I Asked You To Pick Up Rags, And You Picked Out Nuclear Bombs?

Chapter 84 The Right Eyelid Is Twitching! Foreboding!

Trench-digging contest?

Su Yun had been lucky enough to see that kind of movement on the Internet.

Once upon a time, trenches played a big role during the war.

Whether it is in the past or now with the development of technological weapons.

Digging trenches is an essential skill for every army soldier.

Su Yun thought about it and found it very interesting.

"Brother Zheng, I have only seen it before, but I have never dug it before."

"I may not be able to win in a competition with the top soldiers of our military region..."

This is a bit of self-awareness.

Although Su Yun has been strengthened in all aspects of his physique by the system.

However, digging trenches also requires skill, not all brute force.

Hearing this, Zheng Jianfeng said with a smile on his face.

"Brother Su Yun, don't panic."

"We, the soldiers of the Iron Regiment, have great admiration for you!"

"We hold a trench-digging competition. The emphasis is on participation, not on winning or losing..."

"It's too late to be happy that I can compete with you!"

Zheng Jianfeng himself didn't believe that he had no intention of proving that he was a top soldier of the Iron Regiment.

Last night, the soldiers were shocked by Su Yun...

The beasts knelt down and bowed their heads.

The shock and disparity made many soldiers hold a breath in their hearts.

Don’t seek to win or lose, just seek to show your true strength!

Just in time, while the show is live, let the outside world see how powerful the Iron Regiment is in all aspects of combat!

All in all, the pros outweigh the cons…

Such hospitality is hard to deny, so Su Yun will naturally not refuse.

——[Trench Digging Competition? It’s true that the anchor will definitely lose...]

——[Family members, I always have an ominous premonition...]

——[From the moment I entered the live broadcast room, my right eyelid has been twitching! 】

——[Ma Dan, my Brother Su’s cause and effect is too great, right? I always feel that we are risking our lives to watch the live broadcast! 】

——[Okay, is there anyone placing a bet? Buy and leave! It’s time to buy it! 】

——[Nuclear warhead...pants on! 】

Breakfast ended hastily.

Liger, this little guy, sleeps in his pocket after eating.

Su Yun stood in front of a wilderness.

Zheng Jianfeng is leading the soldiers to draw boundaries.

It's called a trench-digging competition.

In fact, the rules are very simple: whoever digs the biggest, best and strongest trench within the specified time...

That counts as a win!

The fat man Wang Fan was eager to try, carrying the camera.

"Brother, that's great, we are a team!"

Su Yun: "..."

Yes, he is in the same group as Fatty Fatty.

With this arrangement, the two of them didn't plan to win any rankings.

The emphasis is on participation and experience.

Wang Fan added: "Brother, actually..."

"The little guy is also considered a labor force."

"You are so young, you can't just let it eat and not work..."


Su Yun glanced at the sleeping liger in his trouser pocket.

The little guy can crawl at a young age and has claws...

People say that it is easy to make a living if you are raised rough.

Su Yun can't let him sleep all the time, and he can't drink milk in vain...

"Then let's count this little thing!"

"Oh, right……"

"This little guy doesn't have a name yet."

"You need to have a nice name, right?"

At this point, the fat man Wang Fan danced with joy.

Extremely excited: "Brother! Call Shan Pao!"

Su Yun: "I think you look like a mountain cannon..."

"Think again!"

——[Call me Huzi! After all, I have half tiger blood in my body! 】

——[Goudaner is not bad either, Goudaner is easy to feed! 】

——[If you ask me...just name him Simba! 】

--【oops! You are so anxious, let our family Zihan talk first...]

——[Just call me Zihan! 】

Su Yun and Fatty Wang Fan are two typical bad names.

Wang Fan gave a lot of answers: Silly Zhu! What a waste! Asshole! Vegetable stick!

Su Yun rolled his eyes.

Finally decided: "Okay! The little thing will be called Chang Wei from now on!"

Wang Fan:? ? ?

Netizens in the live broadcast room:? ? ?

——[Chang Wei? What do you mean by a given name and a surname? 】

——[It’s called Chang Wei, so what’s my name? 】

——[Where is Laifu? Where is our family Laifu? 】

——[Wow, as soon as I came in, I saw Chang Wei beating Laifu... It's so cruel! 】

——[I, Chang Wei, don’t like to hit others, but I like to hit Laifu! 】

"Ouch, ow, ow..."

Chang Wei was in Su Yun's trouser pocket and yelled with all his strength.

That little expression shows that he likes the name "Chang Wei" very much.

Su Yun patted the little guy's head and said, "Chang Wei, remember from now on, you can't hit Laifu..."

"Ouch, ow, ow..."

Around ten o'clock in the morning.

Zheng Jianfeng led the soldiers and had planned many areas.

One group and one piece of land.

There are two engineering shovels at the beginning. How to dig and what to dig...all depends on the arrangement of the two members of the team.

everything's ready.

Su Yun, Wang Fan and their group chose a place near the edge.

Test the dryness and moisture level of the soil first, it is very suitable.

Later, Zheng Jianfeng also served as a contestant and judge.

Just choose a central location and work with an assistant...

"Everyone is at your place! One hour to dig!"


Bang Chi Bang Chi...

As soon as the voice fell, the members of the ten groups began to fight.

The soldiers used their hands and feet together, and their waists and horses were integrated...

Aim at your area and turn on the digging mode.

In comparison, Su Yun and Wang Fan were a little disorganized.

At the beginning, I was digging hard...

A few minutes later, the fat man Wang Fan was already sweating.

Out of breath, he gasped: "Brother, I can't do it anymore..."

He sat down on the ground and rested.

Su Yun was annoyed: "Fat man, you are just puffy."

"Without regular exercise, my body becomes weaker and weaker."

"It's not as hard as our Chang Wei..."

Don't look at Chang Wei, the little guy is digging hard with his paws.

If you can't dig it out, just open your mouth and bite those weeds...

——[This kid is so sincere! 】

——[Sigh... In an hour, I don’t know what Brother Su and the others can dig out. 】

——[Come on, Brother Su! 】

Digging trenches is a physical and technical job.

Su Yun is okay, he doesn't feel tired at all...

The fat man Wang Fan was sweating profusely and his body was so tired that he was paralyzed.

For the rest of the group, the process was very fast.

Especially, Zheng Jianfeng’s group.

Experienced, strong, skillful...

It has only been half an hour, but it has already been dug out as high as one person.

The trenches are beginning to take shape…

Zheng Jianfeng looked towards Su Yun and the others from time to time.

Part encouragement, part cheer from the victor.

"Brother Su Yun, come on!"

"Comrades, cheer up Su Yun!"


The progress of other groups of soldiers was faster than that of Su Yun.

They all raised their arms and shouted, with smiles on their faces...

"Come on, come on! Brother Su Yun, come on!"

Excavation has entered a white-hot stage.

Su Yun paused and took a breath.

If you lose, you will definitely lose...

Chang Wei was still working hard, but his small face was already gray.

"Chang Wei! Come on!"

"Daddy will give you an extra bottle of milk tonight!"


Chang Wei worked harder.

Hua Hua Hua...

The immature little claws dug into something with a smooth surface, making a harsh sound.

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