Late autumn and early winter.

From November to December, it is just a blink of an eye.

On this day, the mist was diffused, and the urban landscape of Anling City was hidden in it. Indistinctly, the sycamore trees on both sides of the street had lost the emerald green of spring and summer, and were dyed with a slightly lighter golden yellow, and a little dark brown.

Occasionally, one or two leaves fell, gently spinning in the north wind, falling on the sidewalk, eaves and roads, and a few leaves fell on the Audi A8 of the little landlady.

Lin Chuan took care of the fallen leaves on the car, and then rushed to the airport with the little landlady.

Because Haas Armed Leo was ready to arrive.

These few days are the agreed time for the delivery of weapons.

Here in a month.

Considering that there are many places to use the car, the little landlady and Shen Qianqian, the two exclusive drivers, are not free at all times, so Lin Chuan took the time to take the driver's license test.

The little thing of taking the driver's license test is not difficult for Lin Chuan.

They all passed it in one go.

So, this time, Lin Chuan sat in the main driver's seat, skillfully driving the Audi A8, speeding on the road, and soon, the two arrived at Anling Airport.

"Mr. Leo, my friend!"

At the airport, Lin Chuan greeted Leo enthusiastically in Arabic.

Leo was wearing a jacket, and his tall figure supported the jacket, looking very majestic. His sharp eagle eyes searched the environment of the airport. When he heard Lin Chuan's voice, he immediately turned his head and showed a bright smile on his face:

"Mr. Lin, long time no see!"

These days, Lin Chuan has been in contact with Leo, communicating the progress of weapons production, especially the production process of the 'PHL-191 long-range box rocket launcher'. The two have sufficient communication and exchanges.

Therefore, the two are also very familiar with each other.

As soon as they met, the two shook hands, patted each other on the shoulders, and smiled at each other.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go to the old place."

Lin Chuan raised his hand and motioned Leo to go in the direction he pointed.

"This is your territory, I listen to you!"

Leo laughed.

The old place is naturally Baoying Hotel.

From the airport to the hotel, it's just a matter of stepping on the accelerator. The two talked while walking, and soon they entered the meeting room of Baoying Hotel.

Outside the meeting room.

Shen Qianqian, Hu Daqiang and others were wearing plain clothes and standing guard outside.

Leo glanced at these plainclothes and knew that their identities were not simple. He smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, this is almost your secret manor."

Lin Chuan laughed and said cheerfully, "I must keep my cooperation with you confidential throughout the process!"

He can ensure this.

Lin Chuan attached great importance to the first weapons delivery of Anling Toy Factory, and the National Weapons Research Institute also attached great importance to it. With Sun Cheng as a representative, they helped Lin Chuan do a lot of work.

Leo was a little unnatural, and his face sank.

This look happened to fall into Lin Chuan's eyes, and Lin Chuan's heart moved slightly, and he felt something was wrong.

The two walked into the meeting room.

For the sake of absolute confidentiality, only Lin Chuan and Leo were in this huge conference room.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Leo."

Lin Chuan raised his hand and pointed to a seat, then personally made a pot of tea for Leo, which was Da Hong Pao, the kind with very high standards in reception.

"Thank you." Leo nodded.

He has always been able to feel the respect and recognition in details here at Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan pulled out a chair, sat opposite Leo, and smiled: "Before the weapons are delivered, Mr. Leo, do you have anything to tell me?"

Leo raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised: "Mr. Lin, do you know?"

Lin Chuan shook his head: "I don't know, but your expression told me when I walked in."

Leo did not answer immediately, picked up the teacup, tasted a mouthful of Da Hong Pao, and then said: "I do have something to tell you."

"Is it about weapons?" Lin Chuan guessed.


Leo nodded and told the truth, "To be honest, just three days ago, shortly before I set off, I found that I was being targeted by hackers."

Lin Chuan crossed his hands and placed them on the table. Hearing Leo's words, his body couldn't help but stiffen.

Then he asked, "Do you need my help?"

Leo waved his hand gently, "It's just a hacker. We, the Haas Armed Forces, can still deal with it. However, our cooperation with you may have been known."

"I see." Lin Chuan said, without any extra expression on his face.

"Aren't you worried?" Leo asked.

Lin Chuan was not worried, but laughed, which made Leo very confused.

He asked, "Mr. Lin, what are you laughing at?"

Lin Chuan raised his hand, pressed it, and smiled, "If I'm not mistaken, the hacker who targeted you should be the Morgan Group, right?"

"That's right." Leo affirmed.

"They monitor your specific projects, which should be about our transactions, especially our weapons orders, right?" Lin Chuan simply speculated.

"That's absolutely right."

Leo paused, "I didn't expect that the Morgan Group would be so unruly and actually monitor me. This is not the industry rule!"

"Mr. Leo, please be patient." Lin Chuan advised Leo to calm down, "You should know that the Morgan Group has been engaged in the black industry and adheres to the culture of robbers. They don't have many rules in the competition process."

Leo sighed lightly: "What you said makes sense. I hope it won't affect our cooperation."

Lin Chuan smiled and said: "Their hackers monitor some of your information. They just want to know what cooperation I have reached with you and how many weapons I have delivered. Apart from that, they cannot take any substantive actions to destroy us." cooperation between.”

"Mr. Lin, we are the closest partners!"

After hearing this, Leo immediately stood up and held Lin Chuan's hand tightly.

This young arms supplier gave them too many discounts, and in terms of weapons, he did not cut corners in invisible places like other suppliers.

Some days ago.

They have sent a group of quality inspection personnel to do some random inspections. The materials and workmanship are very conscientious.

Leo felt more and more that cooperating with Lin Chuan was the most correct decision.

"Of course we are the closest partners, and we also hope that our weapons can help the Haas armed forces."

Lin Chuan also made his attitude clear.

Leo was convinced: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will let everyone in the Middle East see your rocket launcher and let them know how powerful your rocket launcher is!"

Lin Chuan made a little joke: "My guns are always very powerful."

As a man, Leo also laughed.


Lin Chuan discussed some details with Leo about the delivery of arms and weapons.

——Most of the weapons, in the form of parts and components, are shipped out of the country and sent to the Hass armed forces to receive them.

Some key weapons were secretly transported out in complete form.

In addition, Lin Chuan will provide technical training to some of the technical personnel brought by Leo and explain some repairs, maintenance and other matters.

The most important thing is——

After the weapons are delivered, Lin Chuan will always maintain contact with the Haas armed forces to ensure that these weapons can be put into the battlefield and exert their due effect.

It even exerts extraordinary effectiveness!

In the past two days, Lin Chuan has been busy with weapons delivery matters to the Haas Armed Forces.

Sun Cheng from the National Weapons Research Institute also sent many people to the Anling Toy Factory to assist Lin Chuan in the delivery.

Of course, another part of the reason is that the 600-kilometer range version of the 'PHL-191 long-range box rocket launcher' has also entered the final stage and is ready to be launched.

The National Weapons Research Institute has the drawings and the technology.

But in fact, there will still be many bugs that require Lin Chuan's guidance and help.

As for the Morgan Group.

Lin Chuan put them aside for the time being.

Even if the Morgan Group knew about the cooperation between the Haas Armed Forces and him, it would not have any impact.

As Haas armed forces use his weapons in war, his identity as an arms dealer will be exposed in the circle sooner or later.

There will also be more armed forces and organizations coming to cooperate with him.

Haas Arms is the best example.

With the endorsement of the National Arms Research Institute, the weapons delivery by Lin Chuan and Haas Armed Forces went smoothly.

In three days, weapons worth a full 60 million US dollars were delivered and shipped overseas.

Haas Armed Forces was very happy and directly transferred the remaining balance, which was more than 50 million US dollars, into the account of Anling Toy Factory.

After the Anling Iron and Steel Works was converted into a toy factory, its nature changed a lot.

From a company on the surface, it turned into a military factory secretly.

Therefore, the accounts are mainly managed by Falcon Technology Co., Ltd., which has a controlling stake, and is not managed by the financial department of Anling City.

In fact, it is the little landlord who is in charge of the accounts, and she only needs to submit the bills to the "superiors" for review on time.

This is the special treatment Lao Sun gave Lin Chuan.

Zhang Xinxin is worthy of being a little landlord. Whether she is collecting rent or serving as the financial director, the financial bills of the two companies 720 and Falcon are kept in order.

As soon as more than 50 million U.S. dollars came into the account, the little tenant immediately became excited: "Chairman, we have paid!"

By this time, it was already night.

There were only two of them in the Falcon Company. Lin Chuan flicked the little charter woman's forehead and said with a smile: "You are a rich little woman. Don't you also have this little money?"

The little landlord knew that after delivering this big order, Lin Chuan could rest for a while, so she was very happy:

"Chairman, are you already thinking about my assets?"

Lin Chuan said seriously: "I'm not interested in money!"


The little tenant woman immediately retorted, "When I raised your rent, from eight hundred to one thousand, you bargained with me and asked me to waive the water and electricity bills for a month."

"Uh, these are two different things!" Lin Chuan argued.

The little housekeeper smiled: "It's the same thing!"

"Now that I'm in charge, it's my turn to collect the rent, right?" Lin Chuan said suddenly.

At this time.

The little housekeeper was wearing Lin Chuan's coat. After hearing this, she immediately raised her pretty face, pursed her lips, and swallowed:

"Chairman, how do you want to collect rent?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Chuan hugged the little charterer's waist and put his hand into his coat. He could feel that her waist was very thin and soft.

The little tenant gave Lin Chuan a light slap, with a blush on her face: "The company here, Qianqian and Qingqing will come to work tomorrow!"


Lin Chuan grinned.

Here, it's a little exciting, but not in a good way.

So, Lin Chuan suggested: "Then, let's go home?"

"It's been too long since I went home. I can't wait!" The landlady stood on tiptoe, put her arms around Lin Chuan's neck, and pressed her whole body against Lin Chuan's body.

Through the coat, Lin Chuan could still feel her fullness and softness.

A lot of saliva was secreted from Lin Chuan's mouth, and he swallowed: "What good places do you have?"

The landlady bit her lips lightly, blinking a pair of bright and charming eyes: "Our company is also downstairs. There is a small compartment in the chairman's office, which does not affect the office."

"You have been thinking about this for a long time, right?"

Lin Chuan couldn't help but pat the landlady's PP.

The landlady had a little shyness on her face: "It's played like this in the movie."

Lin Chuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sure enough, girls who love watching movies have many tricks!

Before Lin Chuan answered, the landlady Zhang Xinxin pulled Lin Chuan out of Falcon Company, entered the elevator, pressed the case on the 16th floor, and then rushed into the chairman's office of 720 Company.

Fortunately, it's time to get off work now, and there's no one!


The two of them closed the door of the chairman's office, locked it, and entered the compartment in one go!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The north wind in late autumn and early winter blew outside the window of the chairman's office, making strange whimpers with excitement and joy.

From time to time, the branches swayed and crossed, making a swaying collision, like high mountain streams, responding to each other, and gradually composing the most primitive and beautiful melody.

Day after day!

These days, Lin Chuan was busy with all kinds of things. These two days, Lin Chuan was quite idle, so he compensated the little landlady well and fiercely.

From the chairman's office, he moved to Linjiang Mansion.

Over the mountains and into the sea.

Happy days are always short.

Three days later.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight penetrated the mist and gently brushed over the sleeping Anling City. In the hazy, the outline of the city was revealed.

The mist dissipated and gradually became clear.

The light golden light was reflected on the river surface, and the breeze blew, bringing the winter chill and the warmth of the sun, causing ripples on the river surface, sparkling.

Linjiang Mansion, the gentle place of the landlady Zhang Xinxin and Lin Chuan.

The two were still asleep.

Lin Chuan was lying flat, and the landlady was lying on her side, with her head resting on Lin Chuan's shoulder and her face facing Lin Chuan's neck. Every breath she took was slightly warm.

Ring, ring, ring!

A quick ring rang, waking up the two people in their sleep.

"Hello, who is this?"

Lin Chuan pressed the answer button in a daze.

A strange voice came from the phone: "Hello, is this Mr. Lin Chuan?"

Lin Chuan glanced at the screen of his mobile phone, which showed a phone number with an IP address of 'Hanjiang Anling', and responded: "Yes, I am."

The other party said: "You have a courier from the Anling City Court, please sign for it..."

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