The weather was very cold, but the weather was very good.

"Damn, how about closing the window? I'm shivering while eating this meal." A companion rubbed his arms and said.

The heavy rain started at midnight, and there was no sun today, so the temperature was not high.

They opened all the windows after getting up, thinking that it was a blessing in disguise that it was so cool today.

Unexpectedly, they felt colder and colder after eating this cold meal, and even wanted to put on long sleeves.

In fact, the temperature on the abandoned mine was not that low. Perhaps it was the Chinese people's obsession with hot food that was at work. Eating cold food made them feel that there was no heat in their stomachs.

"Fengzi is up too. Why do I smell instant noodles? Is he eating noodles?" Zheng Ping stretched his neck to look outside and said.

Once the trunk cover of Chen Feng's Wuling was opened, it was definitely proved that Chen Feng was awake.

"It seems to be the smell of braised beef noodles. It must be Fengzi. We are eating bread here, and he is eating hot instant noodles over there."

"To be honest, I have never been so greedy for instant noodles as I am at this moment. If I have a bowl of noodles, beat an egg, and drink some hot instant noodle soup after eating, I feel comfortable just thinking about it."

A companion pinched the bread in his hand and said enviously.

"Fengzi, is the noodles fragrant?" Someone stretched his head and shouted to the outside with a smile.

Chen Feng heard the voice and stretched his head out from behind the Wuling. He saw that everyone on this side was looking at him, so he replied happily: "It smells quite fragrant. Do you want to try it!"

"No, you can eat it yourself!" The man stretched his neck and laughed.

What comforted everyone was that the rain was much lighter than before and was about to stop.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Feng sat in the car drinking noodle soup. Looking at the rain getting lighter and lighter, he felt that he could not pan for gold today.

What should we eat tonight?

It would be great if we could make a fire. We would not be tired today. Let Zheng Ping set up a pot to cook some rice, stew some sauerkraut and potatoes, which they all brought. Then drink some sauerkraut soup and burn some dried chilies. Wouldn't it be nice?

Unfortunately, this was destined to be impossible in the next few days.

At about 11:30 noon, the rain stopped completely, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun was high.

But they didn't feel how hot it was now. Instead, they felt that the sun was warm and very kind.

Seeing that the rain had stopped, everyone couldn't help getting out of the car, stretching, and breathing the fresh air after the rain.

"What should we do? Can't pan for gold today?" A companion said, looking at the muddy ground.

"How can you dig here? You know there are gold but you can't dig. The ground is full of water. Once you dig, it's like mud. Those who know you are panning for gold, but those who don't think you are building a house." Yin Xing said coldly.

But it's not cold water, because it's really true.

"Fortunately there are some stones on the ground. If it's all soil like the abandoned mine at home, there's no place to stand. You have to dig into the mud as soon as you get off the car." Another companion shook his head and said.

"Fengzi, can your windproof stove boil water? Otherwise, let's make some tea." Yin Xing couldn't help but said with his hands on his waist.

It's really uncomfortable without something hot.

"Sure, wait for me to get it."

Chen Feng went back to get the windproof stove and took a few alcohol blocks.

If you say that everyone uses Chen Feng's windproof stove to cook at night, it's not very realistic. It's not about how much money you have, but that Chen Feng doesn't have that many alcohol blocks.

Although he had prepared a lot, he didn't prepare enough for a bunch of people to cook and eat at the same time, how much would that take.

But if you want to boil some water for tea, Chen Feng can make these people burp and spray tea foam.

Everyone followed Chen Feng back to the van, took out the pot and sat on the windproof stove to start boiling water.

"Thanks to Fengzi, otherwise we wouldn't even have a cup of hot tea."

After the water boiled, Yin Xing threw tea leaves into everyone's cups and said with emotion.

"Then you see, if Fengzi's car didn't come, you could still wash your feet every day, and it would be good to wash once every three days." Someone took a spoon to fill the cup with boiling water and said.

After the last experience, they knew what they should bring more and what they didn't need to bring so much, and the distribution of supplies was more reasonable.

So the empty space can take a lot of water, plus the water put in Chen Feng's car, so that they can wash their faces and feet every day.

Otherwise, without the water in Chen Feng's car, I wouldn't have been able to wash my feet all the time, but I would only wash them once every three days, and the same goes for my face.

"Thank you Fengzi, or let's toast Fengzi." Yin Xingha

Ha laughed and said jokingly while holding the tea.

"Come on, come on, thank Brother Feng for letting us drink tea!" Huang Fei said beside him, and everyone followed suit.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about those useless things. It's not enough to cook, but if you want instant noodles at night, I still have enough alcohol. If you don't want to eat cold food, just make instant noodles at night."

Chen Feng clinked glasses with them and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, instant noodles are also fine, it's better than pancakes."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Then the food for the night is settled, instant noodles."

Everyone thought it was feasible and nodded.

Everyone drank tea and chatted until after three in the afternoon.

The temperature has now risen and returned to the temperature that can burn people to death. The hot tea in everyone's hands has become cold tea.

Maybe because he drank too much tea, Zheng Ping had frequent urination. He had been urinating every now and then since noon, which made everyone laugh at him for a long time.

Zheng Ping put down his teacup, stood up, and went out of the corridor to go to the toilet outside.

After he came out, he was surprised to find that the ground outside had dried up at some point and turned back into sand. The puddles had disappeared, and only a little bit remained in some places.

This was good news. If the ground was dry, it meant that gold could be mined.

Zheng Ping squatted on the ground and tried it out, wanting to know what the ground looked like.

Reaching out and gently digging, Zheng Ping saw the still wet soil underneath. It seemed that only the top layer was dry, and the bottom was still mud.

But think about it, it makes sense. It rained for nearly ten hours, and it would be a blessing if the surface could dry in three hours. How could the inside dry so quickly?

Although the bottom was still mud, it was not as thin as at the beginning. Zheng Ping was already tempted. Otherwise, he would come out and try it. Anyway, he would stay there anyway.

Thinking of this, he hurried back to the car and asked everyone's opinions.

After explaining the situation, everyone couldn't help but get out of the car and looked at the ground in surprise.

"Just say how hot this place is. The ground was dried up in three hours. Wow." Huang Fei said with a very strange focus.

"Come on, let's try it. If we can find one, it's one. It's no big deal if there's mud underneath. It's just a little effort. I think it's okay as long as it's not as thin as before."

Yin Xing was eager to try, and everyone thought it was feasible.

The main thing is that if we delay here for a day, we will waste a day's money. We don't expect to make much today. We can earn back the travel expenses and don't lose money.

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