I asked you to play the dungeon, but you are here to raise the BOSS?

Chapter 157 Zhang Sanfeng's blood, recasting the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber

[Have collected six Holy Fire Tokens and held them for one month. The side mission Bright Holy Fire has been completed. 】

[The reincarnator gains 1000 points of reincarnation experience, and the reincarnator is currently lv15 (1500/2500).]

After Huang Shan finished copying the Jiuyin Scripture, he said he would go back to the ancient tomb, pack up his things, and notify the people left behind to go to Emei.

By the way, the door of the tomb is sealed again, so as not to go back in a few years and find that nothing is inside...

Xiao Zhao followed Dai Qisi to the Ming Cult to discuss how to deal with the Persian Ming Cult.

These were all very reasonable things, so Lin Xuan naturally agreed.

The two of them deliberately slowed down their pace in order to brush up on their proficiency in the Nine Yin Manual.

When we arrived in Wudang, we had held the Holy Fire Token for exactly one month and had completed the final side mission.

After studying the complete version of the Nine Yin Manual for a month, Lin Xuan's cultivation level has reached 65%. The chapter on Yi Jin and Bone Strengthening is combined with the Nine Yin General Outline, and the effect is even more obvious.

Physical fitness, basic skills and even intellectual qualifications have all benefited from a wave of dividends and have improved significantly.

This set of Nine Yin Manual Lin Xuan can be regarded as a serious practice of the Eight Classics, and there is not much cheating...

This progress is already incredibly fast.

This is because Lin Xuan possesses the full-level Wedding Clothes Magic Skill and has drunk stone marrow. His chances are better than those of most warriors.

Therefore, Wang Chongyang's so-called "as soon as I looked at it and thought about it for more than ten days, I suddenly understood it all", it should only be a theoretical understanding.

If you really can practice all the martial arts in the Nine Yin Manual to the peak...

Lin Xuan felt that even if Lao Wang was a genius, it would still take three to five years.


"I've met Lin... Daxia Lin, I've met Master Huang!"

In the Wudang Hall, Song Yuanqiao and Yu Daiyan stood on the left and right respectively.

Seeing the arrival of Lin Xuan and the others, they were overjoyed and greeted them both.

Nowadays, without Zhao Min causing trouble, the relationship between Wudang Clan and Mingjiao is quite good.

This version of Zhang Wuji is quite ambitious, spending a lot of time fighting against the Yuan Dynasty, and is quite famous among the rebels.

So, with Zhang Sanfeng's permission, Yu Lianzhou, Zhang Songxi and even Song Qingshu also went down the mountain to help.

Yu Daiyan has been disabled for a long time. Although he received black jade intermittent ointment, it was still difficult to recover for a while and he needed to walk with a cane.

Yu Daiyan didn't want to cause trouble to others, so he stayed in Wudang to cultivate.

Song Yuanqiao has become the head of the Wudang Sect and needs to manage Wudang's daily affairs on the mountain, making it inconvenient to go out.

"I've met Da Xia Song and San Xia Yu."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly and cupped his hands as a gift: "I wonder if Mr. Zhang is here?"

"My master has always remembered the agreement he made with you two, so he left seclusion last night."

Song Yuanqiao smiled and said: "Please move forward and follow me to the back mountain."

"No need to bother."

At this moment, an old laugh sounded, and a shadow appeared in the center of the hall.

The phantom is dressed in Taoist attire and has a tall figure, but the whole person seems to be in a dense cloud, making it difficult to see clearly.

As soon as the words were spoken, a mountain breeze blew by, and the dense clouds dispersed. Only then did Zhang Sanfeng appear.

"Meet the Master!"

"Meet the real person!"

Lin Xuan and the four of them looked at each other and bowed.

"Okay, okay, don't be too polite. I'm always so upset."

Zhang Sanfeng flicked his sleeves, and his inner energy helped the four people to stand up. He looked a little proud: "The Eight Masters came to see the old Taoist like this that day. The old Taoist felt very majestic. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally figured out this method. "

"It's really majestic."

Huang Rong nodded repeatedly: "Do you want to learn from me? How about teaching me?"

"This method is not difficult at all..."

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Huang Rong and seemed a little embarrassed: "But we still have to pay attention to the realm of martial arts..."

"Forget it, I definitely can't learn it."

Huang Rong curled her lips: "Young Master Lin is very stable and silent at this time."

"I wanted to ask too."

Lin Xuan smiled: "But you asked first, so it's hard for me to interrupt you."


"You two haven't seen each other these days. I'm afraid there may be another chance to make further progress in martial arts. The old Taoist is very happy."

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Lin Xuan and said with a smile: "It's okay that little friend Lin has deep internal strength. Now his whole body is full of energy and blood, and his vitality is so powerful that it is beyond the reach of the experienced."

"The real person is ridiculous."

"Hahaha, this method of changing tendons and cutting marrow must be an ancient body-building method, right?"

"It's a pity that the old master is... already old. If you are decades younger, you must learn from it."

Zhang Sanfeng laughed and seemed a little envious: "Others often say that drinking and sex are harmful to the body, but it seems that it varies from person to person."

Although Lin Xuan's internal strength is high, it is only on par with Zhang Wuji.

Even if you count the blessing of the Nine Yin Manual, it is only a slight victory at most.

Still within the acceptable range of Zhang Sanfeng.

But this physical strength is a bit too much.

Zhang Sanfeng estimated that Lin Xuan's pure muscle strength was comparable to the top masters of the inner family, and he could demolish the Sanqing Palace with just a few punches...

Thinking that I have been an old otaku for more than a hundred years, living a simple life all day long, practicing Chunyang Boy Kung Fu to the peak.

Others happily brought their wives to pay homage to the mountain...

My simple physical fitness is not comparable to others.

Zhang Sanfeng also felt a little unbalanced.


When Huang Rong heard that Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be pointing something out, her cheeks turned slightly red and she lowered her head, embarrassed to answer.

"Tai Chi is yin and yang. The sky and earth, the sun and the moon, day and night, cold and heat are also yin and yang. Men and women, up and down are even more yin and yang."

Lin Xuan laughed and said, "Master Zhang is a master of his generation, unparalleled in the world. Don't you know that solitary yin cannot be born, and solitary yang cannot grow?"


Zhang Sanfeng blinked his eyes, seeming a little confused.

Is he being ridiculed?

It sounds like there is some truth?

No, there is no truth at all!

The Pure Yang Boy's Skill is to refine a breath of innate pure yang boy's qi, and live a hundred years.

As a result, others actually come to blacken the weakness of the boy's skill is being single?

Well, to some extent, this is also a problem...

But in order to climb to the peak of martial arts, giving up something is inevitable.

Even if you are single for more than a hundred years and meditate all day to understand the Tao, you can still have many beautiful and happy memories!

For example..., huh?

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while, and his mood suddenly became less cheerful.


Seeing the master's expression, Song Yuanqiao and Yu Dayan felt nervous and silently stepped back a few steps to reduce their presence as much as possible.

"Okay, this guy is just talking nonsense, Master Zhang, don't take it seriously."

Huang Rong felt a little ashamed, stamped her feet, and her pretty face flushed: "This time, in addition to asking Master Zhang for help, we also have something else."

"What is it?"

"Recast the Sword of Heaven and the Dragon Slaying Saber."


Zhang Sanfeng was stunned: "The Dragon Slaying Saber is also in your hands? Aren't these two swords both peerless weapons? How did it break?"

"They are indeed peerless weapons, but they broke together when they killed each other."

Huang Rong shrugged: "The details are a bit complicated, I will tell you later. Last time I heard you say that when Wudang usually refines elixirs, the furnace fire is extremely strong. Can this sword be recast and repaired?"


Song Yuanqiao and Yu Daying looked at each other, their faces full of speechlessness.

"The alchemy furnace is for alchemy, not for sword forging. It is useless for this kind of thing."

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "When I heard the idiom 'self-contradiction', I also thought about using the spear to poke the shield to see what the result would be. You two have done what I have always wanted to do but have not done."

"Ah? Then there is no way?"

Huang Rong was a little disappointed: "Then let's discuss how to kill the dog emperor."

"Killing the emperor is a bit unexpected, I will tell you later."

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand: " It's getting late now, let's find a way to repair the sword first."


Huang Rong was stunned again: "Didn't you say that the alchemy furnace can't be used?"

"The alchemy furnace is useless, but I also have a foundry furnace in Wudang."

Zhang Sanfeng walked down the hall with his hands behind his back: "Yuanqiao and Dayan come here to help me, well, Dayan can move more, let's move quickly, so as not to be alone in the dark."

"...Disciple obeys!"

It seems that these two people still like to work.

Song Yuanqiao will not be mentioned.

Yu Dayan used his crutches to make him walk fast and followed closely.


The bluestone foundry room exuded an overwhelming drought. Several Taoist children carrying charcoal were sweating and panting.

In the foundry room, a blazing fire had already started. The half of the Sword of Heaven and the Dragon Slaying Saber were firmly built into the furnace, with the broken ends facing the fire holes.

Song Yuanqiao and Yu Daying used their internal energy to pull the bellows of the furnace, and their movements were surprisingly skillful.

The two had deep internal energy, and the fire temperature continued to rise under the stimulation of their internal breath. The flames gradually turned into a fiery white, and the two magic weapons were also burned slightly red.

"I didn't expect that you, Wudang, can also forge swords and knives."

Huang Rong looked a little confused: "There are only a few of you in total, is it necessary?"

"Although forging swords and knives is a minor skill, it is not that simple."

"If a serious master opens the furnace, he must have a dozen apprentices to serve."

"Starting the furnace, burning materials, applying soil, forging, quenching, and polishing, each has its own care, and each process cannot be sloppy."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled: "We monks pay more attention to things point, and also worried that the swords and magic tools made by others would be contaminated with evil spirits, which was quite ominous. It was fine to use them by myself, but if I performed rituals for others and implicated the master family, it would be a sin. "

"Do you Wudang perform rituals for others?"

"People always have to eat."

Zhang Sanfeng flicked his sleeves and said, "It's not bad to make money by your own ability, it's better than asking for money."

Being stimulated by his internal energy, a purple flame in the furnace rose into the air, about ten feet high, like a fire dragon descending on the earth.


Zhang Sanfeng exhaled a breath of suffocation, stretched out his left hand, and gently cut his right wrist.

A burst of golden blood spurted out and dripped on the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword.

When the blood met the heat, it immediately turned into a mist of purple gas, curling up and lingering around the swords.

The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber simultaneously emitted clear dragon roars and trembled continuously, as if they were praising and lamenting their rebirth.

"It's done!"

Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the Heaven Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber shot out at the same time, hovering beside Lin Xuan and Huang Rong, stirring up a wave of heat.

At some point, the swords had been recast as one, with only a faint golden bloodstain showing at the break.

"I heard that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, famous swordsmiths often poured human blood when they failed to forge a weapon. Gan Jiang and Mo Ye even sacrificed their lives to forge two supreme weapons."

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile: "Although the old Taoist sword maker is not as good as Mo Xie, the pure yang blood in his body is still of some use."

"Master, why do you do this?"

Song Yuanqiao was greatly frightened and knelt on the ground: "If Master wants to sacrifice blood to the sword, I will not hesitate! Why bother Master personally..."

"The old Taoist just talked about pure Yang blood."

Zhang Sanfeng glared at Song Yuanqiao: "Your son is almost taller than the old Taoist, why are you here to make fools of yourself?"

Song Yuanqiao: "..."

"The disciple is a pure Yang body..."

Yu Daiyan looked at his senior brother and then at Lin Xuan, his expression was actually a little proud.

"Well, although Dai Yan can be considered a Pure Yang, he is too young and has not lived even a year, so he cannot be of much use."

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand: "Okay, the old man just shed some blood, and he is not dead. Why are you talking so much? You have worked hard, go down and rest."

"Thank you Master..."

Song Yuanqiao and Yu Daiyan did not dare to say more, so they had to bow and leave.

"Okay, don't worry about them."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled: "Little friend Lin, Sect Leader Huang, please take a look at this sword first, and then let's talk about the Mongolian Emperor."

"Thank you Master Zhang!"

Lin Xuan reached out and grasped the Yitian Sword floating aside.

The long sword looks ordinary and unremarkable.

But the brilliance is restrained, and the divine objects are obscured.

After injecting a little bit of internal energy, the sword energy formed on its own, and the cold light shone.

"This knife is not bad. If I see a betrayed man in the future, I will just pick up the knife and slash him one at a time."

Huang Rong chuckled, held the dragon-slaying knife in her hand, and waved it twice, arousing the sword's energy like a wave.

Lin Xuan: "..."


Zhang Sanfeng smacked his lips, feeling a bit bitter in his mouth, as if he had been stuffed with a handful of expired dog food.

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