to die, but it was a pity that his family suffered with him.

Throwing the mattress aside, Chen Feng looked at the ground carefully.

The ground was actually just some wooden boards, nailed together, and the nails were not tight, so Chen Feng just pried it up with a pickaxe.

Chen Feng carried the detector and searched back and forth in the house.

He didn't think that this gambler could have any valuables. The reason he searched here was because the system started ringing as soon as Chen Feng walked into the house.

There is goods here.

Chen Feng carefully searched back and forth in the house, and even put the woven bag down and tried it carefully with the detector.

It was really hard for Chen Feng to take out such dirty clothes.

There was nothing in the bag, and there was nothing in the house. When he searched the ground, because there were nails, the detector kept ringing, which made Chen Feng very annoyed.

After searching the whole house, Chen Feng didn't find anything suspicious.

He walked out of the house and decided to search outside first.

It would be best if the goods were outside. If the goods were not outside, then Chen Feng could only dig the floor.

Chen Feng circled the house again and again, but the detector did not make any sound. Chen Feng could only go back to the house and prepare to start planing the floor.

The goods could only be hidden under here, there was no place else to hide.

With a pickaxe, he pried the nails up, and a piece of floor was dug out by Chen Feng and thrown aside.

Chen Feng saw that even if the floor was completely broken, there was no risk of the house collapsing, so he was not in danger.

Some of the floor was very loose, to the extent that Chen Feng could pull it down with his hands without a pickaxe.

But in some places, because the nails were rusted, Chen Feng could only pry hard with a pickaxe.

He could only say that this pickaxe was really worth buying.

Otherwise, even if he knew there was something underneath, he would not be able to find it.

"Squeak... Squeak..."

When the nail was lifted up, Chen Feng stumbled, and he took a few steps to stand firm and continued to dig out a nail.

Another piece of floor was lifted up by him, and Chen Feng carefully took it and threw it outside.

The wooden board had many wood thorns due to weathering, and the nails were mainly rusted.

These are all tetanus treasures. If you get pricked by them accidentally, it will be fatal.

In this way, Chen Feng pried them up bit by bit. It took him more than half an hour to lift up all the floors.

Now the ground in the house is full of sand and soil. Chen Feng stuck the chopping board vertically into the ground and sat down.

It was another big physical job. Chen Feng was sweating all over his head, but because there was a shed here, it could provide shade, which was much more comfortable than outside.

Chen Feng drank a sip of water and rested for a while before he picked up the detector to explore the house.

The area of ​​the house was not very large, so the exploration was also very fast. At the right side of the house, Chen Feng's detector sounded.



The first sound was the sound of the detector, and the second sound was Chen Feng imitating the sound of the detector.

He squatted down and took out the pickaxe, hugged the soil hard, and a pile of soil was scooped out in a few strokes.

Chen Feng swept it with the detector, but the detector did not respond.

Proving that the goods were still in the soil, Chen Feng changed to a small shovel and began to dig the soil one shovel at a time.

"This gambler, although his luck was terrible, he chose a good location and buried the goods underneath."

"With this luck, he can do something in gold mining."

Chen Feng smiled mockingly and continued to dig the soil.

The goods were buried quite deep. Chen Feng had already dug out so much soil and used the shovel for a long time.


Finally, after digging another shovel of soil, the detector sounded.

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