The teacher said that the get out of class was over, but the teacher didn't know what to do.

Zhou Feng was still sitting in his seat until the class was over, and he was still a little shocked.

"Brother Zhou, what's wrong?"

Physical training student Yang Tianyu came over and patted Zhou Feng on the shoulder, asking with a puzzled look on his face.

"Didn't you notice something wrong with Lao Chen during class just now!?"

"Ah?" Yang Tianyu scratched his head: "What's wrong? I didn't really listen..."

"You didn't notice it!" Zhou Feng glared: "Lao Chen didn't even bring his textbook!"

Yang Tianyu was even more confused: "So what? He's a teacher, it's not surprising that he doesn't bring his textbook!"

Zhou Feng rolled his eyes and reminded: "How did Lao Chen teach geography yesterday?"

"Ah... I didn't notice..."

Zhou Feng supported his forehead and said unhappily: "Did Lao Chen have to look at the textbook after talking for a while before talking again?"

"Well, it seems so." Yang Tianyu looked weird: "What's so strange about this?"

Zhou Feng's blood pressure almost went up to the limit.

"You are stupid! Lao Chen didn't even bring a textbook to class today, how did he know that page 32 talks about the way the earth moves? And what he said is exactly the same as what is written in the textbook!"

Yang Tianyu blinked and said subconsciously: "He teaches geography, what's so strange... Wait, no, didn't he take the geography class yesterday?"

"Yes!" Zhou Feng quickly picked up the geography textbook and turned to page 78, and hurriedly said: "Didn't I ask him what the first sentence on page 78 is about in class just now?"

"I thought you were messing with Lao Chen!" Yang Tianyu thought for a while: "I remember Lao Chen said something about mountains..."

"The internal force formed by mountains..." Zhou Feng He picked up the textbook and pointed at the first sentence: "It's exactly the same! And he blurted it out almost subconsciously, without any hesitation."

Yang Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and gradually fell into silence. After a while, he looked at Zhou Feng with a strange look: "Brother Zhou, you don't mean to say... Lao Chen memorized the geography textbook in one day?"

Zhou Feng nodded very seriously: "Yes!"

Yang Tianyu winked and questioned: "Isn't this bullshit? How could someone memorize the geography textbook in one day? I don't believe it even if I die! It's a coincidence! Maybe Lao Chen just saw that page and remembered it..."

If it was someone else, Zhou Feng would definitely think it was a coincidence!

But... this person is Chen Chu! A man who can make Zhou Yangsheng cry with a mouth cannon!

Others don't believe this kind of thing, but Zhou Feng believes it, and he is very sure that Chen Chu has definitely memorized the geography textbook!

After thinking for a while, Zhou Feng suddenly said, "How about we make a bet?"

"What bet?" Yang Tianyu asked subconsciously.

Zhou Feng picked up the geography textbook and said, "You turn to any page. Let's go to the office with the textbook and ask. If Lao Chen can't answer, I'll give you my signed ball from Di Sen!"

Yang Tianyu's eyes glared, "Really?"

"When have I ever lied to you?" Zhou Feng changed the subject, "If Lao Chen can answer, I'll give you the pair of KS co-branded sneakers that you snatched yesterday, which was the first in the world. How about that!?"

Yang Tianyu said without thinking, "Okay!"

"Let's go, let's go now!"

The two of them took the geography textbook and went to the office. Seeing Chen Chu reading the information, they hurried over. However, there were too many teachers in the office, so Zhou Feng didn't call Lao Chen. He and Yang Tianyu came over and called Teacher Chen.

"What's wrong?" Chen Chu looked at the two of them in confusion.

"Yang Tianyu has a question for you." Zhou Feng winked at Yang Tianyu, and Yang Tianyu came up with the geography textbook and asked, "Teacher Chen, what is the first sentence on page 48?"

"Runoff changes are closely related to temperature changes..." Chen Chu spoke subconsciously.

Yang Tianyu was staring at the geography textbook, and suddenly couldn't help saying, "Fuck!"

It instantly attracted the attention of other teachers.

Who is so brave that dares to be in the teacher's office...

Oh... Yang Tianyu and Zhou Feng from Class 7...

That's fine.

The teachers pretended not to see it and continued to do what they were supposed to do.

Chen Chu frowned and said coldly, "Yang Tianyu, don't say rude words on weekdays, not to mention that this is a teacher's office, why don't you have any manners?"

Yang Tianyu was still a little confused, but Zhou Feng grinned, "He will definitely pay attention in the future, Teacher Chen, we will leave first."

Without waiting for Chen

When Chu realized it, Zhou Feng had already hurriedly left the office with Yang Tianyu.

Watching the two leave, Chen Chu shrugged.

He had realized it a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Feng was very observant and had noticed that he had absorbed all the knowledge in the geography textbook.

However, it was not a big problem.

I will go to the Academic Affairs Office to get a geography textbook later. It is better to behave normally.

Outside the office.

"Do you believe it now?" Zhou Feng grinned: "I accept the loss. Your pair of sneakers belongs to me."

Yang Tianyu still looked unconvinced: "Impossible, impossible, how could someone remember all the knowledge in the textbook in one day!?"

"Didn't you see it with your own eyes? And you turned the book yourself, what are you doubting?"

"It's only when I saw it with my own eyes that I feel it's even more outrageous!"

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