I asked you to write a book, but I didn’t ask you to reveal your criminal record!

Chapter 253: Shoot a bullet in every pore! (Subscribe please)

A courier from the Anling City Court?

Lin Chuan was stunned for a moment, and his sleepiness disappeared, with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

On the side, the little landlady also woke up.

"There is a courier, sent by the court." Lin Chuan sat up and put on his clothes.

"It's a courier sent by the court. Our company has not sued anyone else. It should be that someone sued us and now sent us a subpoena!" The little landlady has been in charge of the company for a long time and knows a lot about this.

Lin Chuan nodded: "I don't know which little cutie sued me. I'll go get the courier first and see what's going on."

After getting dressed and washing up briefly.

Lin Chuan went downstairs and received the courier sent by the court.

Sure enough!

It was a court summons.

There are several ways to deliver a court summons: direct delivery, retention delivery, electronic delivery, entrustment and mail delivery, announcement delivery, transfer delivery, etc.

Lin Chuan returned home and his eyes fell on this court summons.

The court summons is an A4 paper.

At the top of it, there is the words "Anling City People's Court Subpoena".

Further down——

[Case number: (2024) Criminal First Instance No. ***]

[Case cause: Infringement of scientific and technological achievements and patents]

[Summonsee: Lin Chuan]

[Address of service: Linjiang Mansion, Qingxiu District, Anling City]

[Summons reason: Opening of court]

[Time of arrival: 9:00 on December 20, 2024]

[Place of arrival: Anling City People's Court]

[Notes 1. The summoned person must arrive at the place of arrival on time. 2. The summoned person shall bring this summons to this court for registration. 3. After receiving the summons, the summoned person shall sign or stamp on the delivery receipt...]

In the lower left corner of the summons, there is today's date, December 6, and the official seal of the court.

"Infringement of scientific and technological achievements and patents?"

Lin Chuan murmured, a little confused.

The landlady stayed close to Lin Chuan, also confused: "Whose patent did you infringe?"

"I don't know either."

As for the matter of being sued, this was the first time for Lin Chuan as a married woman.

He had anticipated many, many things that might happen.

But he had never thought that he could be sued for infringing a patent for scientific and technological achievements.

If the police station was his second familiar home, then the court was a bit of a blind spot in his knowledge.

The only time was when he and Shen Qianqian attended Yu Keke's trial.

I really don't know much about it.

However, the landlady was prepared for this, and raised her eyebrows slightly: "We have someone, just ask and you will know."

Lin Chuan was surprised: "How can we have someone in the court?"

The landlady smiled and then called Shen Qianqian: "Hello, Sister Qianqian, there is a good news you have been waiting for for a long time, do you want to hear it?"

Lin Chuan's mouth twitched.

Good guy.

Your chairman was sued, and the court summons were sent to his home. You call this good news?

I hope the world will not be in chaos!

On the sofa, Lin Chuan hugged the little landlady into his arms, ready to punish her slightly to show her family's throne!


The little landlady snorted lightly, but the phone was connected, pursing her lips and not making any sound, and glanced at Lin Chuan with her eyes.

"What good news, has Lin Chuan been arrested? I will find the team immediately and let me interrogate him!" Shen Qianqian's tone was a little surprised on the phone.

Well, a little excited.

The corners of Lin Chuan's mouth twitched fiercely twice.

This little landlady and Shen Qianqian had obviously communicated privately. As if joking, Shen Qianqian seemed to want to interrogate Lin Chuan fiercely in the small dark room.

The little landlady explained: "He is fine, he has not been arrested."

"He has not been arrested."

Shen Qianqian was a little disappointed, as if she had been poured with a basin of cold water. God knows how much she wanted to interrogate Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan has not committed a crime for a long time, and has not been arrested. She always feels empty in her heart.

"But, he was sued!"

The landlady looked at Lin Chuan's face while she spoke.

Lin Chuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If they weren't talking on the phone, he would definitely pick the landlady up and throw her into the bed, letting her taste the pain of the ancient criminal law whipping!

It's too outrageous!

"Lin Chuan was sued?" Shen Qianqian's tone was a little surprised, "What was the reason for the prosecution?"

The landlady glanced at the court summons and replied: "The 'cause of the case' on the summons says: infringement of scientific and technological achievements patents."

Shen Qianqian thought for a moment and said: "That's a pity."

The landlady couldn't help but smile: "It's nothing big?"

"Lin Chuan's scientific and technological achievements patents were handled by Qingqing and me, and they were reviewed by the State Patent Office. Generally speaking, there is no problem. The plaintiff sued Lin Chuan in this way, and the application materials of the State Patent Office can also testify for Lin Chuan." As a professional criminal police, Shen Qianqian knows more about these legal knowledge.

"Then I'm relieved." The young landlady nodded.

"Do you know who sued you?"

The previous jokes were jokes, but now it was time to get down to business, and Shen Qianqian became serious.

After all, neither of them wanted Lin Chuan to get into trouble.

Infringement of scientific and technological achievements can be big or small.

Infringement of scientific and technological achievements is intellectual property infringement. Infringement of others' intellectual property rights is a civil violation, and it may also constitute a criminal violation, requiring criminal liability.

In layman's terms, if the charges are proven, you may go to jail.

——Depending on the severity of the circumstances.

The little housekeeper and Lin Chuan looked at each other and shook their heads: "We don't know yet."

"Then let me ask you. I know a few people from the court."

Shen Qianqian understood immediately.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Sister Qianqian." The little tenant said with a smile.

"You're welcome, your business is my business!" Shen Qianqian said openly.

The little housekeeper thought for a while: "This is Lin Chuan's business."


Shen Qianqian was silent for a moment and then said, "Is Lin Chuan's matter your matter?"

"That's for sure!" the little housekeeper said firmly.

"So, Lin Chuan's business is your business, your business is my business, it's all the same, don't worry about it." Shen Qianqian's logic was clear and she justified herself.

The little charterwoman was startled for a moment and said in a daze: "That seems to be the case."

"Okay, I'll go and find out the situation first, please wait a moment." Shen Qianqian reminded.

Immediately, the two ended the call.

"You two, do you think I should be arrested?" At this time, Lin Chuan "raised an army to investigate the crime."

The little housekeeper shrank her neck, like a kitten that had made a mistake, with a look of resentment on her face, her eyebrows lowered and her eyes lowered: "Sister Qianqian and I were joking."

"I'm so brave!"

Lin Chuan hummed.

"Chairman, please don't, my legs are still sore now." The little tenant said aggrievedly.

Lin Chuan smiled faintly and rubbed the little charterer's white and tender thighs: "I didn't even say I was tired."

"You're like an animal."

The little charter woman pouted her mouth slightly and said something angry.

"Ahem, I'll be gentler next time." Lin Chuan scratched his head and said with a grin.

The little housekeeper suddenly leaned into Lin Chuan's ear and whispered: "I like you like an animal!"


Lin Chuan took a deep breath: "In broad daylight, you want me to commit a crime!"

"No, I'm afraid you'll be exhausted." The little housekeeper pursed her lips and smiled, "I haven't figured out the matter of being sued yet. What if Qianqian calls me right in the middle of the matter?"

"Are there no scenes in the film?"

Lin Chuan asked rhetorically.

"It's so exciting!" The little housekeeper pursed her lips tightly, her face turning red.

Lin Chuan couldn't help pinching the little housekeeper's rosy face, and then said with a smile: "I'm full and warm, and I'm thinking about lust. Now that I'm free, you always think about flirting with each other. Now that you're being sued, get down to business first!"

"Okay, I will listen to the chairman!"

The little charterwoman smiled, her pretty little face full of smiles.

As the person in charge of the company, she has signed many large and small contracts, and also understands some of the procedures related to suing and being sued.

Generally speaking.

After being sued, the defendant can inquire about the specific circumstances of the case by going to the filing chamber of the court, or by telephone, the court's official website, the court's wx official account, or by entrusting a lawyer.

Lin Chuan and the little tenant sat in front of the computer and opened the official website of the court.

Afterwards, he entered his name, ID number, and mobile phone number, obtained the verification code, and clicked to log in. After the page jumped, Lin Chuan clicked 'Check My Case' again.

At this time, I saw the case with the case number ‘(2024) Xingchu Zi No. ***’.

Lin Chuan continued to operate.

Some basic information about the case appeared in front of Lin Chuan and the little tenant.

[Cause of action: scientific and technological achievements patent infringement]

[Case Type: Criminal Litigation]

[Plaintiff: Shania Arms Research Company]

[Defendant: Lin Chuan]

[Progress of the case:...]

[Legal documents:...]


After Lin Chuan initially checked the case progress and legal documents and other relevant information, he released the mouse, crossed his hands, and then gently rubbed the stubble on his chin with his thumb.

The little housekeeper also fell into thinking: "Is this the first time we have heard of this Shania Weapons Research Company?"

Lin Chuan nodded slightly: "A weapons research company in Southeast Asia filed a cross-border lawsuit against us, which I didn't expect."

Transnational cases, especially cases involving infringement of scientific and technological achievements, are actually very difficult to litigate.

Usually, the party that has been infringed, or believes that it has been infringed, can, depending on the situation, file a lawsuit in its own or the other party's court.

If a lawsuit is filed in one's own court, the infringing party needs to have local assets for seizure.

Lin Chuan has no assets in Southeast Asia.

Moreover, Shania Weapons Research Company believed that this was a criminal case and Lin Chuan needed to bear criminal responsibility. Therefore, they filed a lawsuit against Lin Chuan in Anling Court.

The little landlord picked up the mouse, slid it a few times, and checked the patent infringement part again.

It lists many infringed patents.

For rockets alone, hundreds of patented technologies are listed, including 'overall design and structure patents', 'rocket technology patents', 'guidance and control technology patents', and 'production and manufacturing process patents'.

In addition, there are patents for guns, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled howitzers, early warning aircraft, etc.

There are so many, the number of patent infringements goes straight to 300.

The little tenant woman's mouth was almost twisted, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "More than 300, what a real punishment! If this is a prison sentence, how long will you have to squat?"

Lin Chuan grinned, then opened the webpage and searched for 'technical achievement patent infringement, what is the maximum sentence for this' in the search box.

The internet speed is very fast!

Suddenly, the web page jumps.

Most of the ones in the front row are advertisements. If you scroll down, some professional answers will appear, listing all kinds of things.

Generally speaking, it is an ordinary intellectual property infringement, which is a civil dispute. For scientific and technological achievements patent infringement, if the amount involved or the economic losses caused are huge, you may be held criminally responsible.

In a situation like Lin Chuan's, no one really has an answer to how many years the sentence will be.

It is estimated that no one would have expected that such a situation as "infringement of more than 300 high-tech patents" would occur.

"Can't find it." Lin Chuan muttered.

"Director Zhang, click here to consult the ace lawyer." The little renter tapped the right side of the screen with her finger. There was a small advertisement there for manual consultation.

Lin Chuan slid the mouse and clicked in.

"Hello, I'm glad to serve you. Please select the type of service you need." At this time, a dialog box appeared on the web page.

In the dialog box, there are several options.

Lin Chuan chose 'legal consultation' among them and chose manual service, which cost 30 yuan for a single consultation.

If it was a long time ago, Lin Chuan would never be willing to spend these 30 yuan.

Now, Lin Chuan is also curious.

——If he is really sentenced, how long will he have to stay?

The little renter was even more curious, so she directly scanned the QR code with wx and paid!

"Hello, what do you need to consult?"

A message pops up on the web page with an avatar of a man wearing a suit and arms folded across his chest.

This is the lawyer serving this legal consultation, Lawyer Wu Zheng.

In the avatar, his face looks a little childish.

Lin Chuan entered the question: "Hello, Lawyer Wu, I would like to ask, if I infringe someone else's technology patent, how many years will I be sentenced to?"

Lawyer Wu Zheng maintained a good attitude and patiently replied: "Excuse me, what kind of technology patent is it? I need to know the specific situation in order to answer your question accurately, dear."

"No kiss, I have all types of patents." Lin Chuan replied.

Technology patents are divided into invention patents, utility model patents and design patents. As an arms tycoon, Lin Chuan naturally knows something about these.

Wu Zheng was silent for a moment and then asked: "How many technology patents have you infringed on?"

Lin Chuan replied: "First of all, let me state that this is a hypothesis!"

"Sorry, how many technology patents have you infringed on in your hypothesis?" Lawyer Wu Zheng replied immediately.

In the experience he gained from others.

Probably 99% of people assume that something is wrong with them.

For example, if I use money to get a girl to have sex with me, does this constitute the crime of prostitution?

Another example——

Suppose I asked A to have sex with a girl, but A mistook me for that girl and had sex with her. How should I hold A accountable? Can I get corresponding compensation?


Most consultants go to lawyers with their cases, and the words "what if", "if" and "if" they talk about are basically equivalent to "has happened".

This is the iron rule that Wu Zheng, as a professional lawyer, summed up!

"More than 300 items," Lin Chuan replied.

Lawyer Wu Zheng was stunned for a moment. Looking at Lin Chuan's answer, he not only cursed, "You are here to brag?"

However, a professional is a professional!

He barely maintained his basic literacy: "Excuse me, what is the market valuation of these more than 300 patents?"

“No valuation was done.”

After Lin Chuan replied, he switched to the web page and looked at the request of the 'Sanya Weapons Research Company', and then said, "The other party demands compensation of 30 billion."

Wu Zheng's mouth twitched a few times: "Brother, this consultation is only 30 yuan. Is it appropriate to ask about a 30 billion case?"

"Aren't you a professional in answering legal questions?"

Lin Chuan asked rhetorically.

"I'm very professional, but let's ask something practical. You are my first customer this month!" Wu Zheng grinned and replied to Lin Chuan.

"Isn't this practical? Everything I said is true!" Lin Chuan also confessed.

"So, what aspects do these patents cover?" Wu Zheng reluctantly maintained his remaining qualities.

Wu Zheng said he was a professional lawyer, but in fact he was a recent law student who had not found a job for almost half a year.

"It covers guns, rocket launchers, self-propelled howitzers, light tanks, etc. It should be considered a military aspect." Lin Chuan replied.


At this moment, he reached Wu Zheng's knowledge blind spot.


What the hell!

For infringement of technology patents in the military field, the other party demanded a compensation of 30 billion, even a jail sentence is not enough!

If it is the theft of technology patents in the military field, then——

At least, one bullet in each pore!

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