Chen Chu had no choice but to accept the offer.

After all, if no one went to class, Class 7 would be removed, and he would be out of luck.

So he had to take over.

Although he had almost forgotten all about geography, with the help of Teacher Tiantian, it should not be a big problem, and he could teach Class 7.

"I, I know."

Director Sun was overjoyed, patted Chen Chu on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Chen, you have worked so hard, don't worry, you will get the benefits!"

Chen Chu frowned.

Director Sun's words made him a little unhappy, as if he agreed just for the benefits.

I am a people's teacher, but I am doing this for my students and for my faith!

"Your allowance and bonus will be doubled this month, I'm in charge!"

"The director gives you a heart!"

Chen Chu walked out of the office happily. This month's allowance and bonus doubled, which was tens of thousands, equivalent to two months' salary before.

At this moment, Chen Chu was full of energy and hurried to get the geography textbooks with the instructions given by Director Sun.

He looked at it in the office for a while, fortunately, he didn't forget it completely.

After scanning it once, Chen Chu could still remember a lot.

It was just a bit brain-consuming.

While waiting for the geography class, Class 7 was still making a fuss, and suddenly Chen Chu appeared at the door, as if a mouse saw a cat, and hurried back to his seat.

Chen Chu glanced coldly, and then came to the podium with the geography textbooks.

There was a lot of discussion below.

"Teacher, isn't this a geography class?"

"How dare you ask?" Chen Chu glanced at everyone in Class 7 in a bad mood: "The geography teacher was persuaded to leave by you."

When everyone heard this, not only did they not feel guilty, but some people even laughed secretly, as if they had accomplished something extraordinary.

Chen Chu was about to give them a lecture, but after thinking about it, he shut his mouth.

Forget it, it's useless to say anything, anyway no one will listen.

"There are no vacant geography teachers in the school at present, so I will take over the next geography class!"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one said anything.

Chen Chu's deterrent power was still not small.

"Start the class!"

After these two geography classes, it was not as tiring as Chen Chu imagined.

Probably because I exercised a lot during this period, plus the influence of imitation, my physical fitness and energy are far better than before.

It's not too tiring to take two classes at the same time.

The teachers in the office obviously knew about Chen Chu's substitute teaching, especially since he was teaching Class 7. Most of them looked at Chen Chu with pity.

Some old teachers also spoke for Chen Chu, saying: "Director Sun is a bit too much. How can Teacher Chen teach two classes at the same time!"

"Xiao Chen, if you don't want to, let's go and talk to Director Sun. After all, we are old acquaintances, and he will still give us some face."

"It's okay, it's okay, thank you for your concern." Chen Chu didn't want to cause any trouble, and hurriedly smiled and said: "I can still handle it. After all, I'm still young and energetic."

Then everyone gave up.

However, when it came to preparing lessons in the evening, it was indeed the most headache, with Chinese and geography at the same time.

My head hurts.

Forget it, use the power of sweetness!

I was originally planning to use it for the lottery, but now I'd better finish the lesson preparation first, after all, the superiors will check it.

Chen Chu placed his hand on the geography textbook and activated the sweet power.

"Do you want to spend 12,000 teaching points to convert it into a random dessert?"


As soon as the words fell, the geography textbook in front of him turned into a large square piece of chocolate in the blink of an eye, which could not even fit in a lunch box.

"So much!?"

Chen Chu's eyes widened. Wouldn't he be sick of it after eating it?

Usually Chen Chu didn't like sweets very much, but there was no way. He broke off a small piece and tasted it. It felt similar to ordinary chocolate. At the same time, relevant geography content began to emerge in his mind, which made Chen Chu suddenly have a strange feeling of sudden enlightenment.

I don't know how long it took, and the last piece of chocolate was thrown into his mouth.

He swallowed it with great difficulty while drinking water.

Chen Chu felt very uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.

He ate a year's worth of chocolate in one go.

He was a little skeptical about his life.

I quickly rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth, and then I felt better.

The next day, geography class.

Meet Chen Chu

After entering the classroom, Class 7 fell silent again.

"Turn to page 32 of the textbook. Today we will talk about the movement of the earth."

Everyone in Class 7 cooperated and opened the page, then looked up at Chen Chu.

"First, the movement of the earth, which is divided into two types: rotation and revolution..."

Chen Chu started talking nonstop, and his eyes kept scanning everyone in Class 7. He looked at everyone as if he was listening to the class. As for whether they listened or not, that was another matter.

Zhou Feng quickly noticed something was wrong. He listened and looked at the textbook, and his expression gradually became astonished.

What the hell! ? What's going on! ?

It wasn't like this in class yesterday!

Chen Chu would look at the textbook after talking for a while, then look up and continue talking. Even when writing on the blackboard, he would hold the textbook in his hand and write on the blackboard while looking.

However, Chen Chu didn't even bring a textbook today! How come the content he talked about was exactly the same as in the textbook, not a single word was wrong! ? There was not even a sense of pause!

Shocked! Did he memorize the textbook? ?

Zhou Feng stared at Chen Chu on the podium with his eyes wide open. Chen Chu was talking, and when he saw Zhou Feng's strange expression, he was stunned for a moment: "Zhou Feng? What's wrong?"

Zhou Feng stood up and asked for some reason: "Teacher, what is the first sentence on page 78?"

Chen Chu responded almost without thinking: "The internal force formed by the mountains... Why are you asking this? We haven't learned this yet, don't make trouble."

Zhou Feng said, "Oh", and as soon as he sat down, he quickly turned to page 78. The first sentence at the beginning was the internal force formed by the mountains...


Zhou Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and his scalp instantly went numb.

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