The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Then come on, get your stuff, get your stuff!"

Someone waved his hand and urged.

Everyone went back to the car to get their stuff. Huang Fei was ready to drive, and Chen Feng also returned to his car to find a place in front.

Although it was only a few hours before it got dark, since everyone was going, he would follow.

After driving forward for more than ten minutes, Chen Feng stopped the car and started packing up.

Everyone got out of the car with their packed stuff and walked around. Of course, they would not walk far today, so everyone consciously explored the surroundings.

Chen Feng walked forward with the detector, and it was really amazing that after walking for about seven or eight minutes, the system really rang.

He squatted down and took out the pickaxe, and scooped up a piece of soil. The dry sand on top mixed with the soil below and was scooped out by Chen Feng.

After scooping six or seven times, a large pile of soil appeared in front of Chen Feng. He pulled the detector over to try it, but the detector was silent.

He changed to a small shovel and shoveled it hard. The shovel was inserted into the wet soil, and it felt surprisingly good, just like inserting it into the wet beach at the seaside, which was quite relaxing.

Chen Feng shoveled out a shovel of soil. Because it was wet, it was a full shovel of soil, and it didn't fall down at all, and the shape was kept quite well.

He held the shovel and passed it over the detector. The detector was silent, and Chen Feng poured the soil aside.

The soil split into two large pieces in the middle on the ground, which was quite artistic.

Chen Feng shoveled it one shovel at a time, and after about three or four shovels, the detector sounded.

The mud was also very difficult to shake this time. Every time it was shaken, a large piece would fall out. It was hard to see if the goods had fallen out, so Chen Feng started to dig it up directly.

He just dug down layer by layer, and when he felt that it was almost done, he ran it through the detector.

After removing about one-third of it, Chen Feng saw something that seemed to have been dug out by him, and Chen Feng lowered his head to look for it.

Soon, he picked up the unique thing.

A small silver grain, probably worth a few dozen yuan.

Chen Feng cleaned the dirt attached to the silver grain and put it in a small bottle.

He stood up with the tool in his hand, and he saw that the ground under the bushes in front of him was not dry yet, and it was still wet.

It was probably because the bushes blocked the sunlight.

He walked forward to try if there was any goods under it.

After walking nearby and shaking it, the system did not seem to be ringing at all, so Chen Feng could only leave with the tool.

After walking a few steps forward, on flat ground, the system rang, so Chen Feng squatted down, and this time he used a shovel directly.

The shovel dug a large piece at a time, and it seemed to be quite efficient. It was just like building a castle on the beach, which was quite fun.

Today, there were only three hours, and it was not tiring, so Chen Feng simply started playing.

Digging the soil shovel by shovel, Chen Feng suddenly remembered the short video of sea-hunting he had watched before.

They also took a small shovel and a rake, and dug wherever there was something, and soon they could dig out a clam, crab, or something else in the sand.

There was no difference between me and them. I also dug here with a small shovel, and soon I could dig out gold and silver.

It was just that theirs was edible, but mine was not.

After a while, Chen Feng dug out a sand pile, and the detector rang.

Chen Feng started to search in the shovel, and a silver grain soon appeared in his hand.

Twenty or thirty yuan, it was better to have it than not.

Chen Feng didn't expect to find any big goods today, just enough to make a thousand yuan, and wait until tomorrow when the ground is completely dry before working hard.

Although the ground is dried, there is still water under many dense bushes.

Some potholes also have water in them, and many places are inaccessible.

If he had brought a pair of boots, Chen Feng would have been unimpeded, but unfortunately he didn't bring them.

However, even if he knew it would rain in this place, he was too lazy to bring them. It would rain and he couldn't find any goods anyway, and why would he bring a pair of boots to take up space? He wouldn't be able to use them for eight hundred years.

Chen Feng packed up the goods, carried the detector and walked forward, and soon passed another bush.

He approached and saw the wet and dark soil under the bush. He tried to leave, but he didn't expect the system to ring at this time.

"Sister, you really have goods."

Chen Feng was a little surprised to see this, but he could only walk over and carry the detector to start detecting from the outside.

Unfortunately, after probing the perimeter for a long time, the detector did not sound, proving that the goods were under the bushes.

Chen Feng looked at the wet soil and hesitantly looked down at his pants.

If I were

If he crawled in there, it would be dirty, and his pants would be soaked.

But at this point, Chen Feng had no choice but to extend the detector under the tree to see where the goods were.

If it was difficult to find, Chen Feng could only crawl in, even if it was wet.

After searching under the bushes for a long time, Chen Feng frowned more and more.

How come the detector still didn't make any sound after searching all these places?

Until he had searched all the places, Chen Feng leaned on the detector and frowned.

He immediately thought of the situation in the small waste mine at that time. At that time, the goods were buried very deep, and the detector could not find them at all, but they were discovered by his own system.

Could this be the case with this goods?

Looking at the wet land, Chen Feng had a headache.

If this was the case, it would be much more difficult to dig than the small waste mine, because there was a bush standing here, and he couldn't kneel down or bend down.

Chen Feng carefully explored the area again, fearing that he would make a mistake. It would be troublesome if he missed something in the end.

Unfortunately, more than ten minutes later, Chen Feng looked at the land in front of him and took a deep breath.

The good news is that his technique is fine, and the exploration is still very accurate, without missing anything.

The bad news is that he has to dig a big hole again.

Chen Feng put the detector and backpack aside, picked up the pickaxe and shovel and prepared to work hard.

After finding a corner, Chen Feng began to scoop up the soil. When he had scooped out a hole and it was difficult to scoop up more, Chen Feng stood in a horse stance, holding a small shovel with both hands, and began to throw the soil forward from under his crotch.

He threw up shovel after shovel of soil, which was spectacular from the side, and the soil was almost connected.

When he had almost finished scooping, Chen Feng kept the horse stance, jumped to the right, and continued to scoop.

After digging a row, Chen Feng was sweating all over. He sat on the ground, took a deep breath, and lit a cigarette.

This method of digging is indeed efficient, but the disadvantage is that it is too tiring and his arms will soon become sore.

Chen Feng took a puff of cigarette and observed the row he had dug. He found that the soil underneath seemed to get wetter as he dug deeper.

Chen Feng pinched a little in the ditch with his hands and rubbed it, confirming his guess. It was indeed the case.

After finishing his cigarette quickly, Chen Feng stood up and picked up the shovel to continue working.

He just calculated the time. Basically, after digging out this stuff, he should go back.

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